I had the immense pleasure to talk with the amazing artist Ruben Rojas. Ruben has made it his mission to not only spread love but to “Live Through Love”. I had a blast picking his brain! Enjoy!



Hi! Ruben how are you... I am good, good just navigating doing all of these things. I thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me - I love your artwork, and just your ethos. Well awesome, thank you.

How would you introduce yourself to people that are unaware of you...

You mean besides saying hi, I’m Ruben? ...Ahahah, yes! - you know people either dive right into that question, or just give a one word answer. Yes, this is always a funny question because I do not like putting myself into categories...but, I am Ruben an artist, and a designer from Los Angeles, California.

I love your ethos about spreading Love. Especially during this time it can be challenging to stay positive, upbeat, and loving if you turn on the news. What was the catalyst for you leaving your corporate job, creating Love Through Art, and your brand...

I was miserable at work. That is what it came down to, and I could not see myself doing it for the long term. Regardless how good I was at it, or the amount of money coming in. I did not want to be going home miserable.

At the time I wasn't married, or had a kid at the time - but I thought what if I end up divorce because I am unhappy. What if my kid resents me if I am not happy? Just saying that I am providing (for my family) is not enough.

In 2013 I painted a mural and the feedback was awesome. Then the following year I painted two murals, three, and then four. I started to try and figure out what does it look like to be an artist. Then I just stopped going to the office. Your murals are just very cool!



Did you find it was a little harder in the beginning to produce loving art.... was that challenging in the beginning. Or was it that you wanted to project, and evoke Love -

Well, creating is always hard. But this is who I am, and what I am. It is what I show. We operate out of Love, or out of fear. You turn on the television, and it is not hard to see fear everywhere. Most of what you see does not show the world as a happy place. So we need more, and more people showing this (Love and happiness). Live Through Love, it is not easy to Live Through Love. I am not saying ‘oh yay I love you’ and you are good to go. 

You have to do the work. It is self-love, and looking at another way of viewing things. So that is what it comes down to - you can be a victim, or not be a victim.


How did your book, ‘Live Through Love’, come to be...was it planned, or was it organic 

Very organic. I had an account that I use to share poetry on. My wife, well then she was my girlfriend...I said (to her) - ‘ hey, I wrote these poems check them out.’ She said I buy books of poetry, this poet, and that poet. She suggested that I start an account, and said you never know. 

Then that account grew pretty quickly, then I stopped. Managing multiple accounts, and doing multiple things (was a lot). I had hundreds of poems over time. I would share them , and then I would paint them in my murals. 

One day I grabbed a Journal and wrote the whole book of poems. Then I gave it to my friend, and said this is the book I want to publish. That is kind of how it happened.

List five things you cannot live without... 

Ohhh...five things I cannot live without besides water, and oxygen? Ahahah...yes! Besides the human necessities....

My phone; family - wife, son, and dog...ooohhh I have never been asked this... Music; traveling; and... Do you like chocolate?... I love chocolate, but I could so live without. Fitness! That is my non-negotiable. It is something I definitely could not live without. 

What was the catalyst for creating the whole Love said that you were not married at the time. Do you think when you refocused, and made yourself happy, that is what brought in your happy family. Did evoking that (Love) cause you to create such a loving family -

Aaahh, no because I started dating my wife two years after I started just painting murals. I was still a financial advisor, I never told anyone that. So I do not think one lead to another, it is all part of the same thing.  So more symbiotic, you were happy and naturally attracted the person that was the Robin to your Batman. Yeah...that was Bumble. Hahaha...did you say Bumble - The App? Yeah! We were each others first and last date on Bumble.



What would you say is your inspiration to push through life’s challenges and persevere. What do you tell yourself when life gets challenging - because it is a choice to Live Through Love...

I mean life is now. We do not have an option we are not going to be here forever. So we all have good days, and we all have bad days. You have to keep pushing forward. It does not matter if it is one step that day, or if you jump a mountain that a day. That is how I would answer that.

What advice would you give to your younger self...

Oooh...I do not regret any decision I ever made; because we are the sum of all of those decisions. Like if I looked back and said I wish I didn’t date her, I didn't do that, or didn't work there...All of that led to this. Honestly, it would be...I can't say that... because even the mistakes...or thinking I could have become an artist sooner. That might not be where I am right now. 

If I said anything different it would take away from what I am now, so I would not want to say anything different (to my younger self). Okay, I understand that... That is the whole point, if I say something it changes my whole outcome. So it is serendipitous...Yeah! 



Last, and most fun question...what is your favorite way to relax and unwind -

Ooohh, it depends on the day. Honestly, after work and it is all done; I put my phone, and my kid to bed - we just watch some shows, and disconnect from everything. What is your favorite show right now... favorite show right now - it depends on what's playing right now, right?  I am more of a show and movie guy. I do not watch reality television, news, or any of that. Smart. Do you binge on any Netflix shows - 

Yes! Netflix!...but it depends because if it's already over, and not on again, then it is not currently my favorite show. Like ‘Game of Thrones’, I loved that show but it is over. So I can't say its my favorite show. But! I love anything Marvel that is a good one.



Thank you so much Ruben! Check-out all his amazing artwork, clothing, and jewelry HERE!


