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I am super happy that we will be talking to my personal brow guru, Venecia, of Venecia Beauty. The biggest topic that we get, and talk about lately is eyebrows.

More so with the mask mandate, with half of our face covered our brows have become so important. Even if you have had terrible experiences like I have had in the past, we are here to pick the brain of Venecia.


So, before we get into all the fun stuff…let’s find out what made her a brow guru…  Thank you for having me I appreciate it, and I am so excited.


You touched upon and brought up a good point with the mask mandate. People are paying attention more to their eye lashes, and eyebrows. It has become such a focal point Way back in the beginning we did not know where everything was going to go and for how long. But lately everyone is really paying attention to their brows.


Yes, because if half of my face is covered, I really need to have my brows look good.  Before you could like fake it, if your brows were a little janke you could then put more emphasis on the lips … Yes, or do some contouring.


So, we are going to start with how Vencia got started. We are in Venecia’s Lounge which is in Phoenix; and I will put the address below the video. So, please tell us how you got started…


I started five years ago, and in 2016 I made that decision to go out on my own.  Before I worked in different salons, and spas across the valley; and then managed a Franchise at one point. So, I thought that I had learned all that I needed to learn to go officially on my own. It was nerve wracking, and I didn’t think that I would do it. Yet, with the changes in our industry, it was more obtainable now.


It is so nice to be able to cater to your clients and offer the services that you want to offer to them.  And most importantly to take that time (with your clients) that you want to take. I am not being rushed, and I am not being pressured. I mean goals are great, but they should not compromise your services. So, it was something that I was trying to work on, and I finally did.


Yes, and the services that you offer are simply amazing and I am so happy that you did (open your Lounge). Not only are you a brow guru, you are a businesswoman which is not celebrated enough. So, tell us about the first six months when you initially started. I know when we started Yhorlife, and I am going to age myself but in 2010; the first six months were horrific.  We were online and that was even worse. When you don’t have something tangible to see, and yes, we had our articles but people didn’t grasp the concept. Which doesn’t help in any industry when you are starting out.


So at least people are aware what eyebrows are, so tell us about your first six months… It was really interesting, I mean it was really liberating, and then it was also really horrific. Because I was always used to managing teams, and educating. When you are by yourself it is the loneliest feeling in the world. Because I would always have my go to girls and be able to ask, ‘hey what do you think? or what should we do? or what do you guys need?’ I just love the teams. So being here and making those decisions, and the hardest part was realizing that this is all mine. You call every shot. No one is going to question you, doubt it (decisions), or go along with it (decisions), or even support it (decisions).


So, the second guessing and then having complete control, I like to share control. And I am not one to like … be super assertive, and do it my way… Right! Like it is only my way.  So that was the biggest thing that was the most challenging. Besides from just taking a risk, and I think that you can relate to that. Yes! At that time, I lot of people didn’t do the same thing, so you really didn’t have a lot of people to go to. And you must figure things out on your own. It is good because it makes you more independent, but it’s also kind of lonely in a way.


Yes, not everyone knows the struggle, and the grind is constant You think you know when you work for someone else, and the grind is different when you work for someone else. You work to maintain your job, but you have a safety net …because for the most part it is going to be there. When you work for yourself, it is non-stop. Now with technology, Instagram and digital platforms it is non-stop if you want to stay in business. It is constant do you find that even in the beauty industry…


It really is and I think it is because beauty always tends to evolve – you not only have trends, you have products and innovations. Also, the different tools that come out, and to be relevant you must really stay up to date. The best thing is when you have clients that ask you about something, and it could be just a couple of weeks old, but you know about it. So, it is kind of challenging to navigate the innovation part - what different brands are doing, then products, as well the day to day services, and the day to day responsibilities.  Your books, numbers, inventory, etc. it is a lot.


With my son if we are at a movie, I will say ‘I am going to just get back to this client, or just order these products. Or the ring alarm is on this product just got delivered.’  I enjoy that though, because it is a part of your customer service. Having the products in stock, your customers being able to ask questions. Also able to contribute if I have clients that ask if I can make charitable donations.  That is part of it for me, it is challenging and that is a part of it…but you just must be organized.


Venezia is, she is super Zen, yet very organized. I will show a clip of how perfectly organized her refrigerator is – it is like a refrigerator that you would see on Pinterest or Instagram. All products are lined up, together and organized. Then she has her mini-cooler fridge so organized. With that I was sold.


I am from L.A., and I have gone to the best, Anastasia when I was growing up, as well Damone Roberts.  Now I go back and forth, but I am predominately in the Valley. It is so important to find people that get you and do amazing work.  They all do amazing work, but it is super important to have trust in who you go to. You also have some clients that come from L.A. … Yes, as well from Albuquerque, New Mexico, Casa Grande, different parts of the Valley – Gilbert, Mesa, Tucson. So, it is a big compliment, but I also think when you put in care (to your work) people also notice that.  For me, when I go somewhere customer service you notice it, and you appreciate good customer service.


Yes, you go above and beyond, but you are also there helping people. When you have a client, it is important to be patient, understanding, yet realistic as well. I always like to set expectations that are obtainable, I do not like to lie to people and tell them ‘Oh yes, it is going to look amazing’. And I know it is not. In our industry there is so much talent and that is good, but at the same time it is so much pushing the boundaries.


So that often messes with results sometimes, instead of just being realistic. Not necessarily playing it safe but playing within your scope of experience and expertise. It makes you stand out when you specialize in certain things. Instead of trying to do everything. I am a licensed cosmetologist, but I do not cut hair. Ahahaha… Yes, I have not cut hair in like fifteen years. And I would not dare too either. I loved coloring also, but I knew that all my work was going to be on the face.


I am just focusing on the brows today, but Vencia does everything, facials, and she has the Shani Darden Wand, which is just life. Yes! I love that. Yes, I have it at home, but then I also have it here that Venecia uses on me. While you’re waiting for our next installment book your appointment NOW!