Iman Hasan is a modern and multi-hyphenated entrepreneur. As the Founder of IHC Agency as well as an avid Bio-Hacker, and Nutritionist. Iman manages her career and wellness all while looking immaculate. I immensely enjoyed this interview. Enjoy!


Today I am sitting down and talking with Iman Hasan the founder of the IHC Agency. We are talking about Wellness, and Biohacking.

Hi…how are you? Hi, I am so excited.  I’m excited to, thank you for having me.

This conversation with is worth the wait. We will be talking about Wellness, and Biohacking. Now before we jump in, I wanted to just say that you are such a baddie. You created the IHC Agency, female led and driven; and you are the epitome of how you can be classy, sexy, and be brilliant.

Can you tell us how you created the Agency; is it something that you always knew that you would do, or did it just happen?

I worked for several other agencies in the past. I did have an agency with someone about six to seven years ago. I knew it was a lot of responsibilities. When working with the other agencies I did a lot of business development, and a director. I also had that vision on how I would want an agency to grow and to be of service to clients. Also, the type of team that I wanted to have around me, and how I would want to grow the business. And the type of leader that I wanted to be.

My fiancé, now husband convinced me to do my own agency., yet I knew how overwhelming it could be. The overhead, bills etc. He reminded me how passionate about how I service my clients. He was like … you are clear about your vision as a leader so why don’t you give it one more try. In 2019 I started consulting; it was me and two interns at the time. We got some large clients, and some of them are still with us to this day.

Then 2020 rolls around and the world shuts down, and everything goes to shit. Remember, the first expense that companies cut is marketing.  Then Miami started to open in 2020, I believe it was one of the first states to reopen.

I told myself that I was going to give it my all. I took my savings opened an office space and went back to work.  And I started building my business again. We brought in a lot of digital business. Doing digital marketing was really a big desire that people have, through digital ads and digital marketing. Because God forbid if the world shuts down again, businesses can sell online.

So that means having a strong email campaign, a stronger ad strategy, and having more of the digital footprint rolled out. So, we started adding in those services, and started to grow. It will be three years this May 2023.


Do you find that when the pandemic hit it forced you to look at more digital marketing than you would have if the world had not shut down? Noting that you must stay current and relevant in all businesses


Oh, one hundred percent. But at the same time, it gave me such a great lesson that we do not have to wait for a pandemic to be open to change, and to really look at what your customer asking you for. It is looking at your clients’ needs, hearing them, and then asking what you are doing to service your clients. As well how you are adapting to what their business needs are.


Yes, we are all growing and evolving, as this leads into your love of Biohacking, and Wellness. Was it something specific that happened, or was it a combination … 

I got introduced to Alternative Wellness, and Biohacking about five years ago. It was at a time in my life that I was not feeling well. I had bad ovarian cysts, cystic acne, my body inflamed, and I was feeling just really exhausted. Someone introduce me to a functional medicine doctor at the time.

I found out that I had high mercury levels, a lot of heavy metals in my body, and candida. This was because my body was not in harmony with itself. This was the first time that someone saw me, and I felt seen and heard. 

Then I started my journey with Biohacking with Dave Asprey’s work, Ben Greenfield, other amazing people in this field, and I got super educated.

Last year my business shifted to Modern Wellness, and Clean Beauty. Which is helping people to come together to feel better and to be better versions of themselves. And then brands that have founders with that same vision.


How do you feel… there has been some debate in the Biohacking sphere where Biohacking is more geared towards men…have you heard that before…

Yes, where all the studies are done on men. But you are seeing a lot of women coming up in the space. There are several brands in the space that are owned by women. The founder and co-founder of Higher Dose they are both women. And one of the founders of Levels, which is a glucose monitor company. So, you are seeing this shift and movement, and they are going to start having more studies and more data pulled off women, because we are getting more educated in the space.


You stated how you structured your company to Modern Wellness, and Clean Beauty, and you structure your clients to meet that structure. When did you get to the point that you did not have to take anything to get revenue (saying no I am good, I will select people that align with me) …

Last year we got to a space that we did have clients, we are in a customer service business, so what they are doing we have to be aligned with and in a flow with them to reach their goals. So, for me it is all about being authentic, (asking) can we grow your brand, and can we expand what you are currently doing with your brand. 

You do have to get to the space where you can sit back and analyze if you and your client resonate with each other. If you do not, then you make the decision that you are not the best suited for each other, and you refer them to other agencies if not.

In that I mean not only the founders, but their products, and their message must resonate with you, because it is all about authenticity for me. If it isn’t for you, I do believe that you are limiting your success.


I know that you travel a lot, when you are traveling how do you maintain your wellness, and exercise when you are busy …

I always travel with my supplements. I always do my dry brushing as well, and then stick to the time zone that I am in, as well I always move my body thirty minutes a day. It helps me with my sleep pattern, my belief is that movement is like medicine.


How do you select the best meals that work with your lifestyle when you are traveling, socializing, or out with clients? Without having that restrictive mindset…

It starts with your relationship with food, I eat healthy consistently. I do not believe in cheat meals. I do ask myself is this worth it, and is it worth me eating it?  It is all about having that conversation with yourself and evaluating it from that standpoint.


Going back to what you said earlier about authenticity… how do you maintain what is true to you, your authenticity…

One thing which has become a big thing is that everyone is so concerned about being cancelled. You need to first move away from that and find out what resonates with you. You need to evaluate what are your values, what do you stand behind, and what do you believe in.

No matter how it looks you must not deny who you are, what you believe in, to fit in a box that others have set. I always ask myself …what I am sharing is it going to be helpful to others, and do I find it beneficial?


My last question… what your non-negotiables are to stay aligned and to feel your best…

I just recently got into Brain Tap. Oh! Yes…I love Dr. Patrick with Brain Tap. Yes, well I try to get in one Brain Tap session a day, red light therapy, and the other is dry brushing.


Well, thank you Iman for sitting down and talking Wellness, and IHC Agency with me. No, thank you for having me.


