Hello! we are talking today with Samantha Hoff, from Pottery with a Purpose…

Thank you so much for doing this with me, I appreciate it… Thank you for having me.

I am obsessed with ceramics, and this is amazing because you created Pottery with a Purpose. It is for adults to feel like kids and you can do it at home. You also donate to mental health organizations, but we will dive more into that later. You are also a do-it-yourself Lifestyle Expert, and a Yogi…you wear many hats … that is wonderful.


Describe the whole journey to creating Pottery with a Purpose. Did it come from your yoga background mixed with your lifestyle. You donate to mental health organizations where a lot of businesses do not; and before people’s attitude was do not talk about mental health. So please explain how this all came about…

Yes, I would say it all started when I was little. My parents were entrepreneurs as well. I also went to school for Business and Entrepreneurship at Babson College. My focus was on data analytics, because I knew that would make me a lot of money. I thought that would be hot.  I did consulting, and finance for almost a decade.  The short story is that I burnt out; but it was not a company nor career path that aligned with my values.

Then I decided to take another path and I became a yoga instructor, then the pandemic hit.  Which shifted yoga to online, and have you ever done yoga before? …  oh yes, I have done yoga since I was like three years old.  So, if you have done yoga online versus yoga in a studio you know that the energy level is so different. I just wasn’t interested in teaching to squares on the screen, most of the positions to me you are vulnerable.


People don’t realize that it is a gift to translate that positive energy that you have with yoga in studio to teaching yoga online. It is challenging to relate that same energy, to make people feel that same experience online.  Yes, and I really respect people that have been able to do that, I just realized that it was not for me.

I gave up my second career of teaching yoga, and I got into doing pottery as a hobby. Like most people I found myself touching my phone all the time and watching all the Netflix shows.  I needed something that was a better outlet for my energy and mental health. I started back doing pottery. I started doing pottery in middle school, high school, college, as well when I burnt out in my career.

I realized that you do not need that many tools to do it. Most people think that you need a pottery wheel, and a Kiln; but you don’t you can use your hands too. There is air dry clay now, it works the same. It is exactly like the regular clay. I wanted to share this with other people, and I have found that it is great for your mental health. I started Pottery with A Purpose, and it is do-it-yourself pottery kits that ships directly to your house or to your office.


I love that. It is important to highlight that you worked in corporate America as I did. I was a corporate Revenue Accountant. As you know women and numbers is a different environment. You can burn out quite quickly, if it is not burn out it can be that you are not happy with the trajectory of your life. And that is important to highlight, because you have done other things, and with Pottery with a Purpose…you have found your purpose your passion. It is all eco conscious (the packaging).


You also do virtual team workshops, so tell us how that works, and how does it help people…

The virtual events, clay workshops, are a hybrid to bring people together. Some are in Massachusetts, an office in California, and recently I shipped a kit to Argentina. Basically, we all call into the workshops, and we spend about 55 minutes creating two different things.

I have a corporate background, so I get that people are not use to taking time out during their day for themselves. Sometimes when I was working, I would feel bad to take a bathroom break, or forget. I would feel guilty to take time to even take time to just go to the bathroom. I would think do I have time.

Yes, that is one of the things that I love it gives people time to do things together or doing an activity that is probably new to all of them. Having the guidance is helpful, because a lot of people think that they are not creative. And the purpose is to get your hands dirty and get involved. As well having a good time, breaking out of the usual box, and spend time playing. That is important to always remember to play.


Yes, I re-watched how you made the incense holder that you did on Instagram like twenty times it was so cool.  I would never think that I could do that. Now as I previously stated some of the proceeds go to mental health organizations. So, what have you found from your experience, what have you found has helped with the different mental health issues, anxiety, depression, etc…

I like to caveat as someone who has experienced anxiety and depression not as a therapist, or art therapist. I have had anxiety, and lifelong depression that I have dealt with; and doing pottery has helped me manage my anxieties. It helps when you are doing something that keeps your hands busy.

It is a more tangible thing to do with your hands. As well you create something with the clay, and you realize that you have made this from this clump of clay. It is good for your self-esteem as well.  Getting creative is good for your mental health as well.

When we were stuck inside for so long due to COVID you are not limited to what you can create with clay. You can make candle holders, holder for air plants, plates, and shelves, anything you want, and lets you be creative.


Now people get the clay and then there is the issue of what do we do with this, and they are not creative. What do you suggest that they do, when they get the box what and how much clay can you make with the box, walk us through it once someone gets the box…

Yes, good question. The box is enough clay for one to two people depending on what you want to make, or how many craft sessions that you want to have. It is two bags of clay, and it is enough clay that you can make four to five mugs. That is a substantial amount of clay included.

Yes, then of course it also depends on how thick you choose to make your pottery. Or four votive holders. Also includes instructions and step by step instructions, and reusable tools.


On the website you can have one to two people, or four people in your group. You can have a clay party. You have your beginner kits, and then the more advance kits. Now would you need a kiln for the more advanced kts…

I have one an example from what you can make from the more advanced kit, and you do not need a Kiln. It is a Pillar candle holder, and you can make it from air dry clay. You can make anything out of air-dry clay, that doesn’t have to be waterproof, or food safe. So, think shelves, candle holders, wall hanging, or trinkets.


Do you offer any type of Kiln service for those that want to create a plate, and they want to be able to eat off the plate…

I do offer it myself where I live, and then on my website I offer a Kiln locater. You type in your zip code, and it will give you the closest Kiln service to you and make your pottery food safe.


That is amazing and you provide all the information for people, and there is no reason why a person cannot do this. With Pottery with a Purpose, what is your ‘Aha’ moment, what joy do you get… is it creating new kits, or teaching the workshops…

I love teaching workshops to people and connecting with them. It is funny I know I said that I did not like teaching yoga virtually; but I love teaching pottery virtually. It is much more comfortable teaching and showing their faces on a Zoom call. Their pottery is not shown in the frame on the call unless they want to show it.

Also, I can interact with them on their teams. Co-workers learn about each other as well. One person in the workshop was a professional wood turner before, she made tables. And the people that she had worked with for a long time did not know that. It is cool to feel like you are part of a team. People love that they can chill out together, and different from happy hour.

I also love to give people the option to smash their pieces at the end if they do not like it. Then they can start all over.


I think with COVID we have learned that it is important to connect with people. I believe as an entrepreneur it can be so isolating. Do you think this is a nice blend to feel a part of a community, create your own community, and yet do it at your own speed…

Yes. I have loved that option of working with the virtual groups, because it can be quite isolating working as an entrepreneur. I am the only person on my team. Coming from a corporate background I love the aspect of being a part of a team.


What is your most memorable piece that you have created…

Good question, I think one of my most favorite pieces that I have created is a piece that I made in high school. As you know it takes a long time to finish the pottery. And that is why pieces cost a lot of money, because it takes a long time to finish. And you know exactly what I am saying because you have done pottery.

The best thing is that my parents still have that piece, and it brings back such good memories.


Yes, because I was the wheel person, and with one slight move you have destroyed the entire piece… yes!

Do you see Pottery with a Purpose expanding to using the mini at home kits using the wheel, or stay with using the clay as pinch pots using your hands…

Yes, I have thought of that, expanding to using the mini-wheel. But I am an eco-conscious company I don’t know that I want to go that route. I don’t know of any that are U.S. made, our tools are made in the U.S.

Right now, I am going to focus on building out the team events. As COVID becomes less of a threat, I will hold more in-person events.


Our last question, how do you start your day to get centered…

I am an East Coast person on West Coast time. So, my mornings start pretty late. I begin with a cup of tea, hang out with my dogs, and do a tea meditation.

With a person that has anxiety it is important to have my hands busy, and that can be from holding my teacup, holding that warm, or cold teacup. It is nice to pay attention to holding the mug, the feel of that, and the aroma of the tea. That is how I start my day…

Thank you I love your ethos and what you do. I will continue watching your Instagram and your Reels, because I am fascinated. Thank you, Samantha,…  Thank you for having me!



