In this Conversating with Yhorlife we got to conversate with Saber Prévôt & Coach, Aaron Villaseñor. Aaron is the complex blend of intelligence, wit and competitiveness that makes a great Fencer. He has also perfected his ‘serious face’ which is why I was quite nervous for this Conversating. Fun fact- Saber is one of the three weapons in Fencing. Hope you enjoy this Conversating as much as I do - Enjoy!


So, how would you introduce yourself to someone that is unaware of you …

I am Aaron Villaseñor, 33 years old, and I am Mexican. I am a fencing Coach, and I am an Athlete.


You are a Master Sabre Fencer, what got you into fencing? And when did you realize it was more than a sport for you …

I got into fencing when I was twelve years old. I did gymnastics before (fencing). Then I broke my wrist in a gymnastics’ training. Once it was healed, I was afraid to return to gymnastics.

So, I went to this camp, and they had different disciplines, and fencing was at the camp. I asked my dad what exactly was fencing … and he said that it was a sport that involved swords.


When I saw the swords, I fell in love with the sport. So, it has been 21 years of doing the sport. I have fallen in love with the sport of fencing. What did you do in gymnastics, the pummel horse or… no, I was on the rings. No way! Yes, the most difficult one!


What separates your Coaching and fencing style from other coaches and fencers….

So, I do have my own style of fencing. Coaches usually have a Fencing School from their countries, it is not a rule though. So, I use my own style. When I see some move that I like, I study it … and then turn it into my style. How would you say that your main stye is… I would say Cuban style, because I grew up with it. Cuban is Cuban, a descendant of the Russian style.


What are the benefits of Fencing, and how can these qualities be used throughout life …

Well, I think that there are a lot (benefits). Like any other sport, discipline is very important. In the sport you have to have a lot of respect and tolerance for others as well.


Of course, you also get fit and healthy because you are doing a sport, these are some of the best benefits that you can get from fencing. Okay, how can these qualities be used throughout life? I mean these are great qualities … In a job you must be disciplined with your time, and you must work well with others. So, all those qualities that you learned in sports, specifically Fencing, you can apply to your everyday life.


What are your tips for a healthy mindset…

Sleep well, eating well, and having good habits in your life. Those are the main things for having a healthy mindset.


How do you develop those habits? – what are the steps that you recommend getting those healthy habits …

You set up goals. As an example, you make a list. You know that you always go to McDonald’s to eat. So, you first adjust how many times that you will go to McDonald’s. If you go five times a week, you change at first to going only three times a week, then one time a week to zero times a week. That is a good way to develop good habits.


I like the list method. Okay, what challenges do you see in fencing that are on the rise…

The good thing is that it is becoming more popular. There are more people competing in Regional Competitions, in just one event. And that is a good thing.

We are lacking good Referees in Fencing. To be honest not all Referees want to teach other Referees. We need to find a way to teach the new Referee’s to be good. Right now, there is a new program in U.S. Fencing to work on teaching the new Referee’s to be good, and to raise the existing Referees to that level.


For those that are unfamiliar … why are Referees so important in Fencing ….

The thing is that in Fencing it is the Referees are the ones that decide who wins, and who does not win a bout. It is a sport that you depend on that one person, the Referee, to see every detail of the bout. And he will be the one that will decide who wins, and who loses. So, the referee must be prepared to watch all the details in the bout.


What is the best way for someone to start Fencing …

The benefit of the United States is that there are a lot of clubs around the country, so all you have to do is go to the club that is closet to you.

So, go on Google and search Fencing Schools, and you will find a lot. Interesting side note… right now fencing is the top sixth sport that was most watched in the Olympics. In social media it was one of the topmost mentioned sports. In the United States it is getting big.


If you are a current Fencer what can be done to improve daily habits …


The important thing is your goals. Let’s say that someone wants to be good and progress in the sport. Not just stay at the local level and fencing bouts at their club, and locally. What can be done to improve their habits, so that they are more confident …

The first thing that they must do is to get out of their comfort zone.  Most of the Fencers are scared to jump to the next level. For example, a Fencer always fences locally but is scared to fence at Regionals.  So, you must get out of your comfort zone, and just do it.


In the beginning it is going to be difficult, but it will get better. So, competitions are typically once a week… Yes. But what can be done daily to improve the habits. Let’s say they are a current Fencer, and they are fencing locally, at their Club, or maybe Regionally. Then they decide to go to a NAC, then what would you tell them to do to get ready, and how would they need to change their habits to be mentally prepared?...

I think it also depends on the Fencer’s level. Example, if they have been fencing for a year, and they have an issue with their speed. That is what will need to be addressed. If they are going slow, they must change that, and they would need to do more sprints.

Do you recommend watching your fencing tapes back?

Oh yes! That is the best way to improve. Every competition is like a test. So, when you watch how you are doing, you can then see and develop a program; exactly what you need to improve, and what you need to work on.

What are the three staples of clothing that make you feel most confident…

Okay super honest… I am very specific with my shorts, how long they are, I like five inches for the length…because when I lunge I don’t like to feel the shorts.

Then I like to use tank tops, pretty much for the same reason. I do not like to feel them, I would feel uncomfortable. Also, I like the neoprene material, I do not like clothes that confine me when I am fencing.

And lastly, the socks are important for me. I like long socks for training, like the fencing socks. It makes me feel more comfortable.


What do you recommend for people to do to get physically stronger (for fencing) …

You must have a good diet, and a good workout program at the gym. To be a good fencer you need to work out a lot  … your legs and arms. Also, to sleep well too.


What is the best way to accept defeat in a competition … 

So, I think the best way that you can accept the defeat is to take everything that you can learn from that bout. If you win, or if you lose. A lot of times when we win a bout, we do not care what you did to win the bout. Oh my gosh yes!...


When we lose, we are upset and sad. But when you watch the tape, you can see what you did, and you can see it. Instead of getting sad you must take it as a learning experience. You should find what you did not do good in the bout, and study that. 

If you only have one good touch in a bout, that is good. Because you can study that one good touch and learn from it. The most important thing is to improve.


What would you say is the best way to handle the defeat of a bout (in the moment) …

To walk. To get out of the area, do not throw your mask, or your Sabre. So, take a walk to reset. Once you have calmed down, then you can think about the bout, and think about what happened.


What are some of the most rewarding parts of your job …

To see the kids happy… to see my students happy. That has to be the most rewarding part of my job. Yes! Even if they win or lose… when I see that they did their best that is everything. Of course, I like it when they win. I am very competitive.

And I always call my fencers my kids. Why is thatbecause I think of them like my family. I see it like that, I am trying to be their role model. I am the Coach, yes…and sometime the Psychologist, and their Nutritionist too. I think that bond is very important.


You are a Coach, but you also are still a competitive Fencer, what is the different mindset between the two …

First, when you are a Coach, you have to understand that you do not have everything under control, you cannot control everything. However, when you are a Fencer, you control yourself, and you control what you are going to do on the strip (fencing).

When you are a Coach you cannot control what your Fencer is going to do. Right so true!... And I think that is the main thing.

Does is make you more valuable as a Coach since you are still fencing competitively, why are you still competitively fencing … and what do you hope to accomplish …

That is really a very good question. I want to answer the second one first. Of course … I am still competing because of my kids. I stopped competing for one year. When I moved to the States, and working in the Club there was no high level Fencers. There were young Fencers in the club. I think it is very important for kids to have a role model. Someone, that other Fencers, and the kids can look at and say … ‘ I want to be like that, or I want to be better than that’.

So, that is why I started back competing. My inspiration is my kids. I retired for three years. Because I was managing the Club, and I had a lot of work.  

Now, I have more time. Also, because my kids are asking … ‘Coach when are you going to compete again?’ It is not the Olympics, or to be on the National Team (again) … it is more to tell my kids that if I can do it,  you can do it too.


Now would you want to go to the Olympics…  Of course! I want to, I really want to. My biggest inspiration is my kids. My goals as an Athlete is to be on the National Team again, and to also go to the Olympics. I am still young, and this will be my last shot. I want to put all my energies into these four years.


Be honest do you want the cute sweatsuit again too?  Lol… yeah okay.


Last … and most fun question … how do you unwind, relax …

I go to my room … play my guitar and listen to music. In that moment I forget everything. The other thing that I do a lot is to read, I love to read. I like to read on my iPad, but I also love to read with books (physical), and I have a Kindle too for my books.


Now when you are competing how do you relax, do you do the same things… uh, no! the best thing for me is to be in complete silence. I do not read, or listen to anything … I sit in complete silence and just be silent. I sometimes will drive in silence to also relax. Oh, my you have lost me the silence!    LOL!!!!!


Thank you so much….

