
Gigi Gustin- Energetic, funny, and a girl you’d totally love vintage shopping with. I had a blast talking with Gigi and about her upcoming Lifetime Movie, “Killer Advice.” Enjoy this interview!

Hi GiGi...  Hi Adylia how are you. Good, I just want to start by saying congratulations on your new movie. Thank you, thank you so much.

Okay, so GiGi how would you introduce yourself.  I am GiGi Gustin I am an actress, and a lot of people know me from ‘American Grit’ Season 2, hosted by John Cena. Now my latest movie is ‘Killer Advice’, and I cannot wait for everybody to see it.

Congrats on your Lifetime movie, ‘Killer Advice’. I was doing a little of my investigative research, and I saw the poster (for the movie) with Eric Roberts, and it looks so good. Honestly, Lifetime movies are my guilty pleasures since high school.  So what would be the message for this one. I feel like anytime Eric Roberts is in a movie, it gets real dark real quick. Ahahaha… it is amazing (the movie), and you are absolutely right. To not reveal too much, I would say that. There is a lot of scenes of family, trust, overcoming things, and being stronger together. 

My character is having a hard time because she has gotten into some trouble that caused her to loose her mother’s trust. So throughout the movie she's trying to gain that trust back. Then the villain comes in, and makes it harder for everybody. Gotcha!..okay is it Eric Roberts? I swear I feel like he's Jafar from Aladdin, he is always just there. You know he is there, and going to start some trouble. Can you give me a hint?  

Hahaha...actually not this time. Noooo! Really. He's changing it up! Yes!, it is about time he changes it up though.

Yes, because the last (movie) I remember he plays a Doctor that is super obsessed. He kept drugging the people because he could not make the relationships work....hahaha.  Yes, but I am with you though I love the thrillers, and those types of movies. And I love Eric Roberts. This is actually my third movie with Eric Roberts in it. No, shut up!  Yes!


When was the time that you knew that you had the acting bug. Oh my goodness, well actually I started out as a child actor. I was doing Chuck E. Cheese commercials, and other commercials. Then unfortunately my parents ended up getting a divorce. So my mom who was driving me to New York constantly, she had to get a full-time job. 

We ended up moving into a little apartment. So there was my mom, and three little kids in a one bedroom apartment. Soooo… GiGi did not act anymore. Hahaha, no I am not laughing at the situation, but just how you are speaking in third person. That is when you know stuff is getting real. life took a turn for GiGi. So I started doing voice lessons as my creative outlet.  I always loved movies, and imagined myself in them. I just did not have the chance to take it that far. So as I started getting a little older, I started asking questions. I knew college was not for me. I also knew it would be difficult to get back into it (acting). I had not booked a national commercial since I was eight years old. 

I decided to sign with a small Talent Agency on the East Coast; and that is how I got on the site with booking American Grit. Then after winning that show, I got the means and finances to move to L.A. to pursue acting further. And that is when I really got back into it. 

Awesome, I love that. You are so happy, and positive...often people forget that life is meant to have twists and turns. It was not always meant to be rainbows and unicorns. Yet you remained happy and positive. Oh, I appreciate you saying that. I learned at an early age - that the best things are on the other side of difficulties and challenges. I am like bring it on! Exactly, I just feel like nowadays people seem to forget that. They expect everything to be perfect, and that is just not life. There will be challenging days, as well there will be really good ones. Of course, yes! Life is going to kick you in the booty...even if you are Beyonce. Yes, and that is Beyonce.

This is your third movie with Eric Roberts. How have you matured, or grown as an actress working with an industry veteran... I will give you a little insight that most people would have no knowledge of unless you were there. Now it is the third movie with Eric Roberts...I have only had one scene with the man. What!, no. 


Where we actually worked together. I did have the opportunity to introduce myself to him, and to tell him that we were both in ‘Asteroid-A-Geddon’ on Amazon Prime. Then in another movie, ‘Angel with a Gun’ (its a horror movie that is not yet out).  And the ‘Killer Advice’ we are in (together), but we had different shoot dates. As he also did (different shoot dates) in’ Angel with a Gun’. So isn't that something?   Yes, that really is...look at it as you guys are getting closer. Well, that’s the thing no one has any idea.

Like on ‘Fast and Fierce: Death Race’, that aired on Showtime (2020). I have a whole scene with DMX. A whole crazy phone call. We filmed that separately. But I will say though I have had the opportunity to work with some great amazing actors.

That is the key…I love to be the least experienced person on set; because I have the most to learn. I came out here (to L.A.), super excited, just telling everybody I am an actor. And just talking their ear off, and so excited to be on set.

Yet, the moment that I learned just to be quiet, and to listen; I started learning and picking things up. And now I am in the position that people are listening to me. So its incredible the roles that I have gotten in these last two years since I have been out here. I have learned so much.

You also see how different actors prepare, at first I was like…oh maybe I can try this (method). I have learned that you have to find your own way of preparing. Every actors process is different. I have learned that from looking, and following some of the greats like Nicole Kidman. Working with so many seasoned actors has helped me to find my own way, my own voice and process.


What would you say is one of the most rewarding things about your art - Oh my goodness, it’s an opportunity to heal. I know that sounds cheesy, but the truth is when I act I got my Ammo. It is my arsenal of crap that’s happened to me in life, and I have that to pull from, and use in my art. And I eventually let it go.

I think that is part of the reason why I appreciate horror films, and intense films; it is always those types of emotions that I don’t know how to handle them. Art is my way of releasing them, and that’s why it (my acting) comes from an authentic place. I am choosing to feel, and experience those emotions on my own terms. There is something very freeing about that - when I can use my Ammo from past experiences.

Then to also be in the moment. I take what I have learned from my art into my relationships. My art is my therapy. That is awesome…Well, thank you.

Is it the same love, or fun as when you do voice-over as when you do a movie. Do you have the same passion - Uuumm…I’m going to say no. I do love voice-over acting.  It is a lot of fun, and it is still acting. The difference is with voice-over you are in a booth by yourself. When you are on camera you are working with another person. You are feeding off of their energy, it offers a lot more than voice-over does.

We kind of touched upon this earlier. It is the inevitable challenges of acting. How do you handle, navigate those challenges, and get through them. Well, you have to use all of it; every failure and stress as experience, as a lesson - or motivation. You can easily let it get you down. But it is always a flip side - ‘the glass is half full’. I booked a couple of films this last year, and that is great. But you should see the folder on my laptop, it is about 230 films in there. I did not book 230 films.

You have to fail it is necessary. Perseverance is what gets you through everything. It is hard to beat someone that does not quit. It’s hard to loose if you do not quit. Not quitting is the key. You are a better one than me, I’m thinking about at the 150th one, I would be ready to tap out. No!!! Remember whenever you are about to tap out that is right when it is about to happen.

That is so true, and you logically know it but at the same time… Yes, and the mini pep talks in my head are real. I do have those moments when I say ‘why am I even an actor, I should have went to college’. That never lasts more than an hour. Never. Normally, it is around that freak out that I end up booking something. Yes, whether it is negative, or positive energy it’s all energy you can harness. So, I give myself about an hour, then often I get a call that I have booked something. Then, I am like ‘Yes! woohoo’. It is the Law of Attraction.

You know that is when you know that you are meant to do something; when you have that challenge, and it motivates you to work harder - and you don’t run away. That is when I know that I have to pick up my game. Roadblocks are not blocks, they are just ways (paths) to take you to do something. To get you to where you need to be, and to accomplish what you need to do. You know you are so wise. 

Best advice that you would give to that young 15 year old girl that saw you in ‘Killer Advice’, and wants to get into acting -  Uh, well to put it point blank - just go for it. And go for it whole heartedly, if that is what you want. It doesn’t matter what anybody says if you feel it, and want it bad enough; you can make it happen. Also, keep the people that believe in you very close; let anyone that feels a different sort of way - let that fuel you. You do not need everybody to agree, and have your back.

You are the only person that really wants it, because you are the only person that can make it happen. My mom is still upset with me, after I dropped out of college after three and a half days. I got to attend college tuition free, because my mom worked there. She told me not to do it. Now, my little successes are easing her pain. So if you can’t imagine yourself doing anything else, you have to go for it.

I love that.

And the last, and most fun question…what is your favorite way to pamper yourself, to get a boost, and relax -  I have a vintage jacket shopping addiction. Some like pampering with massages. I go out thrift shopping, get a cool jacket, and maybe buy an expensive pair of shoes. Then if I am really feeling fancy I get a facial. Oh yes! Well thank you for your time GiGi - Thank you too, I appreciate it. 


