Hiiiiii, how are you and happy Friday… Hello, and happy Friday to you.

I am super stoked you are vibrational medicine, modern alchemy and just cool.  I would love to just take a moment to say that this is a total Friday vibe, we are going to Zen out a bit, and just reconnect.  This is perfect!

Well thank you, I am so delighted to be with you and your amazing community. I simply love the work that you do, it is beautiful. Well thank you, that means so much.

Before we jump in, it is important to say that you have been doing this before it was popular. It is not something that you thought was a trend or fun; and then jumping on the trend. This is something that you believed in since the early 1990’s. And you have been dedicated to your own community, the Vibrational Medicine. That it something that should be celebrated.


Yes, thank you and it does age me slightly, but yes. I am garnering wisdom. I am moving into this new phase in my life gracefully because it is really that phase where I am garnering wisdom from experiences. I look back and think, I started my first business in the healing practice, in the early 1990’s. It has been such a journey.

When people go to your website,, there are three words that sum you up…Awaken, Anchor, and Actualize it is simple, and short. But it sparks something.  Please tell us about your journey, if you think your travels to Egypt, and India, culminated and help you to create this solid path…

Yes, I do… and thank you for the beautiful feedback about those three words. The whole idea … my Mission and Vision is igniting that spark of divinity and sovereignty that exist in each of us and unites us as one. If we think about those three key words and Awakening to the fact that there is far more than we are ever really taught in life.

And what are we Anchoring? we are Anchoring our higher self, our souls.  So that we can Actualize our true purpose, our authenticity, why we are here.  Tying that into my own personal journey, Awakening, that happened in the early 90’s. When I traveled to California and had my first experience with a local Shaman. It opened something within me that was always there. This is true for all of us.  We all have that wisdom, and innate gifts that are there within us and just must be ignited. We need that experience, or collective experience to unlock that.

Then traveling twice to Egypt. Now we are approaching the Spring Equinox, to plant our intentional seed in the garden to grow and the soul level.  So, I had one trip to Egypt at the Spring Equinox time many years ago with a Rosicrucian Organization which is a school that teaches Mysticism, and Esoteric philosophy. Those are the main pillars of my work. Esoteric thought philosophy, and Mysticism that is all throughout nature. So, we had this wonderful experience to do this ceremony in the main pyramid, that was open to just our group.

We sat in meditation in candlelight in the Queens Chamber. And ceremony in the King’s Chamber. It was such a profound time of remembrance for me. When I came out from the main pyramid, with tears streaming down my face, and my heart open; I met a woman and she said ‘ah that is where I remember you from, I knew you in a different life in Egypt and we were all here for initiation’ . Part of this aspect was to trust, and she said that I remember before you did not trust, and you deeply regretted it.


Wow, that gives me such chills, especially coming out of such a sacred space, and such an energetically filled spot (the pyramids). It was truly an amazing experience for me. In that moment I realized I had a choice to make. I came back to America; I was working in corporate America, and I decided to quit my job. To devote full time to my private practice as a healer. I started my first business of essential oil-based products.

That moment defined my path, in such a powerful way. To surrender and have faith and trust in our soul, our soul’s purpose why we are here. The process of self-discovery that guides us all.


Yes, I come from a corporate America background, and you do have this lightbulb moment of is this what I really want … am I happy, and the answer is no. Am I Grateful, yes to have this position, but I am not happy, nor fulfilled. It is not authentic to you. And you trust the process.

So true, and that is where the anchoring process can unfold, I know that there is something more for me in this life. I know that I am missing this deep and profound place of fulfillment that I can create out there.  So, we surround ourselves of communities of like-minded people, what I like to consider infinite potential.

We are here to co-create heaven here on earth and it starts with our personal journey of Love, Light, and Divine Consciousness.


What I love on your website you offer retreats and private sessions. Please tell us a little bit about the Mary Magdalen Retreat. With your private sessions you describe three phases, describe for us and take us through those phases, what do you recommend for people? What is the process…

Awesome, of course, I love that you are so interested. Yes, I think that this is just so cool, and interesting.  Well, we have two amazing retreats planned for this year.

The first retreat is the Mary Magdalen Retreat which is in Southern France in Provence, it is mystical, and pure magical. We experience the energy consciousness of the Divine Feminism through the messaging and all the relics, and sacred areas.  In many Cathedrals where her energy is palpable.

Our retreats are open to all, women, and men; because we are all learning to heal and to come together in harmony.  This retreat is going to be incredible. We will go to the favorite places from last year, as well adding more places to this retreat.

I also have a wonderful guide, and partner in Southern France, her name is Veronique. She holds the beautiful historical aspect of Mary Magdalene.  My background is working with the Divine Feminine from a spiritual perspective. Every day I will be guiding ceremony and meditation, with the Alchemy of the essential oils and crystals. We will be doing deep healing, so we can illuminate our highest and most bright future.

We ride horses, sing and dance, go to the beach and just have a wonderful time. I will also be doing a Zoom meeting in April discussing the retreat with Veronique, and she will be explaining what to expect on the retreat.

We will also be having another retreat stateside, in North Carolina. It is called The Divine Feminine Immersion at the Art of Living Retreat Center. With two of my colleagues. They will be leading this and teaching all the areas of holistic living. And how we can empower and enliven and awaken our best selves to thrive and live our best lives.

I will be teaching on Alchemy and people will learn how to make their own medicine. Carla will be teaching on yoga and breathwork. Patsy will be teaching on Feng shui and how it relates on a multi-dimensional level to our harmony and our health, wealth and so much more.  We also have Early Bird specials now. I would love for you to join us.


Yes, well I just came from a Shaman Ritual, so I am incredibly Zen right now. But I might strongly consider the retreat.


Personal time with Adora, please explain what that is like and what can we expect…

As much as it is powerful to work in the group settings, one-on-one sessions is where we really dive deep into the aspects that you want to develop in your life. Where do you want to evolve, transform, and up level your experience in this game of life; and what area do you want to focus on?

We all have unique gifts that we come here with, and we can anchor those gifts and light to heal ourselves. Then to contribute our light to the greater good of all. And you can set up a Discovery Call and it is 15 mins call.

I am the Sherpa, or your ally… and I show you that I have found my way out through my own journey. And I can help you find your way out, yours will be different than mine.


For people that are not close to you, can you do it on Zoom and get the same healing properties, and experience…

That really is a great question, yes, I would say 98% of my practice is virtual all over the world. I offer weekly complimentary meditations you can join on Zoom. Everything is connected and we are all connected. And when you make it your intention to heal you will have the same visceral experience as in person. Because everything is energy.

Many that work with me over Zoom their experiences and transformations are felt.


I think it is important to note that the words that you choose to describe everyone’s journey are positive words, and they can make people want to continue progressing. I love your word choices. And acknowledging that there is energy even if it is through messaging, or digital, people can still feel energy and not enough people really recognize that.

Yes, so true, everything has energy. And vibrational frequency. 


For people that are not 100% there yet. I know that you have a book out, and that is always a wonderful way to dipping in and becoming familiar, and comfortable. As well you also have your shop. So what minerals would you advise to start with...

Definitely, grab the book because it is tangible, and you can use it to refer to. Then join the Quantum Community, join our mailing list because every week we tell you what our events are, and many are complimentary. We have an Insight Timer. Also, we have Patrion for a nominal subscriber fee. I have YouTube as well.  There is something wherever you are to support you on your journey to help you curate your journey, your environment to co-create your best life experience.


What is your advice crystal wise, I love amethyst…

I love amethyst and I love lapis it is one of my favorites. It is great for meditation and activating your intuition. I like Tiger Eye because it is really grounding when you are feeling anxious and scattered.  It can bring us back to a place of centered.


How does a Guru start her day to stay centered and positive …

OH, great question. One of my gifts is Clairvoyance. So, I start hearing and I start journaling. I am open with my first breath to Gratitude and Receptivity. Make sure you get yourself feeling good. Sometimes I will start with a bath to get myself feeling better, centered. Then of course working with my essential oils which is an immediate way to shift your emotional response.

I also have a bit of espresso. I have my two girls that are home schooled, and we start the day with a lot of activities, and meetings.

For people that are going through a lot, and things look bleak. What do you suggest for them to be Grateful for? I know for me I will begin my Gratitude with being alive. What is best way to get that vibrational positivity going…

That is really a great and important question. Curating our environment is imperative. Protecting our energy and that means turning off the news, not letting a lot of media come into our system. That can immediately overwhelm the nervous system and we feel anxious; and less grounded. I would say the best thing is to work pure essential oil, it can be one oil, or a synergy and have something at your fingertips. It can be at your desk, or handbag. At those moments that you are feeling overwhelmed and triggered. Then put it on your fingertips and breathe it in. You are taking mindful presence of breath. These aromatics can interact with our life force, our mind, our emotions and they can act to calm our body, and to center us.  

So, when I say curate our environment, I mean have beautiful music, have light, go outside. One of pitfalls of our technology is that we are always being fed different perspectives that are not always accurate and causes more frenetic energy. But if you can go outside, put your feet on the earth, and breathe deeply. If you can spend five minutes a day in meditation. Also work with the aromatics and work with the crystals. You will start to feel the shift. Bring plants into your environment.

I tell people that I love that they mean a lot to me. It relieves so much of our anxiousness.


I love it…everyone please keep going to her website she has so much amazing information. Her website is and take advantage of the Early Bird special for the retreats. Thank you so much again…


Thank you and Happy Equinox, Blessings, and I hope to see you at the Retreat. Yes, I am going to check my schedule and if I can I will see you there.



