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Michel Duval — Actor, Singer/Songwriter, Composer, and Model. His list of accomplishments and widespread talent made me intrigued and nervous to interview him. Got past my nervousness and have never laughed so hard or been so enthralled by how someone’s mind works and overall cool man. Enjoy the interview!


Nice, hi!...How are you doing, how are you doing with quarantine…Good, being mindful of quarantining, social distancing, wearing masks, and all of the guidelines…Oh, good!

How would you introduce yourself to people who are unaware of you

Well, my name is Mich Duval. I am an actor, but I’m also a crazy creative guy. I like to tell stories, I am a director, writer, musician, actor…whatever art can do – I try to do to fill my heart. That’s what I want to do for the rest of my life, what art is that’s me.

What is something that not many people know about you

I think….some people know but I do not think they know how real it is, I have a phobia of clowns. People know about it, but I do not think they understand..

OMG...ahaha..what!!!...Yeah, I know. It is like real men are afraid of clowns, I am sorry I just wasn’t expecting that…Ohhh, well it is a real one, I am telling you…ahaha, okay is it their make-up, or is it that they are just happy? Well, you know it started when I was about five years old. I was on vacation with my family, I think my mom was in the shower. I was switching through channels on the T.V., and I encountered the ‘IT Movies’…ohhh, no…and I am like oh the clown he is going to give the boat back, and of course not. And it is like from there…I’m like ugghhh. I never expected the clown to turn into a monster…ahaha ohh no…that right there just took the clown out of my system! And I don’t know its got to be like the make-up. In Mexico, you can see people in the streets dressed like clowns, and they just have the red noses, no, no that doesn’t affect me. It has to be full on make-up, and the big shoes…so, it is the American version of clowns…yeahhh…because, when I was a kid, and go down to Nicaragua and Venezuela there were clowns, but you knew there were people behind them, but in America we take it to another level. Full face paint.  Hmmm. Yeah that’s a big fear of mine.


You are incredibly talented. An actor, singer/songwriter, model, and entrepreneur. How do you find time to be successful in each area

That’s a really good question, because I have been battling with myself this year, trying to encounter the balance between everything. I love to do everything, but it also sets me back a little bit – because I do everything but not a master of one thing. I love acting, and music -  acting that’s in my blood. I have gone to different schools to nurture that talent to take it to the next level. Directing, and producing stories that is new. So, I have to learn how to balance, because I love to give one-hundred percent of myself to what I’m doing. I am a person of the moment. When I am acting, in that moment I am acting. If an hour later I am making music, then I am making music.

I do not just act for a month, then make music for a month. I know how to be present in the moment, I think that’s a good ability; because then you do not have to balance anything. You are just in the moment, so in that moment if I am acting, then I am acting. And that is the same concept for when I’m doing music, producing, and directing. It’s not about balance at all, it is about being in the moment, and giving one-hundred percent in that moment.

Please describe your company Luna Films, and what type of content do you like to produce

I started Luna Films about a year and a half ago, because I was meeting a lot of creative people with a lot of hunger for different types of content in Mexico. I am a witness to what Mexico likes – the Telenovelas; the happy endings; the rich falls in love with the poor; the ugly man gets the beautiful girl. I love it, I respect it, and it’s kind of what sets Mexico apart in a way. But, I also see to the North, our brothers in the U.S.; I see they tell stories, movies with different emotions. They are not afraid to play with their feelings. The U.S., Spain, and Latin America they play with the audience. And I want to make people play with their emotions with my stories. That’s what I love about it.

Leo es un chico solitario y sin rumbo en la vida, su pasado complicado lo ha dejado varado en las calles de la gran Ciudad de Mexico. Leo descubrirá un negoc...

Your last album was super popular. Will you be releasing more music or covers (more Zayn)…and if I may say, while I was doing my research I really like your Zayn Cover sooo… Oh! really!!...Yes! because Zayn is super falsetto, and that is cool it matches his vibe, but then I was expecting (from you) another type of falsetto, a little different. But no, your version is more soulful, and I loved it.

Yeah, yeah I’m going through a little change in music. I haven’t been releasing music because I’m trying to change creative stuff. I already have an album planned, but I am going to go independent for the next album. So, I need to get some things together, I will start releasing music as I please. I am finding my own voice in music. I have gone through a lot of ‘molding’, and I realized that I was not that person. But you have to do it because it’s a part of the process.

Now I’m excited to be on my own path, and to discover what this Mich wants to sound like; I never got that opportunity to create my sound. When I got out of music school I was acting for five years with Telemundo. I didn’t have the time (in my head) to make music.

Since I have this time during quarantine, to be with myself, be in my own meditation, and space – I realize I am ready now to release music. So I am ready to do it and release what I want to do, not what others want to do for me. I am going on another path, and I’m doing this for me, my own mental health. I have this time to sound like me.

I have so many ideas in my head, I have to release them, or it will explode. I am ready. I just have to settle some little changes, and I hope by the end of the year; or before I can give you a little taste with a single so you guys will know where I am going with the music. That would be so cool, I can’t wait.

How do you prepare for roles… Do you try to put a little bit of yourself in each character you play, because you mentioned authenticity

Yeah, every process is different, and every process is the same – I hope I explained myself well. I know what works for me to find the character, and I let myself go. So that I can completely embody this character. I am never judgmental about the character, I never think ‘what will they think of Mich if the character did this’, I’m like I don’t know it’s not Mich it’s the character. I try to physically and mentally be as far away from Mich as I can. I change the look, I change the clothes – everything. So when I see myself I do not see Mich. I have a process in the mirror, it sounds a little crazy, but I find the voice, the face, and find the physicality of the character. Then I also do visual research, on YouTube, I go to different videos to find different tones. But also the script tells you where it is going to go. I started writing, not only to write my own stories but to understand the script. Because if you know how to understand the writer you know what he wants with the character. When I was on the Telenovela, Señora Acero,  I became really close with the writer, Roberto Stopello. When I had his script, he was so specific in the script (he did not leave a lot to the imagination), and I knew exactly what he wanted with the character. The script helps you to understand the story, and if I can make it as different from Mich then I have succeeded. If the audience can see the material and say, “ oh wow that’s Mich ?”, then I’m like good I have succeeded. Yes, and that’s good for your mental health too … Yes, it depends on what method you’re doing. Some characters demand more. Like for one role it demanded that my character hit someone in the skull with a bat. Well, of course I couldn’t practice doing that. So, I got a watermelon, and I hit the watermelon with a bat, so I could get that same sensation. Then when I was on set I already was familiar with that sensation. I know what it felt like – because I already did it with the watermelon. I knew what the movement was, and felt like, as well, I knew what the face (expression) felt like. Different characters demand different ways of approach, some for me are more imaginary. And some require physical challenges, you have to change your physique, like through your diet. For one character I wanted to get braces, so one side of my mouth would be closed. They would not let me, but I was up for it. Ahaha, oh gosh, did you ever have braces, because that is not something someone would willingly do… Yes, of course…yeah, yeah. I not only had braces I had the head gear. Yes, that was a mess.

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What drives you to work as hard as you do

I have been very blessed my whole life with the mother that I have, with the family that I have, and the opportunity that I have. What drives me is the promises that I made to young Mich, and to make those promises come true for  young Mich. I remember being that young kid, and looking in the mirror, and dreaming those dreams – my intention as the years go by is to make those dreams to come true.

What are your thoughts on the current BLM (Black Lives Matter) Movement

It is a crazy time in the world, and not only with the BLM Movement – but the world is demanding a change. In nature, in consumption, and in race. Oh, the world is screaming at us…’we got to change, change everything’. We have to listen. I don’t know why it’s so hard for humans to understand we are the only thing that can destroy each other.  So I am happy to see people finding their voice, it is time for people to realize who they are; and the power they have. I always love moments when people see everything so clear, it is their moment of clarity. We are waking up and realizing we have the power, and I hope this brings us together – and not tear us apart. Yes, we are all more alike than we are different. If you do not like someone simply leave them alone, do not be mean…Yes! When you tear us all down, and there is nothing but bones, you will not be able to tell who is who. That’s so very true. No one grows up knowing hate, it is taught…Yes! Exactly… So teach love, respect others’ differences. Be open. I think that is the beautiful thing we have is our colors (different), so why use that beautifulness against other people. It is crazy. I hope we wake up.

The last and most fun question! What is your favorite way to unwind and relax

WOW!!! You’re going to hate me for this, but this, what I’m doing right now. Working? This is how I unwind… finding that script that literally blows my mind, hitting just that right note. This is my escape from this ugly world that we are living in. When I look at reality, I get scared. There’s a saying, it sounds better in Spanish…”They pay me to wait, because I act for free.” Literally the payment that comes with the job, I would do for free, anytime, any day. Payment comes with exposing your privacy and being a target for other people, and not being welcomed in some societies, for not representing what they want you to represent. It’s a hard business and life- because you’re out there, you’re a target. Acting I would do for free, I know I am Blessed. So you are simply an overachiever and there’s nothing you do besides that to unwind, recharge. Hahaha…I don’t know…maybe eating. I always have something to eat…Ok! I will take that. I do workout, it’s for me my mental health, I see it as a way of life. I am happy and that’s it. 

Thank you! Thank you!

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