Ana Belena is a talented Actress, Mother, and Health Coach. Her positive outlook on her life and the many hats she wears is infectious! I’m so happy Ana took time out of her crazy schedule to chat with us! Enjoy!



How would you introduce yourself to people who are unaware of you?

I am a Mother, Wife, Entrepreneur and Actress who has been working in the entertainment industry for more than 15 years.

Congratulations on your new show- “Diseñando tu amor”! What is your favorite part of playing Helena Vargas Reyna?

Helena is a very powerful woman, she is an entrepreneur who has been fighting against a lot of problems during her life; but thanks to her strength, focus and integrity, has been able to build an amazing business. I think that she is like a mirror for many women today.

You just had your son Thiago- 10 months ago- he’s absolutely beautiful! How have you balanced motherhood and working?

It is not easy as you can imagine. Work as an Actress is hard, but being a Mother is harder, so you really need to be very organized and confident that what you are doing as a professional will impact like the same way of what you are doing as a Mother. I want for my son to understand the importance of being what you want to be in your life. Thiago has an amazing Nanny who help us every day when I am not there, but there are some days than he can come with me and have lunch together.

How did you practice self-care while you were pregnant and after?

To be very honest, not different from my regular life. I am a very balanced woman trying to eat healthy (with my guilty pleasures). I used to workout every day and sleep my 8 hours a day.


List 5 things you can’t live without-

Food, I love to eat - Exercise - Family - Travel - Work

When you’re in work mode & you have late nights etc. what is your favorite “go-to snack”?

I prepare every day a special “Pancake” for those moments, and the recipe includes: oatmeal, spinach, withes and cinnamon.

Can you tell us about future projects you have?

As all the talent in this business, I am casting for some projects and hopefully I will have some news soon. I am very excited with projects for a Streamer and another one for Open Air TV… But you never know….

What is your favorite beauty staple? (Ex- bold lip, no-makeup look etc)

Sunblock every day before leaving home.

Please list the best things about being: an Actress, Mom, and Health Coach…

The best thing of being an Actress is performing every show in a different carácter. Of being a Mom, feel the deepest love ever. Being a Health Coach, to help others to understand that everybody is different and we need to connect not just with our hunger but with our emotional experiences

Last & most fun question! What is your favorite way to unwind!

I grab a cup of coffee, a dessert and having a great conversation.


