I had the immense pleasure to get to know Lord F. This enigmatic musician is so positive, talented, and funny. Enjoy!


Hi Lord F how are you... Good! And thank you for taking the time to talk with me. Of course, and thank you for taking the time to talk with me too.

How would you introduce yourself to people that are unaware of you...

Uumm...that is a good question. Hahaha...I like to start off strong. I love music, and I want people to know me for my music. I love dancing, just good tracks. I would say if someone is looking for  good music to dance around, and enjoy good music - then go check out my songs. That’s good it sums it up. If you want to be happy. Yes, lyrical ambiance and dance floor bops. Lyrics are important, the melody, and my beats. 

I put a lot of effort into my tracks. I also love popular music, then adding my little touch to it. I love the Monarchy, and I like to bring that into my music. I have been obsessed with Royals, and Monarchies since I was born. There is a joke that I was probably a King, or Queen in a past life. My first drawing when I was a kid was a castle, or a crown. So I incorporated that into my music, I think it adds that fun flavor.


Congrats on your EP ‘Once Upon on a Song’. Can you tell us about the process of the EP...which came first because you have visuals, and we also touched upon your lyrics. How did you go about it? Did you know how you wanted it to look then built the visuals off of that; or did you create lyrics and the visuals were a representation that...

Actually it is an album, I thought of it originally having ten tracks. I had a T.V. show , and I did that to create a larger awareness for my music. I took a break from the show to focus on writing songs. I knew I wanted to have a full album, because then I only had one EP with four tracks on it.

Then I knew the logical next step would be for me to have an album. I had some songs on the ET, but it was the logical next step to keep feeding my audience. I am also a filmmaker, I went to film school. Omg!...look at you! You do so many things. Hahaha - yes if you only knew all the things that I do. Even I am impressed at all the things that I do. I even having a clothing line. I know! that was one of my questions. Yes, I do it all. Yes! hair flipping all the way. I am visual oriented. When I was writing the song ‘Platinum’, I had this idea - I literally picture the music video. It is almost like a mutual process.

You are writing a song, and you are creating a scenario. Like my song ‘Touch’, I knew what I had to say, because it is based on a real life experience. The song ‘Platinum’, I never experienced that; but I wanted to create something like out of nowhere.

When you are creating a script you picture the image with the words. So it really depends if it is a life experience that I want to put into a lyric; or something that I think would be fun to write a story about. Then I will create that, and then the visuals come to mind as I am writing it. So it really depends... On the song... Yeah! the album is a mix of all of that. 

Like ‘Once Upon a Song’, I had the idea about writing that like five, or six years ago. I never really finished writing it; yet I always thought it would be nice to have a song that was a tribute to music. It says how much music means to me, and that music is the magic that we have in this world.

It is magical for me to listen to a track, and mind-blowing to see how many people can listen and relate to a song in so many different ways. I always thought music had that magical factor, and I always wanted to write a song about music.


How did growing up in Sao Paulo, Brazil influence your music, and fashion... 

Uumm...to be honest...I was always a homebody. I was always I front of the television, or the computer, and eating up what was on the internet. Even-though I am from there (Sao Paulo), I am very American in that way. Your heart was in America, you were here but not. Yeah...my heart was always here. 

Did you every do carnival?  hahaha...not really my cup of tea. You know that you have to ask someone from there - have you done it. I am a control freak, and I suffer from anxiety. Oh! that would not be the place...I feel you. Too many people, not enough exits. Yeah! and I do not like the music, just not my cup of tea. When you say that you are from there, people automatically say ‘Oh football and carnival’.  Ahahaha, exactly.  And I am like - no thanks, I don't like sports, and I don't like carnival. I only watch the Super Bowl for the half-time show. Yes! Hahaha...oh my gosh good job you really are American.

Now your clothing brand, FITX, I love it because it is timeless, and inclusive. Then for me it takes away the need to steal your boyfriends t-shirt. Because it is already made...

Yes, it is unisex. We really wanted to create something that was timeless, and driven on  good quality. It is made to be the best quality that is out there at an affordable price. I am really about quality over quantity. Even when I am traveling, I am a minimalist. I do not like to carry much. Me too! Just a carry on. 

Yes! just the essentials, but the essentials need to be the best quality and fabric. I like to describe it as timeless key pieces for his and her closet, things that you will have forever, never regret - nor get tired of them. Yes - a FITX t-shirt; cool jeans; dad sandals; and you are good to go. Yes...and we have our new collection coming out soon. 

We are shooting the photo shoot for the line, and I got some really good looking models for it. It is all going to be done here in L.A., and it is pretty exciting. We are also planning on having the line in some retail stores. Awesome and congrats...can you say which stores. We do not have anything set in stone, but I am doing a convention in August. And it is just - FITX - like it Fitx you, and it Fitx me.


Who buys Fitx the most, is it the younger generation, or is it a mix...

I would say overall the average buyer is from 19 to 25 years old. We are trying to introduce the mentality of the older generation of having quality over quantity, to the younger generation.

We have two types of black hoodies. One is plain and just a good quality. Then there is another black hoodie that we created to be more fun, and it has a few sayings. I actually found this Tweet that I tweeted about Spirituality, and I had that embroidered onto the sleeves. 


Can you share with me what it is... ‘Slaves only dream to be kings’, then the other one says - ‘Having a life experience is not an easy job, but from the Spiritual point of view whatever is best is happening at all times. Our Soul is always seeking new experiences to grow and expand’. Oh! I like that!... Isn’t it cool!?!...hahaha yes, if you must say so yourself. Yes, I was going through my Twitter the other day and I saw it, and I was like this is really cool.

Okay! What are five things that you cannot live without...

Uuummm...well obviously my phone; my wallet; a working credit card...Ahahaha yes!...my I.D.; this is very basic, but living in L.A. you need a car; a moisturizer - can't live without it. Yes!! what you are like 27-28 years old? And you look like you are 12 years old. Ahahaha thank you. Yes, I lather sunscreen on like crazy. I am all about prevention. What sunscreen do you use... I use Goop...Oh, yes! That is a good one, I switch between Dr.Jart+ and Shiseido. Oh yes, those are good too. Yes - hair flip, you are like a Spirit Animal. Hahaha. 

What advice would you give to your younger self...

Oh my God! hold on tight...it is going to be a bumpy ride. I would say honestly move to the U.S. as quickly as possible. I have been here for four years now, but I always wanted to move here. Even before going to college I did a summer school here - because my parents wanted me to see if I liked it (the U.S.), and if I could handle it.

I went to school in the Valley, and it was hard. It was because I didn't know anyone, nor did I have a car. To get groceries I had to call a taxi, this was pre Ubers and prior to Smart phones so it was pretty hard.

I remember my plan was to always return (to the U.S.). My parents were like finish college, and then you can move. Then they tried to keep me there for as long as they could, they tried to bribe me - bought me an apartment, and let me decorate it. I was like I have everything I need, but I am not really content. I just needed more. 

I literally left everything behind and made the move back (to the U.S.) - left my car; house; and my dogs. That is so brave, I don't know if I could leave the dogs. Congratulations on that. It was really hard, but at the end of the day the most important thing in my life is my goals. I have goals. That is so beautiful, and such a testament to yourself, that you knew that you would be successful. Leaping regardless (of any fear), because you have so much belief in yourself. Most get stuck in fear - because of thinking ‘the what if I fail’. Yet you still learn something from failing. Yes, and going back to what I said earlier from the Spiritual point of view - ‘the best is happening at all times, your Soul is always seeking to learn and grow, it is seeking experiences.

What is your favorite way to unwind...

Oh my gosh - I thought about that a lot. But...obviously going to Target. OMG! It is like the devil store - I literally go in for one thing, and come out $150 later. I am like what in the hell happened. I am like what did I buy!...You took the words out of my mouth! You cannot go in there for free. Yet I feel like it is Disneyland...they have it so your eyes goes to stuff you had no intention of buying, or needing. I knowwww!. But it is so fun for me, and one of my favorite places to go.

I go there more than I should. I also like...well I am a homebody. I work from home, and I like to take hot baths, unwinding, and watching a movie.


Thank you so much Lord F...what a pleasure. It was, thank you. 


