Danilo Carrera, one of the most beloved Actors right now after bursting onto the scene playing beloved villain Franco. I had the pleasure to find out more about this charismatic Thespian. Enjoy the interview!

How would you introduce yourself to people who are unaware of you?

La primera pregunta...I’ll introduce myself as [Danilo Carrera] a normal guy with a special job; I’m a kid from a small town — Guayaquil, Ecuador. 

Your first project in Mexico was “Pasión Y Poder” playing Franco. How did you prepare for this role?

For me moving to Mexico for “Pasión Y Poder” was crazy. I had no time to prepare anything because it was on a Tuesday, and they told me I had to be in Mexico by Wednesday, and I started shooting on Monday. So I was just trying to pull whatever tool I had in my career or from colleagues. I had to create this character. That ended up being the villain of the story, but it has helped me to grow so much. It was an amazing process but I was just tyring to handle/solve every problem in every scene as it appeared.

What is something that not many people know about you?

I guess not many people know that I have a family, and I’m a family guy. I am devoted to taking care of my mom, and spending time with my brothers. I am the oldest of five, so for me it’s very important to keep the family together, and to be an example for my brothers- that come after me. So that’s really something that many people don’t know about me.

You and your partner Michelle Renaud are serious Couple Goals! How do you guys balance your individual career ambitions and your relationship?

It is crazy to hear all of the time that we are “Couple Goals.” It is hard, we have a normal relationship like everyone else, and for us it’s hard to have differences—arguments— discusstions. But we try to manage everything privately, and not share everything — there is a saying in Spanish, you know… “Dirty clothes you wash at home.” So when we have a problem, like everyone else, we try to work it out in privacy. And try to keep our careers as our priority too. So that we can keep growing and achieve our dreams together. Whatever I can help her with, I will, and she’s shown me that whatever I need she will be there for me— so we manage that way.

What is your first love: acting, modeling, or hosting? How did you get into the other areas?

My first love none of the above, none of the above. It was soccer, soccer… my love is soccer, to be a soccer player. Believe it or not—I have to say writing. It’s something, my fans and the media have not heard about. I will be coming out with a book soon. That’s my first love even before — modeling, hosting, which I like, I love all of them. My first love is soccer, and in the creative world it is writing for sure.

Please describe your upcoming show “Quererlo Todo”

“Quererlo Todo” —means wanting everything, wishing to have everything, and la novela is just amazing. La novela we have everything we need, we have an amazing cast, and an amazing story, amazing locations. People right now are in their houses, and are not coming out of their houses. So, for them to watch all of the places that we are shooting—watching have teh forest, seeing the green, and seeing a lot of spaces. It’s going to be amazing for a lot of people who are home right now. My character es “Un Macho.” He’s a tough guy who falls in love. He’s ahead of his time, he’s like a hero, super-hero, but without super powers, it’s crazy. If he needs to get into a fight to take care of someone or protect someone, he will. He’ll go against four or five guys, take a beating, it doesn’t matter, he will keep moving forward. He will get on a horse and he will do anything form a horse to help all the people he needs.

What do you do to stay balanced and healthy?

To stay balacned for me, it’s a mix of many things. I try to sleep, that’s the hardest for me to sleep 8 hours a day, but I tyr to do it. Then I try to eat healthy. I try to eat a lot of Salmon, and I try to eat not many things with fat, you know good carbs. The thing I enjoy the most is jogging—running, going out and playing soccer. Going jogging before you have breakfast every morning is so amazing, you burn so much fat. Three times more fat than you would burn if you went jogging after you had breakfast. For sure it’s so amazing for your mind, you prepare your day while you run, you plan to run for 20 minutes, and then all of a sudden its been 30 minutes or 40 minutes, because your mind just flew. With all the things that you are going to achieve during the day, and you did more exercise than you expected.

What are your thoughts on the current BLM movement?

I believe that if one day every single Human on this planet, would act from the strongest feeling there is—that is Love. We would not have movements, or bad news on the media, or sad stories. We would have Respect, Unity, and we would all be in Peace and Harmony. There would be no differences, no frontier, or lines dividing Countries. There would be no people telling from here to here we eat this, and from here to here we speak this language. We would be one World thinker. I believe we should all act from Love, it’s hard but I do believe one day we will get there.

The last and most fun question! How do you unwind?

How do I unwind and relax… for me it’s very easy. I just need to get to my family. Sometimes work— media, interviews, photo shoots, scenes working; meeting new people; new meetings for new projects, shootings again, recording. The rush goes for so long, that we don’t have an escape, I don’t know, even if we go on a cruise, or on a trip we get tehre and it’s the same. There’s a camera waiting for you at the airport, then there’s a camera at the hotel (because they know where we are going to sleep). Then you have an event. It’s fun, but it’s a rush. When I need to disconnect I go to Ecuador. Yes, there are cameras at the airport when I arrive but when I get home and go to my farm, I don’t have cell phones there. I don’t have WiFi there. I am just with my family. Listening to my brothers and going back 10 to 15 years when we were little and had no responsibilities. When we were able to play all day— for me that’s just priceless and that’s what I do. I go to my family, to my Mom, Dad, Grandma, and my Brothers.


