I almost couldn’t believe it when Tim Storey agreed to be interviewed by me. A legend. I was incredibly humbled and nervous all at once. I was so nervous I didn’t even drink coffee before the interview so that I could seem as chill as possible. One of my favorite interviews and hope you enjoy!


Today I am super excited, like not able to sleep excited. I am talking with Tim Storey today, and he is a Legend. He is called the Original Comeback Coach.

So, number one…thank you for your kind words, I heard them.  It was so sweet of you. No, but I am excited about what you are doing. Well, thank you so much.

I think that we are going to have a wonderful conversation and help some people. Yes, that is the goal. I really like your glasses. Thank you, I like style and I like fashion, so I do like changing them up.


You are a Legend, and created this space that so many of us are in – a Thought Leader and doing this for thirty plus years. I am humbled to be speaking with you.

With anything that is new how did you enter this space, or know what you were creating? When you were younger, going through life’s challenges was it little positive things, or was it a positive mindset (of how you approached or viewed things) that lead you to developing the New Thought and the Miracle Mentality?

Number one, great question. I think for me from the beginning I really loved living. To be alive means to be animated. There is a reason why children love animation. They can watch a cartoon -they love animation. Watch a movie - they love animation. As a young person I loved living, I loved being alive. Then when I met other people that were animated, I was like wow. They have a different way of being animated, or a different view of animation. The more that I began to see more people that were alive it gave me such a desire to just be fully present, fully feeling, and fully alive.


I was thinking this way at a very young age. Obviously when you think differently. We have all heard that as you grow up the magic kind of leaves, and reality steps in… for most people. What was the conscious decision that you made that you would not lose the animation, and did not believe that life was not just black and white when you become an adult…

The way that I see it is like life is a journey. I live in Southern California. Now if I decide to go to Florida with two friends, and we decide that we were going to drive; while we are driving there are going to be several things that happen, while we are driving. There may be delays, because of traffic, or there could be a challenge to the car.

So, there are Delays, or there could be Detours…you’re driving on a freeway there could be construction late at night. The other thing that happens are Distractions. So, if you understand that in life those are some of the things that can happen.

There are going to be those three things that are going to come into your life – and that is just the way that it is going to be.

Whether I am going to a four-year college, I am going to have these Delays, Detours, and Distractions. If I am in a marriage, or a relationship it is going to happen (Delays, Detours, and Distractions).  In your life, in my life it is going to happen.


So, rather than being shocked that it is going to happen realize that it is part of the journey. In other words, lean into it and experience it. Do not take the position…’ oh why is this happening to me’? Instead take the position this is expected and try to move past it. 

Okay, you got that right – number one, you realize that this is going to happen… but my strength in coaching people all over the world (as you know that I do), is now you must become equipped. It is not enough to have the realization, now you have to be equipped on how to handle Delays, Detours, and Distractions.

I think that most people do not equip themselves for that. They are looking for the rainbows and butterflies…and when it doesn’t happen, they are thrown off.  Ahahaha, yes.


Now you said before that you always thought and moved differently. Especially thirty years ago when this New-Thought mentality was so different. How did you deal with being different? We all hear in the news how children are bullied for just being different. Were you ever treated differently, if so, how did you stay in your truth and be okay? As well stay true to who you are and stay steadfast in your direction?

The thing that I have been able to see is the worldwide perspective. From traveling to over seventy-eight different countries in the world speaking. Is that you can be in certain parts of the Middle East, and they have own challenges. You can be in Ukraine, I just met with a very powerful leader in Ukraine – and they have their challenges. As well with some of my great Russian friends that I have and what is taking place in their country. To me I never isolated it to I am Tim Storey and I am originally from Compton, seven people in a two bedroom apartment. Because there is someone in Greece that went through something similar, or even worse than I.

I look at it as we all face adversities. Sometimes it is at different seasons in our lives. Some comes at a different pace, or some comes at a different volume. I like to say this…we all go through the drama, but we do not have to become dramatic in the midst of the drama.  Oh, snap I like that? … it is real.


You have been quoted as the Original Comeback Coach, but you are also known for the Miracle Mentality. Which we have talked about before, being equipped to deal with the three D’s. What is the biggest difference between the Comeback Mentality and the Miracle Mentality? Or do they kind of mirror each other?


To me they kind of mirror each other because to have a Comeback you have to know that you are worthy to rise up.

Yes! The Comeback and the Miracle Mentality as you say they flow together. It isa hybrid. The reason that I started to write on the Comeback is in my travels and just dialoguing with people whether I was on a train going through Europe at 21- or 22-years old speaking. Because I was speaking starting at age 20.

I started hearing all these stories of all these setbacks from these people. Then I started working in professional sports with all these people going through setbacks. And as you know I started working with famous people, with movie stars in Beverly Hills that have had setbacks.

What I found is that people that have had a setback they would sit and settle in the setback.  I would say that is just not good enough to fix the set back. There must be a comeback and beyond. Like what did I learn from that setback?  What life lessons could I have learned?

What power can I get from the pain? From there I went into a five-year study of the Miracle Mentality. A miracle as you know is something extra ordinary, uncommon, not regular, not status-quo … now doesn’t that just get you excited when I say those words?... Why? … Because that is who we are!

So, to all of you that are watching and that will watch later…and continue to follow her because she is awesome. Oh, thank you.

I realized this, even though you have had a setback, or are in a setback, you can have a Comeback, be back beyond, outside the limits, and the boundaries. Now that is who we are created to be!


So, as you said… you started speaking when you were twenty years old, that is insane.  I guess you did not have any stage fright.  Well, I tell you this I am an artist. So, I go very inward. I am a nerd as far as studying. But when I get onstage something shifts, Boom! … Like a flip?... Yes!

When I get onstage, I get so excited to take my thirty hours of research, because for a one hour talk I do fifteen minimum to thirty hours of research. My excitement is to deliver the mail. It is never…how am I coming across, or how powerful I am. I want to deliver the message – so that is super exciting to me, yes!


In this day in age the trend is that everything is fast. I think that is impacting us, or this generation with the mental health issues. Everybody wants the fast recognition, fast success. However, it has taken you thirty years to reach this point, but this is what you are passionate about. What do you say to anyone that thinks it must be a straight trajectory for him, or to that belief?

I am not into the fast anything. I respect all my friends, because we run in a pack. All these Thought Leaders those are all my people. I love Brene Brown, that is my girl. I love Oprah as you know she is like my sister. Oprah and I do work together. Deepak Chopra, we do work together, and Gary Vee. Also, Ed Mylett I rock with all those people.

The way that I look at it is that I am a Human Being, not a Human Doing.  So many people are caught in doing, I am not. I am enjoying being. In that being I am alive, and I am also producing.

Now I think there are times when it feels like you are doing a slow walk. Yes! Like it is never ending. And you can feel like when will I get my victory!

I have a great illustration for you. When you walk through certain airports, like Minneapolis. That is a big one!  Yes, that is a big one. Because if you notice – you have a lot of people movers. Some people are carrying their bags, and then if its far enough you jump on one of those things that like zoom you through.

And if you walk with it, you are literally going triple the pace of someone walking. So, there are times when something devastating happens when it feels like you are walking it out for like three years. Then there are time when it feels like you got on the people mover at the Minnesota airport, and you are just going – whack …whack…whack!   I like that analogy.


One of the best things about being alive is knowing what you are passionate about and giving that out to the world. For me that is what we are here for. To find what you love, put it out there, and for it to be received. What is that one thing that after thirty plus years still makes you happy doing…

I think there are two things. One is to see people actually change. For a friend of mine to say ‘hey my son is just stuck. He is struggling with anxieties, depression, and doesn’t want to come out of his room. But he likes you, and he likes the fact that you work with famous rappers, and would you meet with him?

Then to see that guy, and meet with him.Initially he was so inward and so timid. After six months he was like WAHHHHH!!!  That is so dope. I love that. One is to change lives. The other is the amazing people that I get to work with.  I am working on a Broadway play with some amazing people.

I am working on an amazing movie with one of our top three actors in the world right now. Look at you Tim! now that is called a hair-flip moment.  I say this to you just as though we were sitting at the Ivy on Robertson just chatting. Yes!

It is not just the cool factor; it is the collaboration of learning about Andrew Lloyd Weber. I love expanding.

What do you hope your legacy is

I think it is for others to choose. I will tell you what people say about me now.  He is kind, a good listener, and he has created a system that has brought a lot of change to people’s lives. I am really big in the gaming community. I am a life coach in one of the largest gaming companies in the world.

I am working with one of the top three AI Companies in the world as an Executive Life Coach. For me I developed a skill set, and now I would like to use that skill set to enhance people’s lives.

It seems like you are having fun, and that is what life is about.  Yes, I am having fun…but there is a price to be a pioneer. I think Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa enjoyed changing people’s lives, but there is a resistance. I like changing people’s live but there is a resistance. I am not always on happy mode, but I live in a lot of Joy, and a lot of Peace.  Now, that is honest. Because no one is always happy, and even Thought Lleaders have moods too.       


Now what do you love about fashion… I love fashion! If you guys, follow me you know that I am fashionable. Is it because it is wearable art…  You just did it! Because it is wearable art. I was just in Milan for Fashion Week, front row, but not for every show, but the best ones. Oh, another Hair Flip moment Tim!...yes! but to me as a little guy…I was rocking overalls before other people were.

I loved what Virgil Abloh did at Louis Vuitton before he passed. I love that Pharrel Williams is now at Louis Vuitton. As well, I love what my buddy Kanye West has done with tennis shoes, and so much in clothing. As well, I love suits, jackets, and I like black t-shirts. I like fashion.


How do you unwind, decompress, and reconnect to Tim…  Music! What is your favorite genre of music?... all kinds.  I can listen anywhere from Amy Winehouse although I never met her, and I would have loved to have met her. Not just to help her, but I really loved that lady. I love my culture, so I listen to Stevie Wonder, also Billie Eilish. I love music, from all over the world.


I cannot thank you enough … I am truly honored and humbled to be able to sit down and talk with you. Thank you again.

But because I am older than you…I get to ask you a question. What are you excited about, what are you doing, and if we follow you, which we are going to – what are we going to learn from you?


Oh, that is a great question… I have always loved helping people, with no fluff. I do not understand the need for pomp and circumstance. If you like it great, that is you. I believe everyone deserves to feel good about whatever they deem is their happy. And you just provide that. Everyone deserves to be happy, and that they are living and not just in survival mode. That is kind of it. 

I like it! Now I see a lot of my friends on here make sure you keep following her. I have a book called the Miracle Mentality that Harper Collins is the publishing house, they have treated me so well. My editor Nick Chiles he teaches at the University of Georgia, he also did Jamie Foxx’s last book, he is so brilliant. Try to watch my Mental Health Summit tonight.  Oh, yes, I will watch tonight definitely.


Thank you for having me on today. Thank you for saying yes, the best birthday gift ever!  

So proud of you, Life is Good…bye….  Bye!


