I'm so excited that I got to interview Laura Rosguer! Her humility and effervescent personality is infectious! Enjoy!


How would you introduce yourself to people who are unaware of you?

I would introduce myself as Laura Thalia Rosales Guerrero (Rosguer is my artistic name), a woman with a passion for music, dance, acting, and fashion, born and raced in Matanzas, Cuba, who loves to spend quality time with her family and close friends. I am a huge admirer of sunsets and the beach, an animal lover at heart, an advocate for kindness, positivity, and love, and a major vegetarian foodie! One more thing you should know… I believe determination and perseverance are key, and when I strive for something there is no stopping me; no matter the goal; no matter how unreachable it may seem. If you can dream it, you can do it.


Congratulations on your Hallmark Movie “Sugar Plum Twist” over the holidays. How did it feel joining the Hallmark community?

Thank you so much, “Sugar Plum Twist” was truly a wonderful experience to be a part of from beginning to end, and it came into my life so unexpectedly! I was definitely surprised when my agency Palomera Group called with the news, and even more shocked to learn it was for Hallmark, a channel I’d grown up watching ever since I moved to the US so that I could learn better English. Joining the Hallmark community has been a lovely dream come true—I admit it still feels surreal sometimes—and I’m so appreciative and touched by all the beautiful comments and feedback we’ve received ever since the release of “Sugar Plum Twist”. I hope you guys enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed bringing it to life, con sabor!

You sing, act, and dance! So please tell us what joy does each one bring to you? Why?

For as long as I can remember, art, in every one of its ways, has been very present in my life and something deep inside me knew, ever since I was a baby, that this was my calling.

I started dancing when I was 2 and a half years old back in Cuba, and although I’ve tried leaving it behind more than once, it has always found its way back to me. 21 years later and dance continues to amaze me with its beauty, dynamics, physicality, and complexity. I love how my body fills with adrenaline when I hear each song, each rhythm, and then all of that emotion releases as I wholeheartedly allow myself to give into the movement. It’s the perfect mixture between artistry and athleticism.

Through dance, I also grew to love and appreciate music in every way—one cannot go without the other—but it all really started because of my parents and my brother. I remember endless karaoke nights in our crowded, little apartment in Cuba, and Sunday mornings with the stereo on full blast playing an array of all artists ranging anywhere from Marc Anthony, to Alejandro Sanz, Britney Spears, Luis Miguel, BoyzIIMen, Michael Bolton, Cristian Castro, Mariah Carey, David Bisbal (the list goes on.) For years I concentrated mostly on my dance training, but something about music always called out to me, and when I was 15 and had my first heartbreak… I wrote my first song. That day a whole new path unveiled before me, and I admit it took me years to build up the courage to step into that world of melodies, and harmonies, and guitars, and song journals with illegible scribbles all over the place, but once I did it was the best decision I’ve ever made. Now I can confidently say I cannot go a day without music—writing it, singing it, making it, listening to it… I love every single thing. The best part? I get to share this passion with my best friend and brother Alex, as we are in a duo called ROSGUER and have already begun to release our music (“Mala Maña” out on all streaming platforms by the way!) Many more songs are coming this year, and I’m beyond excited for the world to hear more of our unique sound.

As for acting, my parents and brother have once again been a big influence and have always encouraged me to watch good cinema since a very young age. Fun fact: my mom Eneida Isabel and my dad Elio were actually part of their universities’ theatre clubs and would often compete in spoken word & play festivals all across the nation; that’s how they met. Acting came to me when I was at disarray with dance, actually. I had been at odds with myself and my discipline for so long that when I discovered acting, it was the perfect therapy to feel, explore, and soothe all of those mixed emotions. Every character I’ve played, every story I’ve portrayed, they have been a mirror in so many ways and have left me with more knowledge and plentitude than I could have ever imagined. I love finding the truth to every role, seeing the world through their eyes, and defending their reality even more.

What I enjoy most is that these three arts interconnect in very particular ways, and I feel very blessed and very grateful I get to do what makes me happiest for the rest of my life.

List 5 things you can’t live without

I couldn’t live without my family (both biological and chosen)

my mom’s yummy vegetarian cooking and my dad’s Cafecito

the arts in every single form,

the ocean

all the amazing late nights with friends, laughing and talking about nothing and everything.

What is your favorite way to stay healthy?

My favorite way to stay healthy will always be dancing haha but whenever I find myself in situations where my schedule and/or distance don’t allow it, I really enjoy roller skating, nature walks, boxing classes, and occasionally going to the gym… but I much prefer to be learning a choreography in a dance studio I’ll admit. Also very important, don’t forget to drink your water!

What are you most grateful for?

I am most grateful for all the lessons life has taught me and continues to teach me. The obstacles and struggles have all been worth it, and the pain of every disillusionment has fueled an even greater fire within me. I’m thankful for the wise words of those around me and the support and genuine love they’ve given me whenever I’ve stumbled; but mostly, I’m grateful because every single decision I’ve made has led me to become the woman I am today.

What is your favorite way to unwind?

I have a couple of favorite ways to unwind but I’ll name two:

A trip to the beach is always an amazing idea, especially when I’m feeling energetically drained. I find it is the best way to refresh and reset my body and mind. I’ll usually pack with me some healthy snacks, a nice book, my speaker and headphones of course, tanning lotion and sunscreen, and we’re good to go! You can never go wrong with spending some time by the water, or anywhere else in nature for that matter for those who aren’t big fans of the sand.

However, if the beach is too inaccessible, I love to sit in my balcony and contemplate wherever I am at the time, which right now it happens to be the beautiful city of Miami, especially during the sunset or nighttime. Whether alone or accompanied, stepping out into fresh air and taking a pause to live the present is one of the highlights of my every day.

Thank you for the interview, I loved the questions!

Thank you Laura!!!


