I had the immense pleasure to talk with Alejandra about Mr. Tortilla and her passions. Enjoy!


Hi! Alejandra how are you... Good, good Adylia how are you...  Good, thank you for taking the time to talk with me. I know that you are busy...

How would you introduce yourself  to people who are unaware of you...

My name is Alejandra Delgado, I am the Vice President of Sales, well I use to be the Vice President of Sales, and now I am Vice President of Operations at Mr Tortilla. Congratulations on Mr. Tortilla being the number one seller on Amazon, that is a huge feat. What do you think has been the driving force - is it the ethos of the company?, the pandemic? ...or a combination?

I would say it is a combination of both, but I take great pride in saying it is our tortillas. They are delicious, and they are healthy. Just one carb, and fifteen calories. People now with the pandemic they want to eat healthy; they are keto, and diabetic friendly.

Even for people that want to just eat healthy, they can still enjoy their favorite food - enchiladas, chilaquiles, and maintain that healthy feeling. They are delicious , I have to say. So pretty much you can get all of your guilty pleasures without the guilt. Exactly! one of the best pleasures that we can all enjoy. Then being calorie friendly that is literally hitting the jackpot. This is game changing for everyone. Adylia, I have people tell us that they are diabetic and they could not have their tortillas before; and they would just wish they could have them (and now they can enjoy their tortillas). That is beautiful, honestly I would not think or correlate how a regular tortilla digests, and the effects on your insulin. That is amazing.

You were a part of incorporating New Horizons into the business model of Mr. Tortilla. Please explain how this partnership came to be and what you love most about working with New Horizons...

Well, that is something that we always wanted to do, and give back to the community; so we thought of different ways of doing that.  We were lucky enough to be introduced to New Horizons to help displace people with special needs, and different jobs. Honestly, for us it would be cheaper to get bags (tortilla bags) that are already printed.

We thought...why not get bags and the people from New Horizons with special needs could just paste the Mr. Tortilla logo on them; and we actually create jobs for them. That is wonderful. We did that, and we are so blessed and happy. They are exceeding our expectations, they are killing it. You cannot believe that is one of the biggest blessings. The company is going well, things are going great; and we are helping people eat healthy.

Then just to see them receive their checks every two weeks (the New Horizons employees). The best part is when you see the pride that they take, and what they do for us. It is just awesome, and such a great feeling. I think it comes from, and correct me if  I am wrong, you are treating them like any other viable member of society. And not treating them like they are a bother, or an old ball and chain. You are sending the message - you are just like us, you are productive. People can feel energy, and everyone wants to be valued and feel important. 


Yes!, oh Adylia you would be surprised. They give their opinion, and it is beautiful. They actually tell us..’ We should do this’, and we actually do take it into consideration, they have great ideas. It is giving them the opportunity. That is amazing. When I found out about New Horizons I did not know whether to smile, or cry. People don't realize everyone wants to be seen, and feel that they have a purpose. Beautiful. Imagine the happiness for their parents. They too wonder what is going to be of their son, or daughter. A quick story - when they got their first check our supervisor asked... ‘Hey Manual what are you going to do with your first check’. And he said...’ I am going to take my Mom out to dinner, and I am going to pay for it’. Oh my gosh, that is beautiful. Things you take for granted. got me Alejandra. Yes, it is one of the perks of my job, it is heart filling. It makes you even value your life more. Oh gosh yes it does, it leaves you speechless. 

Okay, list five things that you cannot live without...

Well, five things... one - definitely my family, without them I would not be able...they are my backbone, my motivation, my motor, and everything. Two - coffee!, that starts my day. No coffee you have a grumpy Alejandra. Three - I am a very energetic person, and I do not think I could live without soccer, or sports. Any type of activity that helps me to unwind and forget about my day. Four - My husband, he is my biggest cheerleader. Having his support makes me stronger in what I do. Uummm let’s see...Five - Adylia, everybody needs love in their life. You work better, and play better with love in their life. 

You are the first and only female board member for Mr. Tortilla, what is your mission statement to foster an inclusive company culture...

One thing is actually motivating other women to actually precede, and to do their best.  At first I thought the position that I have now, was impossible to get. I see with hard work, and perseverance you can achieve your goals. I would love to talk to other women, and also guide them on things that I have learned along the way to being the first woman board member at Mr. Tortilla. 

What would you say is your inspiration, self-talk to push you through life’s challenges to persevere...because we all have set-backs and bad days...

Well, Adylia there are many things that I tell myself to achieve my goals, and get myself going. One thing is to not ever give up. There are times when things get challenging, or you make mistakes - first of all you need to get up. You make a mistake - you learn from it, acknowledge, and learn from it. So that is one of the things I tell myself not to ever give up, and own up if you make mistake. And then learn from it.

What advice would you give to your younger self...

Hmmm, let me see. Well, again it would be to not to ever give up. Like hard work always pays off.  Honestly, to always have a second plan. I have actually achieved everything I have wanted to this point. Always set yourself goals, but remember to always have a second plan after you achieve your goals. Or really, ask yourself what is next after you have achieved your goals.

Last and most fun question! ...what is your favorite way to relax and unwind...

Oh, wow! That is my favorite question! I would say dancing. I love to dance, Adylia. So I love unwinding by putting music on, and dancing. Wonderful, I cannot dance...but that sounds amazing. I wish I could. I bob my head on beat… but nooo (dancing).  Hahahaha, well that is a start (bobbing your head). 

Well, Alejandra thank you so much for your time... Thank you so much!


