Dalen Spratt, Juwan Mass, and Marcus Harvey (in no particular order) are the hilarious trio that comprise, The Ghost Brothers. I’ve never laughed so hard or gone over my interview time limit except with this trio! I’m not a fan of being scared or ghosts but after this interview every Tuesday I’ll be tuning in on Discovery+. Enjoy the most liveliest interview to-date! 


Hi Guys,  Dalen Spratt, Marcus Harvey, and Juwan are you doing. Hey hey how are you - we are all here! I am doing well, okay let me just say I can feel  this is going to be a fun, and fast moving interview. 

Introduce yourselves - if we were on the street and saw each other how would you introduce yourself...  [Dalen]...I have never been asked that question before. Well, I would say ‘ well hello I’m Dalen...but I don't think that we would go right in and say that we are the Ghost Brothers. [Marcus]...No, I would say - ‘ well you must recognize me from Ghost Brothers, nice to meet you.’ Ahahahah, okay... [Marcus]...and every Tuesday we release a new episode of Ghost Brothers on Discovery Plus, I’m Marcus Harvey it is a pleasure to meet you. [Juwan]...I would introduce myself as...this is Juwan Mass of the Paranormal Posse. Okay, the Paranormal Posse - PP. [Marcus]...Ahahaha hahah, if that is what it stands for, then yes!

Okay now I am asking this question because I am part black, and I can say hundred percent ethnic folks, and myself included we run away from ghosts. So what made you guys run to them willingly. Aaaahhhh...ahahahahah...hahaha [Marcus]...Wait...wait...wait whatttt did you start off saying? You are pro black? Ahahahaha nooo I am half black, ahahaha. [Marcus]...Ahahahaha, ohhh I thought that you said ‘I’m pro black so I can say this’ ahahaha. Nooo...I am half black, ahahaha. [Marcus]...First off all - let me say first, power to the people before I answer the question. [Dalen]...No, to answer your question  you are absolutely right. Black people typically do not mess with Spirits. My mother is a Pastor of a church, and I grew up in the church my whole life. We were always allowed to wonder about God, and Angels. But as soon as you speak about Ghosts that is just like this whole taboo thing. Exactly! [Dalen]...Yeah, right but it wasn't until we were older, and moved out on our own that we felt the freedom to question some of these things that we were taught. Or, told to not even address back in the day. Yeah, and that is why we are here now - chasing Ghosts, Bigfoot, and Aliens. Yes, I am loving it. I cannot wait to watch it. But I am going to burn some sage, and have my crystals. Because I do not need someone to come bumping near me. 

All of you guys are friends, and have such a camaraderie, and you like each other. But I will say this is not your typical conversation to say - ‘ do you guys see Ghosts too’. So how would you guys evolve to discussing your gifts, and making in essence a career out of it, and being enlightening on your show, and helping people.

[Juwan]...Our conversation came about really organically. Dalen’s mother is a Pastor, he grew up in the church. Marcus grew up in the church, and I grew up in the church. So we use to have honest conversations about Religion; then from Religious to Spirituality conversations. Then we would be in therapeutic settings,  we would all be at the barbershop. The barbershop is a therapeutic setting for our culture. When you are at the barbershop you can talk about anything. So we would have these real raw moments of talking - ‘man what is going on - tell me what you are dealing with’. Then the conversations would unfold from there, and that's  where we would end up sharing stories. It was real organic how it came about.

Can you guys share your first experience with the paranormal. [Dalen]...Yes, for sure to truncate my story. I was about seven years old, and visiting my grandmother. It was a really small town. There was this young man there (in the town), and he ended up killing himself. So, my grandmother and her best friend - they decided to bring me with them to view the body. My grandmother’s friend made me touch the body in the casket at seven years old. Ohhh...mmmmhhhmmm ohhh no no. I remember going home that night, and waking up in the middle of the night literally, seeing that same young man standing in the room staring at me. I remember being freaked out, and screaming as loud as possible. Since then, and to this day I often think ‘did I really see what I thought I saw, or was I just having a really really bad dream’. Yeahhh that Now that is heavy - ahhhhh ok...Juwan and Marcus did you guys want to...   [Dalen] Yeah, you know I had to tell someone that. I had to get that out there.   I am glad that you did...yeah...I am glad you did. Yeah just threw me a curve ball though. That hit hard. Ok, Juwan or Marcus do you guys want to share your first experience with the paranormal.  [Juwan]...Yeah, my first experience happened when I was  about twelve years old, and I felt like I was in the presence of someone. I was with the kids in the neighborhood, and it was a truth or dare. We were daring each other to run through the graveyard. And I decided to take the dare to do so. That is when I first identified that Spirits are real. I felt like something was running behind me, I could not see it, nor could I out run it. This was an eerie, weird presence that was with me the entire time that I ran. Okayyyy that is really good as well, and last but not least Marcus. [Marcus]...Yeah well, nooo...hahaha - my Mama didn't play them games. She did not let me have no experiences with no Ghosts, she didn't play that. She would give me a whooping so fast. Like wham-wham-pop! Ahahaha... So I didn't have mine until I met my brothers. So I have always been that one that's been more, or let’s say has more skepticism among the requests that we do. My mom wouldn't play those games - ahahaha that's it. Okayyy, cool. 


In your show ‘Fright Club’ ( Discovery+ ) you deal with it through humor. Do you guys think it is a good buffer for this subject. I mean obviously Spirits, Extraterrestrial, anything that is above what the majority of people can see it really freaks them out. Do you add the humor for people to mentally digest what they are expeeriencing. [Dalen]...I think humor comes from two different ways - us being best friends, and anything you do with your three closest friends is going to be a funny time - from getting arrested, getting in fights, even just going to the movies it is going to be a joke or a laugh. Then the second part of that it is just black folks, we make a joke out of everything. That is so true. It can be the end of the world and we will be like...’eewww it is getting hot’, it is going to be a joke no matter what. True. That is just who we are as a people - we are  resilient, fun loving people, and people that can always make the best out of nothing. [Juwan]... Humor is just like Soul Food, you have to keep from crying in certain instances (in life). Humor feeds the Soul. It adds a certain levity to the genre that people are able to connect with, and it does allow it to be a little bit more palatable, from the paranormal standpoint. [Marcus]...We get more responses, and results in our investigations because we are humorous.

Like anyone that you walk up to, you have more of a chance for the person to be more receptive to have a conversation with you, if you are funny. So that is what makes us relatable with people that are alive, as well with the people that have passed. We feel like someone that you knew before, and I think that is why we get the results that we get. And the humor helps with that.

I just have to know when you guys first got together, since you guys are named Ghost Brothers did you ever play the classic theme song Ghostbusters when you guys got together - ‘Like who are you gonna call Ghostbusters’...Yeah! That is my ringtone on my phone. Yes!, now is it the classic one with Ray Parker Jr., or the new modern one with Zayn Malik singing it. [Marcus]...The classic! Come on now that is the only one we know (Ray Parker Jr.). Gotcha! I knew that someone had to have that as their ringtone.

Tell us more about ‘Fright Club’ with Jack Osbourne. [Dalen]... Fright Club is just a good time, it is just best friends sitting on the couch late at night on the internet. But not in like the creepy way, but in that cool way. Ahahahaha. Yes, just that. There is no other reason that no four 30 year old men are sitting on a couch watching a computer screen but for watching Fright Club. is socially acceptable in that instance. Ahahaha. [Marcus]... My man said not in the creepy way, the cool way, but yet we are searching for paranormal stuff, that is what's funny. [Juwan]...One thing I would like to add it is almost like a group chat, it is like your best friends, and you're showing each other funny videos, memes, and photos. Everybody has a joke and is low key taunting the other one, it’s fun  banter; but it is healthy and its funny amongst your friends.


Now you will also be premiering your 4th series on Discovery in April, what can we expect from this show...  That show shows us getting back to our roots. That is the original Ghost Brothers, us being put in some of the most horrifying situations to prove, or disprove that Ghosts really do exist. It is with a different twist. This year it gets straight into the action. We will see how that plays off, it is like resetting fear factor back into these investigations. Congrats on the 4th series, that is a huge accomplishment. 

What is the best advice (or way) to tell someone to not be afraid of a paranormal experience...[Dalen]...I guess it is that they cannot touch you. They can knock things onto you, but they can't touch you. So just kind of move out of the way when you're investigating. Okayyyy... [Marcus] be honest, to tell someone whatever your emotion, or reaction is okay. Because I guarantee you someone else has felt the exact same way - you are not alone. Ahahaha...ahahaha. Yeah, I ain’t going to lie to you, and tell you it’s going to be all good.

How do you guys unwind... Watching ‘Coming to America’. [Dalen]...Honestly, it is doing nothing paranormal. Because that is a lot, and it can take over your mind. You are exploring the after life, the unknown, and it can be a lot of darkness. So just chilling and doing nothing in that regard is how we relax. [Marcus]...Sho-nuff...I also like taking long walks on the beach, writing poetry, and kite flying. Ahahahaha. [Dalen]... aggressive kite flying. [Marcus]...I am in the combative kite flying league, and that is really taking off. [Dalen]...He is being modest, he is like the Michael Jordan of combat kite flying. Stoppp...ahahaha. [Marcus]...I have my Masters in Kiteology, it was a very daunting undertaking. [Dalen]...I don't think that major is at Temple University. I do not think so, but I was only in the Business School at Temple University...ahahaha.

So that is the end of our you guys have any questions of me. [Dalen]...Do you remember what your homework assignment is? To watch ‘Coming to America’. [Dalen]...Annnddd first rule of ‘Fright Club’ you have to tell everybody about ‘Fright Club’. Oh! Yessss, of course. [Dalen]...And all of your friends at Temple University (tell them).

Yes, I will. Thank you guys, this was so much fun.  


