I’m so happy to be doing this interview with Ranwa! I found her on Instagram and started watching her videos on like a loop. I contacted her and we clicked instantly! Our new project coming out soon but until then enjoy this interview!

Face Yoga… now please tell us how you got started with Face Yoga, people are aware of yoga for the body, how did you get into the face….

Yes, it was when COVID started to spread more and more…and everyone had to stay at home. Well, I got bored. So, I wanted to learn something at home, and maybe make it for a job for me in the future.

One night I was scrolling on Instagram, and I opened the profile of someone that I had been following for some time. I found out that she was the one that started the Face Yoga trend, if you will. I love what she does, and I wanted to learn about it.

When I did my first online session is when I knew that this was what I loved and wanted to do. And this is what I had been waiting to make as a job for me.


That is truly amazing, and you are your own best advert. I saw that when I watched your videos; that I do some of the positions. I saw that the one (position) that I did was for fuller lips…ahahaha yes

So, what is the most requested, or favorite if you will yoga position for the face…

 I think the one for the check bones, and to have a more defined jawline.

 Oh my… I need that one!   Yes! I will show you.


Now how long do you do these exercises for your clients before they see results…

I have two options – I have the online sessions, and then I have my clients in my clinic.  The results depend on the person. On their age, and if they have wrinkles or not. If they take care of their skin, or not, and if they use the right products. So, it depends.

 But you do see results from day one, from session one. Then if you continue, with time, and doing it the right way you will see big changes. A big difference you will see on your face in like three weeks to a month.


That is really good. It depends on the part that you want to focus on also - if you want larger lips, it will take more time. If you want cheek bones, to lift your cheeks you need less time. Really? … I would think that it would be the reverse.

So, I ask before we start the session for a picture of them, then we talk about how they treat their skin, what products they use on their skin. Then what areas that are bothering them that they want to focus on. After about eight sessions I then ask for another picture to see the difference. Because only the photos will show you the difference.


I think that is good, because we are so conditioned to want to see instant results. Only with a picture will you see the difference.

Yes, it is not like Botox, or Fillers. It needs time, it depends on you – whether you do it every day or not. It is a routine that you must do every day. The idea of Face Yoga is to do it every day. Even if it is for just minutes, or you can do for an hour. It depends on your time. If you, do it in the right way, you will see the changes.


Do you find women that have dabbled in Botox, or Fillers, can they still do Face Yoga with you….

 Yes, but we just must wait for a few weeks then we can start their sessions.

Have you tried the routines before…?


No! I just did that routine that I told you about before, it is just what I do when I get bored. Then you said that it is a face yoga move for fuller lips, and I was like oh wow. Ahahah yes!


I know that I do some positions when I am stressed, and it relieves the tension. I do not know if those positions are yoga, or not. No, that move is reflexology. I do face yoga and reflexology.

Now how do you combine them….

Yes, let me explain the difference between them. The Face Yoga is a way to look and feel younger, fresh, and more glowing. We use your hands, and sometimes specific tools for Face Yoga.  When you do your whole face you lift your whole face, your cheeks, you reduce dark circles, puffiness around the eyes. Wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes, and on the neck. Fuller lips, and a slimmer nose.


Oh my gosh! I saw that last night, and I was like I am going to have to try that exercise. Aahahaha… yes, but that routine does take time and you will not see results from day one, so you will have to wait.  Okay…  

And always you must use face oil, or face cream, you should not do the exercises on a dry skin. Oh really, does it have a bad reaction when you do it dry?  Yes, it will, it will make wrinkles appear. You must use the right face cream, or oil for your skin. To make your skin absorb this product and will get more benefits.

I also noticed that you have face oils at your clinic. Do you ship  internationally? No, just in Lebanon right now.

Now how do you combine the Reflexology…because the Reflexology is to destress correct?

Yes, it is. Reflexology is on your Face, Hands, and Feet. The Reflexology that I do is only for the Face and Hands. That are related to your organs. Everything that you feel – if you are tired, or in a bad mood, or stressing, a lack of sleep, digestion issue, back, leg, and neck pain.  Anything that you might feel when you target those points (that you want to feel better), and you will feel much better. You can put pressure on it, massage it in the right way… and with time you will see and feel much better.

You will feel more relaxed and much better, such a good relief for headaches.


Now when I was looking, I saw that you also use crystals, I am obsessed with my crystals… I noticed that you had your clients with crystals. I like moonstone, rose quartz, amethyst… Does it matter what crystals you put on your face?

Yes, I like those too. It is for relieving stress, and for relaxation. You can use anything that you want.


Now when you have clients that are virtual that want to do the crystals… how does that work?

I can do it with them. When we close, they will be relaxed, or sleep. But when they put the mask on then I like for them to put the crystals on their faces. It will calm their face and heal it.


Oh okay … so it is their own energy that will calm them and heal them.

Yes, exactly. So, they do the exercises, they put the mask on, and then I tell them how to do the crystals.


So that is cool. Once they have done the Face Yoga, Reflexology, and they have opened themselves up… then it is with their own energy that they heal themselves by putting the stones on themselves.


What do you use for your skin, it is beautiful and clear?

Ahahaha, well thank you my skin is not always like this. But it is what you do for your skin every day. I do have rosacea. Oh my gosh me too!

Ahahaha yes. It can be bad. I still have it sometimes. It depends if it is very cold or hot. But nothing like before. Everything changed when I started doing Face Yoga and using the right products for my skin – the right oil, face cream, and sunscreen. And that is it.

Before I used many creams and oils, and nothing helped. So, I started with Face Yoga for myself first, with the correct face products, then that is when I saw real changes.


Yes, well you are your own best advertisement. Your skin is so clear.

Yes, if you have rosacea you have to start.


Yes, now mine is under control. That also happened when I started drinking straight celery juice, and my other elixirs I also saw a big change, personally. I do dry oils because I also have eczema. 

 Yes, that is why I say that everything is a balance. With Face Yoga you also must use the right face products for your skin type for your face. Drink enough water and eat healthy as much as you can.  Because everything that you have in your body, use on your face – will show on your face.


Yes, it does! Then I think that it says it takes twenty-eight days to forty-two days once you change your eating habits for it to reflect on your skin.

So, for people that are not in Lebanon they can book online, and you can help them find the correct products for them and do the Face Yoga.


Yes, they can contact me, and I will guide them to everything that they need to know.


Go to @FaceyogabyRanwa…watch her Reels, Posts, and book with her. Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you…you are perfect!


Thank you, thank you everyone that joined. Thank you so much.


