If you’re not one of those people who naturally love routine or don’t even know how to start; don’t worry I will make this as painless as possible!
I love structure and a routine has been apart of my life so updating my routine to fit my needs come naturally. If you’re finding that you have so much you want to accomplish but don’t have the time. Here are some simple steps to help you create your own routine.
Tips to get started…..
Write a list of all the things you want to do in a day. Then narrow it down by adding your daily responsibilities and the time it takes for each one.
Write down the time that you start your job. You can divide your things on your To Do List to what you can accomplish before work, and things that you can accomplish after work.
I start my plan with the time I need to wake-up. Then plan the tasks that I am going to do before leaving for work. Keeping in mind the length of time it takes to complete the tasks. You might have to adjust the time that you wake-up to the tasks time that you have planned to accomplish before work.
Then plan when you are back home from work - schedule the time that you give yourself to whine down, and get centered. Then schedule your activities that you are going to accomplish after work.
I promise you if you commit to your schedule for just a couple of weeks you will be amazed at how productive and organized your life will become.
The joy that you will feel when you look back on what you have done in your life will amaze you. Remember you can always schedule the me time, and fun time.
So get started….