I know when I first started hearing that phraseology I was like….wait what!?!
It is defined as ….
the act or practice of talking to oneself, either aloud or silently and mentally.
What it turns on is whether that self-talk, the talk that we say to ourselves silently - is positive, or negative.
Do the words that we say to ourselves almost like a mantra will it build our self esteem, or lower our self esteem.
We can test this by how the self talk makes us feel about ourselves. Do we feel better, or worse. Are we in a better mood, mindset after the words resonate within us?
Often we are not aware of those silent words to ourselves. I am telling you … you will feel in your mind and body how it effects you.
I see it as yet another call to attention to being Present, and in the moment. We need to be mindful of the words that we are saying to ourselves. It can also thought to be like a chant to ourselves . Yet it is typically done to ourselves. It becomes what we think of ourselves , our lives, opportunities, and how folks view us.
Once we are mindful and intentional of what that small inner voice is saying to us constantly - we will see our world change for the better. With positive self-talk you will start to feel, and see the shift in your world, life, and that is all that matters.
We can not allow our negative self-talk to shift our perception of ourselves, shift us and our view of ourselves. Let the positive talk that we say to ourselves dominate!