Trinitee Stokes! This accomplished young woman has passion, hope, and drive. Simply put, she’s an overachiever with an infectious laugh and makes you believe there is still hope for the future. Trinitee is the youngest person admitted to Emerson College and she’s still so incredibly humble. I had the immense pleasure getting to know Trinitee. Enjoy!


Hi Trinitee!  how are you... I am doing great, how are you? Good, thank you. Well let me start off by saying typically I do not like to interview uber over-achievers. You know that I thought that I was one; but reading your bio I was like what the heck.  Hahaha...well thank you. Yes, I was like this is going to take some sheer confidence...fourteen years old and in college. I mean when I was suppose to go I went kicking and screaming. I was like... that is good we need more people like Trinitee.  Ahahaha, thank you so much!

How would you introduce yourself to people that are unaware of you...

Oh wow!...that is a great question. I would introduce myself as someone that is not afraid to do the unthinkable, and someone that is not afraid to break boundaries. And a fun loving only child. Someone that is socially aware, and definitely about changing some of the problems that are surrounding us today.

You made history being the youngest admitted to Emerson College. Congratulations! Was this your intention to make this accomplishment. What was the road that you took. Because kids at fourteen years old, you are 8th grade still trying to figure yourself out. So what was your process to go straight to college - was that your intention...

No , graduating three early then going to college definitely was not my intention - but it was definitely not something I was afraid to do. Last fall I was considered 10th grade, finishing up 9th grade year. Around November my school counselor told me that I was not only going to have enough credits to graduate, but there were not going to be able to keep me in school any longer.  That is how much over credits I was going to be if I stayed any longer, because of my college classes. 

Since I will be graduating with 29 college credits taking them to Emerson as well. So it is not in my playbook, but it was the next step, or the only step left for me to do after high school. However, it is something that is right for me to do now.  I think something helpful for me is that I was able to find that hidden gem in the COVID quarantine. Because I would not have been able to take as many college classes over the summer, or buckle down on my school work as hard as I did if it were not for the lockdown. It would have been so busy, so I am very grateful that I was able to maximize the time that I was given. Now did you take your AP classes, and the AP test?...we had to score 3 or higher, maybe for it to be rolled over to college credits - so did you have to take your AP test too... So, I did not take AP classes. Instead I took college classes from a local community college. I took my high school classes, and 2 - 3 college classes at a local community college each semester.  

With that the college classes, depending on the class, it actually qualifies as a college credit, and a high school credit. So that it is how it actually accelerated my experience in high school faster than AP classes would.  So I did not take any AP’s because it would not have been beneficial for me. College was a bit better for me, because I started experiencing how college online would be, and how all that works. While still having a higher level of learning. Gosh, that is amazing, and should be celebrated.



You are a motivational speaker, an activist for positive body image amongst teens. What was the catalyst that drove you to address this real pandemic...

I would definitely say my own personal experience. It sort of hit me when I wrote my first book, ‘Bold and Blessed’. Which was the culmination after having my own personal experience with low self-esteem, and not a positive body image.  I realized that ‘okay, having a positive body image is so necessary, and so needed in a world where people often are compared to people on social media, models, and people on commercials. Yet no one knows what their mental health is, I realized that no one in the public eye was saying how they maintain their body image, and having high self-esteem when I was experiencing that. So I decided to speak up, and become a voice for positive body image, and high self-esteem, because if no one is speaking to how they were able to make it through, then no one would be able to make it through successfully with everything in tack. That is what sort of drove me to that. 

What would you say is the largest influencing factor (regarding negative body image) for teens. And what can we all do to start making a positive change in this area...

You can never fit in perfectly. If you're too big there is an issue. If you are too small, then you are sickly. You cannot make everyone happy. And regardless what anyone says it does effect how you see yourself. The world can tell you, that you are beautiful, but you look in the mirror, we always remember the negative comments, or the negative; it just stays with us longer. What are your thoughts on that...

The largest factor would have to be social media. With social media people highlight the best parts of their lives, and they do not showcase anything that goes into how they look and feel. Especially with editing these days, it is so easy to edit yourself to be the way that you want. Instead of loving yourself just the way that you are. And I think that is the solution. Finding ways to encourage people to love themselves just the way that they are; because each year there is always a new trend. Always a new way that you should look, and always someone new who you should try and look like, versus enjoying they way that you are and the way that you look. So the more people that adapt to this way of thinking and the more people that adapt it, and encourage it the easier it will be. Perfect.


What is your message to teens regarding ‘peer pressure’...

For me peer pressure is definitely something that has come up before. The way that I have handled it is to remind myself of my values, and the things that I am not willing to compromise on; and if there is anyone around me that wants to change me or anything that I do; or try to push me against my will, morals, values - then clearly that person doesn't need to be around me or in my life. So that is how I plan, and have been tackling peer pressure.

It is all about remembering who you are, and staying true to those things that make you unique. If everywhere you go you change yourself to fit in with the popular crowd, at the end of the day you still will never be you, you would just be a carbon copy of someone else.

Trinitee you are a speaker; singer; author; talented actor; philanthropist; and college student - what would you say, drives you everyday...

What drives me everyday would be a combination of my dreams, and what I know I can be, and what I can do. So for me when I am doing any of the things that you listed, whether I am acting and I know I can do something better; or try it in a different way I will do it. 

Or I have these big dreams, either it is going to college, or writing my own book just these evolving and constant dreams of mine continue to drive me everyday.  I do the thing that I need to do to reach those goals - everyday.

Please tell us more about your being a Global Ambassador for ‘Read Across Africa’. How did you get involved as a Global Ambassador for this cause...

‘Read Across Africa’ is definitely one of my favorite causes that I am a part of; because I love literature, and reading. I also think reading is very important. So being the Global Ambassador for ‘Read Across Africa’ I am mainly the spearhead , and speaker of all things ‘Read Across Africa’. We started in Kenya, and making sure they have access to books, and proper school books. As well even having their own books.

About two years ago I went to Kenya and went to the first library in the area of Casema, Kenya, it is the first library ever in Kenya. Some kids were able to own their first book just because of the library.

I became involved with ‘Read Across Africa’, I was at a conference with the founder and I told her that I really wanted to go to Africa. That I really love books too, and we have to figure out a way to do something.

What would you advise to a young person that is unmotivated, and feels that they have a lack of direction, goals...

Figure out what excites, and drives you. It is going to be that thing that excites you, it will be either your career, or be important in your career.

For me I enjoy politics, it excites me, and I am a Political Communications major. Everything that excites you it is important, whether that is playing sports or cooking. Especially look around you, and take note of the things that excite you the most; and the things that really just drive you. And I would take it from there.

What is the next thing on your list ‘To Do’, and experience....

The next thing on my ‘To Do’ list today is to pick my classes for Emerson... Yay!... The next thing on list is to pitch projects of my own, and to get those in motion - some shows, and some movies. Yes, I am so excited.

What was the highlight for you playing ‘Tamika’ on ABC’s hit series ‘Mixed-ish’...what did you learn from that experience...

The highlight of playing Tamika would definitely be later in Season 1, when Tamika and Rainbow became friends it was so cool and sweet; because I love to see a good character evolution. To see Tamika go from being harsh and sort of non-accepting, to have her a leader. And leading Rainbow through life was something that was amazing for me.

What is your favorite way to unwind and have fun...

Yes, I relax in so many different ways - I love coloring; word puzzles; painting; and reading a good book of course. Also love doing my make-up and going on walks. All artsy things, I love trying and I love doing. So that is what you will usually catch me doing about 7:00 p.m!


Thank you, Trinitee!


