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I had the pleasure to interview resident “cool girl” Lexie Lombard. Enjoy this interview!

Lexie, how would someone who has followed you on Instagram, watched you on your YouTube channel describe you?

“girl next door”

In a world where there is a lack of individuality, how and where does that intention for you to be unique you come from?

I’ve been one of the lucky ones who’s always been rewarded for my unique behavior and perspective. I don’t want to encourage outsiders heavily impacting your self-worth, but I would be lying if I didn’t admit that positive reinforcement from others helped build my self-confidence to be myself. 

What inspires and drives you?

My inflated ego as a child led me to believe I was destined for greatness. Now, I’m just working to make that little girl’s dream come true.

What do you think is the biggest, most positive shift currently in our society?

The ability to make a living on the internet. Privilege still plays a role, but there’s more opportunity available for others to be entrepreneurial and creative with their career path through the internet.

What is the best advice that you would give to a 13 year old young lady today?

Explore every interest you’ve ever had. Take chances and never doubt your abilities. 


What have you seen as some of the more prevalent challenges during the pandemic with your generation?

Walking the delicate line of knowing our physical safety is threatened, but our mental health is also declining.

What can you say was the catalyst for your decision to lend your voice, platform to activism?

It wasn’t something I thought much about, really. I know I was born privileged, and it important to use it for good. 

 In particular with the BLM movement - during your peaceful protest with George Floyd, what would your message be to individuals who just don’t understand - why the protests/riots?

If you’re not black, remember this is not about you. Do not take lead, take a back seat. You are there for solidarity and support. Also, listen; There’s always more to learn. 

 What would you say is the most important intention with your platform?

To continuously create a fun “safe space” on the internet.

 The last and most fun question! What is your favorite way to pamper yourself and get a boost?

I have so many favorites, because I love pampering myself. Laying out in the sun in my favorite bikini. Taking an afternoon nap. Calling a black car. Getting my hair done. Making a playlist then driving down one of my favorite roads. Truly, I could go on and on.