AI has been the hot topic for a few years now. It has been dominating the headlines over the last few months Gemini and ChatGPT etc. The majority of people either don’t understand or so frightened by the unknown coming. Like any new item introduced into technology we need to lean into it instead of putting blinders on and hoping it’s not happening. If we don’t lean into the unknown we’ll be left behind (metaphorically). Read on to find out how!

I know everyone has heard of and has braced themselves for the inevitable AI, Artificial Intelligence. Now Artificial Intelligence is a branch of computer science dedicated to creating computers and programs that can replicate human thinking. 

The takeaway from this is that to a degree human thinking can be duplicated but the ability to analyze can not be replicated.

So, it is up to each one of us to develop our analytical skills. Be able to articulate your thought processes and how you arrived at your position, or answer. That will make us as humans as invaluable, and irreplaceable; because this is a skill that AI cannot do.  

The art of being able to take a situation or a set of facts and arrive at a conclusion- by being able to analyze and articulate to someone how you got your answer. 

Some AI programs can learn from their past by analyzing complex sets of data and improve their performance without the help of humans to refine their programming. 

I see it, we have to invest in ourselves. It is seeing ourselves as a commodity, and making us irreplaceable. It is not waiting for an education system to provide us with the skills, the knowledge, to make us irreplaceable. 

Anyone can come up to speed on virtually any subject matter by reading books; Googling subject matters; as well YouTube videos on subjects. There are various online education platforms that are available to get us up to speed and current. 

It is clearly facing the inevitable… AI is here.  Yes, it is designed to take jobs away from people. Which will leave those people without jobs. However, it is for us to think of things that we are good at and do that. Perfect our talents and gifts, and not rely on our schools or government to do that for us. 

AI cannot replace our creativity, and emotions that we can pour into our gifts and talents. So, literally it is the time to invest in you. 

Of course there is a cost and downside to AI. The parts of the machine will start to wear. And unless the AI has a self-repairing function, it will eventually break. Or simply malfunction. 

AI can become outdated if not trained to learn and regularly evaluated by human data scientists; to stay up on current changes, information, and trends. 

Start now, and continue to make ourselves invaluable, and irreplaceable. Focus on what we can do and ignore what we have no control over, the coming of AI. 


