In the last four years or so the celery juice effect has swept the globe. When the phenomenon happened it was met with challenges to the truth to what it stated it could actually do; and naysayers of the celery juice effect.
Well, I was drawn to celery juice from personal need - to take control of my health challenges. I knew that the traditional medical path was not meeting and solving my issues. And I refused to treat the symptoms, and not the cause of the symptoms. So, my decision to juice celery was met with gratitude, to have found something that could possibly treat the cause.
Let me honestly say I do not like the taste, nor the smell of celery – I do not like it paired with almond butter, nor in salads, and could barely stomach it in soups.
In saying that, my need to be healed was greater than my dislike for celery. So I started my readings and research of the Medical Medium’s protocol. So once I felt convinced and confident in my findings, next order was to get a juicer. Although I know that celery can be juiced in a blender, you would have to strain it with a cheesecloth to extract the pulp from the celery juice. So I set my focus and intention on getting a juicer, and I did.
Yet, I still took a minute to start juicing. So I re-read excerpts from Medical Medium books, and testimonies from people who had been drinking celery juice for years.
Today I have been drinking celery juice for about three years religiously. I feel the difference in my body, I see the difference in my skin, symptoms, and overall health.
I recognize and appreciate that some people can not stomach a full 16oz’s of straight celery juice first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. One tip is to begin with 4oz’s of celery juice, and then gradually increase the amount to 16oz’s to 32oz’s daily. Also, another suggestion to build your tolerance to straight celery juice is to first begin drinking a green juice with celery in it. Then each day increase the amount of celery in your juice, as you decrease the other ingredients of the green juice.
A juice combination that you can try (modified Nekter’s “The Greenie”) – celery (3 stalks to begin); cucumber (1); carrots (1); lemon (1); and ginger (1 Tbsp). Then gradually increase the celery used in the green juice, and decrease the amount of the other ingredients. Please understand that you will not get the same health benefits as you would drinking straight celery juice.
The important issue simply resolves around you taking control and ownership of your health. Being committed to taking charge, learning, and doing your best for you.
I encourage you to visit Medical Medium.com to further read the benefits of celery juice.