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So if you’ve been following me for a minute you know I love all things skincare, balanced lifestyle and just overall a peaceful and happy existence. I try to convey that through articles and interviews.

What you probably didn’t know is that I’m a former competitive fencer. I’m talking 2 World Cups, being a B-ranked fencer and getting recruited for University. As soon as I got to University I retired. I even lied to my parents for a year telling them I was still on the fencing team lol. I retired because I wanted to focus on creating Yhorlife and getting through Business School and getting a Corporate job. I always figured I would return to fencing (I assumed recreationally to spar with my brother) because it was my existence for so long but I had no clue when.

Fast forward to now! 15 years after I retired, I have officially un-retired. Now, getting back after so long is probably one of the most challenging, fun and humbling experiences I’ve done in a longgggg time. For starters, the rules are completely different in terms of preparation and how to get points. Second, I’m starting all over again. I’m now unrated and have to climb back up the ranks. I call this my own “Count of Monte Cristo” challenge coming back after a long time away.

I’m naturally very shy so the idea at first was exhilarating and even though I’m shy I also love to jump in when something feels right. That being said 3 weeks after I got my USA Fencing membership I entered my first competition. My brother thought I was mental because I haven’t held a sword or been in en garde position in 15 years. I thought what is the worst that can happen and I can learn!

Wellllll! lol. I had no idea (or I just blocked the energy of competition from my mind) how overwhelmed I would be by the competition. Right at the start I wanted to go back home before I even checked-in. After that hurdle I had to warm up. Again, I forgot how people don’t always have the friendliest dispositions during that time and that took me a minute to adjust.

It was time for pools (a glorified round robin) and everything is on your phone now! That was an adjustment. Of course I’m competitive I was hoping I would win 1 bout but sadly no. I did get points and considering I had nooooo clue what the new rules were and how to combat that I’m proud I was able to get any.

Direct Elimination I lost but I managed 5 solid 1-touch points. The fact I didn’t pass out from nerves I thought was an overall win.

This section will be devoted to me geeking out and talking about Fencing and everything that entails. The one thing that I’m very happy un-retiring from fencing is teaching me is how to enjoy the process. I’ve never been one to enjoy the journey and I want to get to my goal as fast as possible so I can cross it off my list. I’m learning, anything worth having takes a solid foundation and a little bit of time and intention everyday.

I hope you enjoy this ride as much as I do!

Until next time!