We started talking about Bel’s singing journey since she was 9 years old... with her parents reminding Bel that if she ever changed her mind (wanting to stop singing);and clearly she never changed my mind. 


Clearly I am a different person than I was back then. It is such a beautiful journey to come into who you are as a person, and it helps you to become a better artist. And I feel like everything is timing, I was not ready mentally, spiritually, nor emotionally before to take on what I wanted to take on now. So I think it all comes full circle.

That is brilliant and I love that! I think that shows a lot of growth and maturity to even know...with our generation we all want everything super quick. If we don't get it quick we think that we are a failure. That says something, because you can look back and say - ‘ no, if I would have achieved this then, I would not have been ready’. So I think that is amazing to even recognize that.


So how did you create the song...’Lemon Drop’ is so catchy...

Thank you, so actually how I work... I like to hear tracks that make me feel something. When I created the track it made me feel something, and the first thing I do is start free styling. Then sometimes concepts just come out. In that particular song when I did my voice recording...’Lemon Drop came out’. And then I thought ‘ooohhh that is cool’

Like I have not heard anyone use that term before...ahahaha. So I started making an entire song off of that concept, and used some of the melodies that I had. Now what does Lemon Drop mean...ahahaha. I thought at first the drink, (I thought) does she mean like the martini? Ahaha  Yeah, that is the thing I am not like a big drinker. Yes! Me either! I don't drink anymore, but I am aware of the most popular drinks. So when I saw ‘Lemon Drop’, I was like does she mean the martini...then I was like I am going to ask her. 

I think it works perfectly, because ‘Lemon Drop’ martini’s are very sexy, and they are a vibe. Even though the video is not out yet, we have some ideas for the video to incorporate ‘Lemon Drop’ martini, of course. So if anyone is listening and they have a connection to ‘Lemon Drop’ martini sponsors’, we are currently in the process of finding that. ‘Lemon Drop’ is just a feel good song, that makes you feel sexy. It’s a night on the town with your boo, your girls, or your boys, and you basically want to take over the city. 

And for your cover art, I love that it is artistic, and just evokes a positive mellow vibe. Do you think it is going to translate when you do your more popish, more dancing, or more artistic like panning what you do with your friends in a night. 


It is definitely going to be more vibey. 

Is there anything else that I might have missed about ‘Lemon Drop’ that you want people to know, before we start doing our girly chat about skincare and makeup...

Uuuummm, just that I am super excited about my music coming out, this is the first of many. I am going to start releasing quite a lot of music and songs. And to see how it is going to flow is how it will flow. I hope that you guys love ‘Lemon Drop’. Make TikTok, and Videos...I am watching all of that and reposting it. So, I am excited. Yes, and congratulations again. I have listened to it a minimum of thirty times already - I love it! You should do TikTok to it (‘Lemon Drop’)… I don’t personally have TikTok, or any other social media, that is the irony of everything… Yeah, everyone that needs to be on it are not it. But I can’t really dance, I just do a little bob of the head. You could use it (‘Lemon Drop’) for a skincare routine. Yes, I could actually with a little lemon shavings…I could do a video of that to the song. I would do that just for you.  Perfect! I cannot wait to see that.

Now, onto my favorite topic…Skincare and make-up. You have beautiful skin, I am pretty much OCD with my skincare. What are some of your secrets to morning and night routine…what do you like to do…

Yes, so…I love my skincare routine in the morning. It is my self-ritual. Especially, because I need to be better at loving to do it at night. The reason that I love to do it in the morning, is because I am that person that loves to wake-up excited for the day. I want to start fresh. I love washing my face and doing my routine. 

I do like to use as many natural products as possible, and I have been doing that for a bit. That is from my food to my face products, and to my toilet paper. I try, I am not OCD about it - but I try.


What is your favorite cleanser

Right now I have been using the MILK vegan cleanser…I love MILK! I use between MILK and TARTE. I discovered it recently, I was like this is a vegan cleanser. Some of the other vegan cleansers that I have tried I have not been really into them. Because I am not completely OCD about it, I have gone back to my other cleansers. 

This one I love (MILK), it makes my skin feel so refreshed. I also use this moisturizer, I also use Grown Alchemist ( I hope I am saying that one right). It makes my skin feel like it is drinking water. I also love the Ole Henriksen Banana Bright Eye Creme. Yes! I do the Vitamin C Serum at night. That is my first layer. Then I use Sunday Riley, U.F.O. at night. Night time is more intense for me, mornings are more of a faster ritual. At night I do everything, to the  Infrared at home sauna.

Uhhummm, I love that. And Drunk Elephant they have an oil, I think it is Marula Oil.  Oh, yes. My Mom is obsessed with that oil on her face, she is very low maintenance - but she is obsessed with that oil. If I ask her if she needs anything, she will usually say ‘oh no I don’t need anything’. If she is out of the Marula Oil, she will let me know that. Yes, because it plumps you up; if you have any fine lines…it is amazing. 

I have super oily skin so I can not use the oil all the time. If anything I need things that matte my skin. She has more dry skin, so the oil is good for her. I have eczema and rosacea, it depends on the season. Some seasons I need more moisture so that I don’t have chafing. Then other seasons I need more oil, it depends.

Now, I always take my make-up off at night no matter how tired that I am. Do you sometimes leave your make-up on…Yesssss.....ohhhh! You do!!! Nooooo…

All of my girlfriends will tell you, I don’t know if Sydney is watching now…I hope so. In the past at least, but now I have gotten better; I use to never take my make-up off, I was always so tired. I would just go to sleep, and all of my mascara would get on the Well, it is not OCD, but it is the make-up that has seen the day. Oh my gosh!

Yeahhhh, lol it is not something that I am proud of…ahahaha. Sydney is like she leaves it on always! Now I am so good about it. So much that I have coconut melting wipes next to my bed. Oh, wow that really sounds good coconut melting wipes. Sydney just said ‘all of my pillow cases’, ahahaha. Sometimes I get home so late from work, I don’t get home sometimes until 5:00 a.m. from the recording studio. I am at events constantly. I live about 40 minutes from L.A., so by the time I get home I am exhausted. I get that you are just beat. 

So I just grab that wipe and it takes off my make-up super easily, it’s  natural, it’s just coconut oil. Is it ‘rms’ wipes…I know they have an amazing coconut wipe, I am obsessed with them for the plane. No, it’s not that brand…I have only used their wipes, they are excellent for the plane.

Anything natural that is good for your body, the environment, and makes you feel better from the inside out. I agree! Okay now that we have the skincare down, what do you do for make-up…

If you have a great skincare you still need to have good make-up. One that is not clogging your pores; and is not leaving your skin looking cakey, so what do you use… so if you are on a shoot of course it is going to be heavier, than if it is your everyday - what are your go to’s… 

Yes, so I like to have a routine that is super fast. Sometimes I find out that I have to go somewhere literally an hour before. I have to be ready at like all times. I like to use it Foundation, have you heard of that one? itCosmetics!, oh yes. So, I like to use it if I am going for a very natural look. It is not so heavy, or icky. I also love tarte. I love tarte! They have a really good foundation that I also use (we talked about them earlier). Yes, I use the clay one (from tarte). The amazonian clay one, I am obsessed with that one right now. Yes! I love that one. I put concealer on my eyes, I love NARS. And then bronzer, a little mascara, and then a little on my eyebrows. Then I am out the door.

Boom, and that is like what ten, fifteen minutes tops. That is pretty much what I have on right now, it was pretty quick make-up. Because I was like oh sh*t it is almost time. Hahahaha! Me too! That was me, I am pretty much wearing Fresh chapstick, brows, and foundation so that I show up. I was racing because it was almost time. 

I also do like a little highlighter. I like the liquid highlight. I am not that make-up gifted, nor do I have the patience. So I have not branched out to highlight, I use the bronzer. That is as much as I do. OMG…yes I feel with make-up, with everything that you do is very habitual. So the more that you do it, it becomes second nature to you. Yes, that is true. 

Have you ever done the fake lashes…my friend was on a kick and told me that I had to try them. So I was like ok I will try it. Ohhhh…no! I was so far away the first time, it was too embarrassing. Ahahahahah!!!! Stuff was everywhere. There is definitely an art to lashes. For me it is the more that I do something the easier it becomes. I really like that philosophy.

You are very positive, and you have so much stuff coming out...and it has been a journey. What meditation, or positive talk do you tell yourself to get through the good days, and even more challenging days…

That is a very good question!…I am very big on meditation. I am a huge advocate for meditation. Any of my friends will tell you, I am always asking people ‘do you meditate’; and I don’t care if it is annoying. Ahahaha… Ahahaha, no! I have my crystals and sage. I go to my closet and it is literally my ‘me time’. I also have my amethyst, and onyx. 

Yes, because I guess I know how amazing it makes me feel, so I want to share that. I want other people to experience that. It is amazing when you embrace it. And I think for someone that never wanted to do that, or read…thinking that it was boring, or not having the patience. Once I got past that, it has become a habit, and a lifestyle. If I could I would meditate for three hours. Yes, and it is so easy to do! I can do it for an hour and a half easily.

For me the biggest part to get over is that someone is going to need me, or something is going to come up. And I just cannot have my phone on during that time. But being realistic if I have to be somewhere at a certain time that day…I will always get in that ten minute meditation at some point in a day. It can be in the morning, or night. I can be anywhere and make that my area (to meditate). It is my own safe haven for my mind. You just focus on your breathing. It (meditation) translates to everything in life - patience, control of your emotions, how you handle situations. Since I have meditated I have become such a stronger human being.

My last question…and I said that before. Ahahaaa…I would say that you should feel so proud of yourself, what you have accomplished,  and what you are going to continue to accomplish. But if you could describe the feeling that you feel today with the release of ‘Lemon Drop’ - in one word to describe what you are feeling… 

One Word!!! Yes just one word, and it could be anything from the process, you yourself - just anything.

I have sooo many words popping in my head right now…okay three words. Uuummm being truly transparent. I am feeling different than what I thought I would today. Last night I was very excited, like on a cloud, very powerful - like I could take on the world.

Today, I told my mom, every song is so personal to me it is almost like having a baby. Releasing this energy…I have wanted to release this music for so long, and I have finally done it. So now the work really starts. The best way to describe it is if I was climbing a mountain, and I am like half way up Mt. Everest…ahahah yes, and you have to make that Summit push!... Yes! 

I love the Everest analysis, this is the end of my InstagramLive, congratulations again to you. I cannot wait to support you, I hope that you have an amazing Friday and celebrate properly.


Thank you so much, I had so much fun….


