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Today I am honored to interview Lisa Bloom, Esq. I am so excited to talk with you, I literally could not sleep. I had the best time interviewing Lisa. Enjoy!


Hello how are you? You are so sweet. It is so nice to be here with you.


With all the recent events… the overturn of Roe v. Wade, and the Me to Movement…I knew there was no better person to discuss these issues with than you. Someone that has been on the forefront for the last thirty years fighting these battles is you.

It is my pleasure and thank you for having me.


Why did you decide to go into law? … you are the daughter of Gloria Allred. Typically, when your parents are larger than life in a particular field the children shy away from that field, because they don’t want the comparison. So, did you ever feel that it might not be the right path for you…or how did you decide?

Well, that is a very astute question, because it is true my mom is Gloria Allred. I did kind of hesitate because when I was deciding about Law School my mom was just starting out as a lawyer. She went to Law School late in her 30’s. So, I saw her go through the whole process and it looked quite hard, and unpleasant. I thought I do not know what I want to do, and I don’t think I want to do that. My mom talked me into it. When I was in college, I was National Debating Champion, and that was a huge undertaking, and when we won it was very exciting. My mom insisted that I apply to Law School, and I am so happy that I did.

I wanted to help people. I never wanted to help huge corporations move money around. I wanted to help the underdog, especially women, people of color, and LGBTQ people against the big powerful forces that exploit them. That is what I have been doing almost my entire career, and that is what I am doing now in my Law Firm. I think we are pretty good at it, and it is very fulfilling work.


You have been doing this fight for their rights for three decades. Right before the reversal of Roe v. Wade the narrative I would say was that the Me to Movement had plateaued ever since the Johnny Depp v. Amber Heard trial. With that win (for Johnny Depp) it’s been more like it’s over, so stop complaining, and let’s move forward.


The You to Movement is not over. Ghislaine Maxwell has just been sentenced to 20 years in prison for sexually abusing girls and participating in the sex trafficking with Jeffrey Epstein. The most recent, R. Kelly has been sentenced to 30 years in prison.

In these last two, Maxwell and Kelley, people have known for the last twenty to thirty years that these folks were abusive.

I represented eight victims of Jeffrey Epstein, so I am very familiar with that case. People just thought that they have so much money and power, nothing can be done. Yet something was done, because the victims stood up, and advocates fought for them.

So, the Me to Movement is about millions and millions of victims standing up and saying no. It is not just about one case. There will always be setbacks in social justice movements. You cannot say from that one case (Johnny Depp v Amber Heard) that it is over.

There are still cases, and I am still fighting these cases, and getting great results for our clients. So, people should always stand up for their rights.


What do you think a good example of personality differences in the work force, versus something that is a Me to Movement issue? Because sometimes could it be simply a personality difference, or just poor taste in humor. How can someone know that this is not okay, and stand up and take action…

First of all, in the workplace people need to keep everything 'G' rated. Do not say anything that you would not want to see in a giant headline, want someone to testify to in front of your family, or in an open court room.

Hopefully, you are working in a diverse workplace and people are coming from all different backgrounds, and religions. Also, you may not know who you might be offending, so keep it clean.

Now of course the Me to Movement is about a lot more than the occasional remark, or the occasional joke. I am not bringing a sexual harassment case for something like that.

My cases usually involve sexual assault. Or serious workplace harassment that has taken place over, and over again, where a person has been demeaned and humiliated. Where the person cannot work anymore; and have significant psychological injuries.


Do you find that it (sexual harassment) is so systemic, the patterns, it is like the old Boy’s Club...and because of these patterns of behavior they are not aware that anything is even wrong? Do you find that is where some of your cases evolve from ...

Yeah, I do not know about that ... yes and no, it is 2022. People should be getting sexual harassment training every year, or two years. And if you are not clear on what sexual harassment is ... those trainings should clear it up for you.

People who I sue are CEO's, high level VPs of companies, and they are very sophisticated people. I think that they did know, but they did not care. It is egoism and narcissism.

I had a high-profile guy once tell me that he thought that the reward of being successful is that you could do whatever you want to women. It was interesting that he told me that.

Look at Donald Trump saying what he said to that reporter. They think that they can do whatever they want to women.


It is 2022, and now we are dealing with the reversal of Roe v. Wade. For me I was devastated. I thought that at my age of 31 years old, my grandmother had more rights over her body than I do now.

It is hard to imagine how this is even happening. Although, I do remember reading a quote in 1991 from Rosa Parks at Clarence Thomas' confirmation. She said... 'this is not a step forward for America, he will set us back by 50 years' (and I am paraphrasing). I hate to say that she had foresight, but she did.

Why do you think it even it passed? I almost thought that these men see it like punishment for being vocal and standing up for their rights (women). Showing us that we do not have all the liberties that you think that you have.


Yes, so why did the Supreme Court rule the way that they did... yes!


Listen, the right is very well organized. They understand how to get power, and what to do once they have power. I sometimes think that the left needs to take some lessons from that.

We do a lot of things besides grabbing power and exercising it. The right decided that it would be a litmus test that they must be anti-choice. That did not use to be the case before many Republicans were pro-choice.

So, they appointed Judges that had to be anti-choice in the Federal Courts over, and over again. All the way up to the Supreme Court.

When Trump ran for office in 2016, he said that he was going to appoint Justices who would reverse Roe v. Wade. That is exactly what he did, and no one should be surprised that he did exactly what he said that he would do.

So, when someone tells you who they are believe them. Hilary Clinton warned us, and a lot of people warned us that this was going to happen, and it did.

These Justices that are on the Supreme Court are there for life, and some are quite young. We will have them for a very long time. So, we on the left must be just that organized.

The majority believe that women should have the right to have an abortion in some cases, and it is a small minority that believe otherwise.

They have successfully grabbed power. But what can we do? there are lawsuits that are being brought in states across the country. There are people giving money to Planned Parenthood, and other pro- abortion rights organizations. And that is an important thing.

I have been posting videos (informational), on what women should know if they are not living in a free state, like California.

If you are living in not a free state, you should know that the government has the right to criminally prosecute you for fetal homicide. That is if you have an abortion in one of those states, as well self-medication abortions.

Also, there are people that are safe for you to talk to, and there are people that are not safe for you to talk to. There will be a long road back to over-turn the ruling.

Meanwhile, girls and women are going to die, a lot of poor people are going to have babies that they do not want and cannot afford. And I think that is very sad.

Thanks to the Supreme Court we are going to have more climate change, more guns, and more unwanted babies.

That is what they have brought us to.


I saw the video that you posted a few days ago... where you said do not leave a digital footprint - do not have your phone. When you said the self-induced abortions, does that mean the Plan B pill in the states that are not free. The Plan B you can get without a prescription, it is not an abortion pill, but it can prevent pregnancies...

It depends on the state. If the state says that a fetus, or embryo is a human life at conception, and Plan B works after conception. Then technically that could be taking a life in those states. You must know your state law.

I would advise do not talk to people about this, I know young people cannot do anything without texting. People in my generation, I'm 60 years old, it is easy for us to not text. I tell my clients do not text, then they text five minutes later. They cannot help themselves.

You must break that habit, because the government can get your phone and get your texts - so do not text.  As I said you can go to the library do your research anonymously.

I also stated the people that it is safe to talk to is a lawyer, your clergy, your therapist, or your spouse; these people cannot be forced to testify against you.

Other people can be forced to testify, your mom unless she is an attorney, best friend; you must be careful and smart if you live in an anti-abortion state.


Since you have been fighting for human rights for so long, how do you think that we are going to come back from this. Since the pandemic we are so divided on crucial issues, and as a country we cannot get a footing and co-exist peacefully. We have always had differences, that is why we have different parties. But how do you think we can get back, and peacefully heal wounds and co-existing...

That is such a great question, I can tell you when I was in Law School in the 1980's in class, we would have these very robust debates about things that I care about now. My friends on the other side they felt passionately about their position. 

We would argue our different positions, and then go out later and have a beer and be friends. It was not personal, and we did not hate each other.

I hear Law School Professors, and law students, that say that they are afraid to speak their positions, and to ask questions. That is sad. I think we must talk to each other.

I listen to right wing media, and it is important to be open and to hear, to listen to what they have to say. On both sides there are crazies and extremists. Let's listen to each other. 

We must learn how to be more respectful of each other, of others that do not hold your beliefs...we have to listen, and to talk. I do believe Trump has thrown a dynamite on that, he was divisive and never pretended to care about the Democrats nor what they had to say.


We must be mindful of what we say to each other, the words that we use because they have a ripple effect... I agree.


Now how do you balance everything, stay sane and youthful...

Well, thank you, you are very kind. I have been vegan for about 13 years, and I have been vegetarian almost my entire life. I do not eat anything from an animal - it is a whole food plant-based diet.

I am also very active every day I am running, swimming, or long distance back packing on the Pacific Trails. I think that is the key. Stay active with something that you like and eat a whole food plant-based diet. I love being outside. I believe in living everyday like it is your last.

Everyone needs to keep an eye on your mental health, and your generation has really shined a light on that issue. That is so important.


Thank you so much for your time...

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