Paula Garces- the definition of Beauty and Brains. When she’s not starring on Netflix’s hit ‘On My Block’ she is creating ‘The World of Aluna.’ With ‘Aluna: Sentinel of the Shards’ about to be available on PS4, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PC; I had the immense pleasure to discuss Aluna, acting, and how she’s managed to stay AGELESS! Enjoy!

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Hello!...Hi!, how are you?...I’m good how are you? Good, thank you.  I am going to jump in because I know that you are on set now...

How would you introduce yourself to people who are unaware of you...

Eeeww...well, I say my name…ahahaha - I am Paula Garces. If it is business related I would say - I am an actor, producer, a director, I am a mom, and an artist. Who are you!, and what are you up to? That's how I let myself be known.

I am very excited to be interviewing you. You are a successful actor, producer, director, and now adding co-creator of the video game Aluna: Sentinel of the Shards. Would you say the same tenacity that it took becoming a successful actress, producer-director applies to co-creating Aluna: Sentinel of the Shards...

Uhhh, yes, I think definitely co-creating Aluna had to do with me trying to expand myself as an artist. I have been very lucky having some success as an actor, from a very early age. I have been blessed that my career has kept going. Then I was introduced to the world of Comic-con. When I went to San Diego (to Comic-con) for the first time I was like ‘Wow! I am home’. There are people of all color, creed, and backgrounds here. And I was happy everyone were getting dressed up as their favorite characters, reciting lines from movies, and reading comic books. 

Like all of that is how I grew up, and spent my childhood. That is the reason why I became an actor. I very quickly realized (and this was back in 2008), that there were no Latino Super-heroes, that I knew. There were no p.o.c. (people of color) representation, nor representation in a positive light. So it inspired me to go back home and create my own comic book. And then it just grew from there. I love that!

What I really liked about Aluna was the mix of  Folklore history, the strong female role in your likeness; and you voiced it. Was there another reason why you wanted to bring this character to life…

Yeah, a lot of it has to do with my own ignorance. I grew up in N.Y., both parents are Latino. It was just a lack of understanding on my part, ignorance on my part, of my history. Where do I come from? did Latinos get to the U.S.?...what was that like?; and why is the Latino community kind of segregated on its own. 

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So I wanted to create a Super Hero that would kind of unite us. Not just Latino people, but African-American’s, and Anglo-Saxon. As well I wanted Europe, South America, The Caribbean, Central America, and African cultures to come together; and see themselves in Aluna. 

She is based in a lot of the Inca and Aztec mythology which includes really everyone on the planet. It is about appreciating the planet and one another; and creating this Super-Hero that everyone could look at and see themselves in (the character).  And through her struggle just make an adventure out of it. Where what if there was a Super-Hero that gave conquistadors a way to go, I mean how different would our history be? A lot...hahaha 

That is really the big philosophical question. We as a team tried to make Aluna: Sentinel of the Shards a lot of fun, celebrating a different culture that has not had much light as far as video games go. Actually I am really excited for this, it is very cool. Thank you! The typical shooting games I am familiar with, and played with my brother; but this one I am very excited - and will have to get it. 

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Thank you I hope you get it. I hope you recommend it. It is a top down PG game, and we had a ball making sure that the world see something reflective of our culture. There is a lot of mysticism, so we play with history a bit, and play with mysticism. You know our culture calls for a lot of superstition. Yes!... People will see and identify a lot of folklore, mystic creatures, like in Invisible City.  Yes! I am so excited for this.

I am simply obsessed with ‘On My Block’. No!!!! Really! ...Yes, I have been obsessed since the first season. It is a sickness. I have been waiting for Season 4, and do not understand what has been taking so long. I was devastated by the end of Season 3. I had to re-watch it (Season 3) like five times, and I am still confused. So my question is ...what do you enjoy most about portraying Jenny. And is there a hint of what Season 4 is going to look like, because I really want to know...

Well, thank you for being a fan, and having a sickness. Because of you, and because of our audience we have the three seasons that we have; and I will tell you this I am on set today. This is day one of shooting for Season 4. So you are definitely getting a scoop there. Oh! My gosh - yes!

As we speak I am getting ready to film my first scene of Season 4. We left off Season 3 with them having a flash forward. Yes, uh-huh. And there were a lot of things revealed about the flash forward. We are picking up Season 4 right where the flash forward left off. So there is going to be some growth to our characters, and some things that will happen. 

For those of you guys that say...’oh it is taking so long’, thank you and trust me... if you the audience have been anxious and stressed out about the Season; the actors too, we really wanted to come back to work. Obviously because of the pandemic, there was a while where it was not safe to do so. Right now, being on set I was very inspired by all the precautions that Netflix has taken to keep the actors, crew, and everyone that works on our set safe. 

So just pray for us to make sure no one gets sick. Oh, yes definitely. So, today is the first day, and that is all that I can tell you. No, that is fine I do not want to be selfish. So...go re-watch the last Season so you can see where we are going to take off from. Okay, perfect.

List 5 things that you cannot live without...

Oh gosh...I am going to be so corny . Okay obviously my kids, family, and friends are one. Oh!!! Food... is everything to me - I love to cook it, eat it, and love to try new things. And yeah I am very stereotypical to what a Latina is to be like...ahahaha.  Ahahaha.  I am not the one to be one-hundred pounds because I am an actor, I cannot do it. 

I love Empanadas; Mexican food; Central American food, like Pupusas. If you are shooting in L.A. you have to go to L.B.Jr in Redondo Beach, they have the best bean and cheese burritos, L.B.Jr.  Okay, I am writing it down - L.B.Jr. Okay, the next thing is drinks, that is included. The other day I celebrated my b-day, I realized I have a baby  picture, and my mom is holding me. And I am reaching for the champagne bottle, of course! Ahahaha. 

Yes, if anyone knows me I love anything bubbly, even my water. I am obsessed with Seltzer Water and Champagne, that is number two. Okay, three to go. What about your phone! Uh...ummm I can live without my phone. Oh, okay. My family and friends complain I don't pick up my phone, and that I don't answer texts - I love to be in the moment. I cannot live without my camera, because I love to document the moment. I can't live with out music, and music goes with dancing. Okay, and number five...I cannot live without art, honestly. It is reflective of what is going on in life, be it positive or negative, happy or sad. Art is what keeps society moving forward, of dreaming, and achieving wonderful things. Perfect.

When you are working, and it is late what is your favorite go to snack...

Hmmm...usually when I am working late there is a food truck that magically appears on the set. One of the perks of being on the job. My favorite is tacos, oh-oh and coffee, I love coffee. It should have been one of my five things. We will add coffee. Okay, so a good taco truck, and a good coffee truck when I am on set.

What is your favorite beauty staple - a bold look, bold lip, no make-up look, or strong brow. So what is your favorite day-to-day look...

My day-to-day I do not wear any make-up, and I let my hair be natural. My hair is naturally wavy, and I have a lot of it. People don't usually recognize me because I have no make-up, and my hair is big and wavy. I work out, I stay hydrated, and moisturized. 

One thing is that I will do my lashes. I love my lashes. I will do individuals, or strips. Oh my gosh that is impressive, you are talented. I tried once and almost dotted my eye out. Ahahaha, oh gosh. Well if you say so (that I am talented). Then I will put that under my talents…ahahaha

What are you most excited about for people to experience with Aluna the video game, and the final Season of  ‘On My Block’ and seeing you as Jenny.

I am really excited for anyone to play the game. It has been a dream come true for me to actually create, produce, and doing the voice. And everything that entails for the production of this game. I hope people give it a chance, and go buy it. Just to love it, and tell their friends.

The more people support video games like Aluna, the more there will be a chance for more roles for powerful women, for P.O.C. (people of color) to see themselves reflected in a positive light in video games.  That is really the main focus - I hope that people love it, have fun, and that the whole family plays it when they can. 

For ‘On My Block’ I hope a lot of people watch it, and people watch it so much; that it becomes such a huge hit - and that we get another season.  Oh my gosh…me too. I was devastated when I read that this was the last season. I was like what are you doing Netflix. 

Well, Netflix is known for respecting what their audience wants. If the audience wants it, their wish is Netflix’s command. Oh that is good to know. Everyone (the cast) that I have talked to wants another season.

What was your process for creating Aluna…

We started with the comic book - The World of Aluna. For anyone who wants to get into the real story, her origin, and the history. They should go to , and purchase books 1- 8, which are now available, in digital or physical version. That is where we started. Then we licensed the likeness of Aluna, the character to an online video game called ‘Heroes of North’. And she became one of their top 10 heroes. She was chosen about ninety-thousand times a day at her peak.

That is what gave us the motivation. Ninety-thousand plus people a day worldwide liked to play her. We grew as the audience grew, everything is dictated by our fans; I respond to you (the fans). If you show me some love, I am definitely going to show you ten times more love.

What is your favorite way to unwind…

With my family, and playing some video games with my son. A champagne glass, or Prosecco on the side; with something sweet like a piece of chocolate. Very simple. I put on some music, and I dance. Even though the pandemic has been very sad in some ways, it has also given me a chance to be home with my kids, family. To really reflect on what is important.

I also like the quiet moment when I sit and let my imagination go wild. Then I write it down, and I start creating; because I think it is important. When I was little I looked up to people that looked like me. Like Sophia Loren, I was like who is that. There was not that many, and we still have a way to go. 

My mission is to create a base for people of color to have a voice, and to create jobs. I have been working behind the scene in production for a while; my motivation to do that is for talented people of color to have a light, and shine. That is my motivation.

I invite everyone to please visit, to follow Aluna Super Hero on Twitter and Instagram. And to follow me if they like. When the game drops , to purchase it, play it, and give me feedback I would love it. 

Thank you so much…Thank you, it has been lovely. I remember watching ‘Clockstoppers’ (2002 - Sci-Fi), and I thought you were just the coolest person in the world…it is funny how things come full circle.  Oh! Thank you so much, I really appreciate that. 


