If you’ve been apart of this community for a minute you know I’m a skincare junkie. The reason behind being so skin obsessed is due to my eczema and rosacea I’ve dealt with since I was a baby. With travel, constant weather changes, and just general stress that life can be are all triggers for eczema and rosacea. After years of trial and error I’ve figured out the best hacks to feel like I’m living while keeping outbreaks at bay.

Eczema and Rosacea has been more prominently discussed the last 5 years. When I was growing up there were limited options available and inevitably I would get outbreaks on the back of my neck, creases of my arms and during tests or finals it would go to my face. To say I was mocked would be an understatement.

It wasn’t the teasing that was so horrendous it was the ITCH! The uncontrollable need to scratch even though you know it will continue to go deeper and bleed. If you put on a topical steroid like hydrocortisone it burns even though you know it’s “healing".

When I was in 4th grade my Grandma took me to her Doctor in Beverly Hills to see what I could do to stop the Eczema from even flaring up without taking drugs. Basically he told me I needed to “reset and train my system.” I had no clue what he meant but I was a normal kid who ate on the healthier side thanks to my family so I didn’t have a clue what he could mean.

Well, when I left I got a 2 page list and about 20 plus items of all things I needed to stop eating immediately to cleanse my system. One of my FAVORITE items to eat is cheese and dairy! I’m talking Mac & cheese, ice cream, shakes, pizza. The cheesier the better! Dairy was the first to go. I cried.

The Doctor informed me it wouldn’t be forever but at least a year. So I followed, grudgingly as any 4th grader would. I replaced my ice cream with Tofuti (amazing vegan ice cream) and the creamy taste with peanut butter. I drank more water and limited my salt. The Doctor was right! I focused on the foods that helped soothe my system and eliminated the dairy and sugar.

After a year and a half I had stopped getting flare ups and was working on clearing the skin (you get discolored from the constant scratching). I wanted to live and eat pizza again so I asked the Doctor what could be done.

He told me that if I load up on apples, oranges, and salmon 5 days before I will eat dairy my skin might get a tiny bit itchy but won’t flare up. It worked!! I always eat 5 oranges and then drink an apple and orange fresh pressed juice for a few days before I dig into ice cream, Mac & cheese or pizza!

My skin, does get triggered by the environment, stress, and travel but now I can use hydrocortisone to stop the itching. I would say juicing is the BEST way to ensure you’re getting enough nutrients because drinking 20 oranges then eating 20 oranges.

Now the best way to bathe for Eczema and Rosacea is an oatmeal bath! It’s boring but it soothes and truly alleviates the itch. Our Unicorn Soap is also an amazing benefit during the bath because the goal milk is extra soothing. Our Self-Love soap is made with colloidal oatmeal and you can NEVER have enough oatmeal.

The best thing is that you can incorporate these items and still live! The added benefit is that it also clears up your skin. Happy Juicing and drinking water - aka Eczema and Rosacea no more!


