Self-Belief…. Believing in You. Staying true to you, and forging ahead on your path.
This belief can be easy to say to ourselves. Yet more of a challenge to implement in our daily journey. Especially with so many platforms on social media available to compare ourselves to constantly. As well for us to be made privy to the comparison. As well, an often harsh criticism of who we are, what we do, and our ideas.
Then it can become a real challenge to our belief in ourselves if we decide to ask someone their input, opinion of what we are doing.
We have to tread very carefully in who we are asking their opinions. Because ultimately we do not know their intent behind their response. Is it rooted in love, and wanting the very best for us?
When we stay in tune with ourselves, who we are, our values, and what we want for ourselves, our lives - we stay grounded in who we are. Remember this is your journey no one else’s. So when we stay aligned with us… we will know in our gut when someone’s opinion of us and what we are doing - is rooted to derail us, or to hurt us. As well to assist in chipping away at our confidence in ourselves. You know when that person is genuinely not happy for you.
We all need that someone that we can share our ideas, goals, and plans with … it is more important to select our circle carefully. It’s important to note that who may begin a part of your circle as you progress in your journey to your dreams that person may leave, or not be in your circle as you get closer to your dreams. That is fine.
It hurts you more keeping, or forcing someone to be there for you. So simply allow it to be how it is intended to unfold.
The alternative is to not ask anyone their opinions, or views of your dreams. Do not allow anyone to compare your dreams, path to their idea or to others. Because this is yours and no one else’s. And it just might not make sense to someone else, and that is fine too - because this is yours and only your journey.
I have seen when someone doesn’t believe in your vision, journey, or your chosen path to get there. They will not only give their opinion but often try to undermine your self-confidence. It can be done in a myriad of ways - comparing you to others and praising others and stating that others are beyond amazing. So in essence you witness them giving that praise, support, and compliment to everyone except you. And of course that’s the response that you were looking for when you shared your dreams. That is precisely where your self- confidence gets chipped away.
Once again, the remedy is to select carefully who you decide to share with, follow your gut, and if it doesn’t feel right …. honestly keep your dreams to yourself.
You will feel better and your self-esteem will be in tact.