I’m so happy that I got to interview my buddy Jaida! If you’ve been apart of this community for awhile you will know I’m a skincare and anti-aging JUNKIE! Hence why I created YhorlifeEssentials lol. I’m also a firm believer in tweakments that not only help better absorb products, uplift your mood and are natural. Jaida is 1 of 2 people I trust with my tweakments and so happy she gave Conversating w/ Yhorlife all the details! - Enjoy!


How would you introduce yourself to someone that is unaware of you…

I would introduce myself as Jaida first. I am a Nurse Injector, which is very education based. My goal is to become an educator in my field of expertise. And that is me!


I love the ethos of your practice …  to enhance naturally who people are. With everything in excess in terms of the injecting world. Why did you choose to take the wholistic, natural looking approach of injecting…

I think a lot of that comes from living in Scottsdale (Arizona) in general. When you are walking around seeing things from my perspective as an Injector. You do understand that their goals were to make their eyes look larger, or to make their cheek bones pop.

However, when someone does it with the wrong approach, they end up looking relatively botched.

For me it is upsetting, we get a lot of people that are having panic attacks, crying, because they went to an Injector that did not know what they were doing.  

They explain that this is not how they intended to look. They have lumps of Fillers in their faces, and paid approximately $6,000.00 for these procedures.


Things like that happen so often. You know I totally understand that, especially in L.A…. people go too far. Personally, I think that it becomes an addiction. Yes! One hundred percent I agree.


You have the wholistic approach to injections…you have that ethos for your business. Just because you are aware of these botched jobs. How and why did you develop that?

You know me and my mom (of Catherine M Aesthetics) agreed that we wanted to have a natural as possible look to our practice.

That also comes with our education. We learned anatomy, and every injection that we do is anatomy based.

There are a lot of trends in Fillers, but we are one hundred percent anatomy. When you look at someone’s facial anatomy, what looks best is what they are born with. As people age, they lose what they are born with. 

So, that is what we at Catherine M Aesthetics’ are trying to replace. We are not trying to sculpt someone’s face into something new. If that is what you want to achieve, then you need to see a plastic surgeon.  

Sometimes we can do that, but that is not our goal for most of our patients. That is why we decided to have this approach. We are simply giving back what people had when they were younger.


Now some of the newest trends we have seen starting with some celebrities, is the removal of their Fillers. Whether it be in their lips, or their cheeks. Do you think the reason for that is because the skin can break down over time?


What are your thoughts on people that are afraid to get more Fillers? … skin as we age can drop, or breakdown, everything moves. So, your thoughts for people that are Tox (Botox), or filler adverse…

Yes, I have a few ways to approach that. Celebrities in particular that are promoting that is because there is a stigma attached to Fillers, and I do think that is has always been there. Moreso, with the clean girl aesthetic people are trying to appear as natural as possible to match that.

It is just another trend. I love celebrities and I would never want to say that people are lying. I also do know that Jennifer Lopez did not just use olive oil to look the way that she is looking. It is unfair to say that because that is unfair to say that that is realistic.

I do think that Fillers can be risky in some areas, and safe in other areas. However, under your eyes, that area can come with many complications.

They can cause puffy bags; and it can travel and make your cheeks look saggy. There are a lot of things that can go wrong with Fillers. And I think that is what frightens people if you do not have an experienced Injector.

I am the Biostimulator Specialist for Catherine M Aesthetics; and I love the natural approach that we use.  

I love our Dr. PRP Platelet Rich Plasma that we use, where we are spinning your own blood. We also do Sculptra. These are procedures that stimulate your own body’s response and will give you that look.

These procedures will not give you the fear that you are putting things in your face that could possibly leave you with lumps and bumps in your face, because it is not natural. 

Dr. PRP and Sculptra decreases that fear. Even if these procedures are not your favorite thing, but you know they will not leave you botched. You do need to have to have multiple treatments to get the full result.


Is it Sculptra that can be done for the whole face? Yes, that is Sculptra.


 So, what are the benefits of both, and the downside of both. Why would one do Sculptra versus using their own blood, in the Dr. PRP treatment?  and what if any are the side-effects with both procedures…

So, I would say that PRP which is with your own blood there is no downside. You really cannot screw that up. It would be hard to mess that procedure up because you are just promoting healing.

I do not think I could put any downside to PRP, it is great – it strengthens your tissues, it helps blood flow, it is just healthy.

The only real downside to it is that you need multiple treatments to get your results. You just need patience, and some people want results faster.

PRP is one of those things that you must trust me that it works. You watch it build over the next six months as we do your three treatments for PRP.

Sculptra is a beautiful product. We are in a lot of Injector groups. Where Injectors talk to each other to hear and share what new products we are using. As well what is working for them.

Most products that are for sale are controversial in some way. Most of the products that are out there someone can say bad things about them. Sculptra is the only product across the board that everyone just loves.

I have never heard someone talk negatively about Sculptra. It is safer than the alternative, Radius.

You cannot get rid of Radius if there is an issue. Sculptra, if there is an issue, there is a certain concoction to clear it out. For example … if you had an inclusion, or a nodule, we could get rid of it.

Compared to other products that are permanent, and you cannot take it out. Sculptra is very dramatic, because it is a powder that is telling your body to grow. It is a faster result in my opinion, and it lasts years.

The thing with PRP versus Sculptra, PRP does last a long time.  Sculptra continues to work over the course of years. Doctors indicate two years for Sculptra; but independent doctors have documented that the results last longer than two years.

It is just about what the client’s needs are. Some people are more afraid of Sculptra, because of the complications that have been associated with it. Sculptra can cause an inclusion. Which is the cutting off blood supply to certain areas of the face. If you put it in the wrong layer of the face it can cause bumps and nodules in the muscles.


What is Sculptra made of?  some Fillers are just Tox made with a component of hyaluronic acid,  what is the base of Sculptra…

It is poly-L-lactic acid. It is mostly referred to as ‘PLLA’, it is another type of stimulatory acid producer.

It is a powder that we mix with a ton of water that goes into your skin. It tells your body that we need more collagen here, tells your body to start to produce more collagen in designated places.

It is relatively a newer product, not brand new; and research is still being done on it. They are finding that it is not only growing collagen, but also elastin, and catching free radicals in the face. So, overall, it is just a beautiful product, and just one of my favorite products to use, its beautiful.


With PRP … you can get your second treatment at six weeks. Is that giving the full time to see the effects (from the first treatment)? With either of these procedures (PRP and Sculptra) can you ever run the risk of looking like ‘Cat Woman”? …

PRP I would say no. If you do like ten treatments, yes, you are at that risk. However, most people do not do that many treatments. PRP is mostly blood flow and healing tissue that is why we use it a lot under the eyes.  

Now under the eyes when you see dark circles, ninety-eight percent of the time you are seeing blood vessels under your skin. So, we just need to thicken that skin.

There are two different mechanisms of action. Sculptra that can happen, but it is up to your Injector have a good eye.

You can have two good rounds of Sculptra in a  year, we have built back a lot of the volume; now we need to look and see where we need to stop.  

Often it is the cheeks. The secret to a beautiful aesthetic is a smooth transition. And your cheeks are number one victim of not having a smooth transition if you build it up too much.

We at Catherine M Aesthetics intentionally change our client’s treatment plan every time that we see them, so that we keep that beautiful aesthetic.


This does go into my question of Injector ethics. Not every Injector is the same. We have talked about how you get clients that come to you that have not had good experiences with areas they wanted to change.


 Is it more that you create your own code of conduct? and then let your clients know – ‘hey…you have done too much let’s look at alternatives’ or is that something that is taught in school?

Well, once we complete nursing school, we then seek additional training in injections. We spend a lot of additional time and money. Literally another college education specializing in injections. It is interesting and you would not typically think that.

It is a thin line. We would do that because we are anatomy based; and we would tell people that we know that they came to us for let’s say more cheeks. But if we put more Filler in your cheeks your face will be misshaped, because your temples are more hollowed out.

The fine line is that I know what they want but telling them that it is better in this area instead. However, it is working with them and asking them how they feel about what we have explained to them.

Also, if they do not get what they want with us, they will get it from someplace else. If they want Filler in this area no matter what, and not open to putting the Filler where we suggested, they will go someplace else.

And you do not know where they will go. They could go to someone that is good, or an Injector without a lot of education, and they get botched.

Then they come back to us saying ‘we cheated on you, and I am so sorry’. We have had that happen to us before, many times. We then end up dissolving all the Fillers, and then start from scratch.

So, it is just a fine line of that… holding our ethics and being able to turn people down; but also educating our clients. It is all about education. Explaining the why I turned the client down from this.

Most of the time when you educate them, they understand, and say you are totally right and let’s go with your plan.


In the news it has come to light that there are a lot of fake Injectors. They do not have a nursing degree, and they are giving injections for Fillers, with the most extreme being the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL).


What do you think is one of the strongest selling points for new clients that are coming to you for the first time. Whether they have had previous experiences, how do you connect with for them to feel safe and establish trust…  One hundred percent I would say our education. We have spent so much time and money on furthering our education.

You can see on our Instagram we are always at conventions learning. People feel the safest when the client knows that you know what you are talking about.

Yes, there is a lot of news coming out on fake Injectors, and products. In states like in Texas you do not even need to have a medical license to put something under someone’s skin.

You do not have to be a Registered Nurse; you can be an Aesthetician. That requires a small amount of education. Moreso, that education does not include the facial anatomy, 

It is very scary, and this is why people are getting hurt – their tissue is dying and falling off, and their getting botched results. They are getting botulism now from fake products, non-FDA approved companies.

It is terrifying. Our industry is a scary industry for people, and why there is so much mistrust as well. We have people literally say… ‘I want this look, but I do not want to do Filler’.  They see all the bad things that can happen, and they think everyone can potentially do that to them.

It all comes back to education; this is why I explain my treatment decisions to my patient. So that they trust my decision-making process; I explain the reasons to why I am deciding this for them.


Okay…if things go south with the  treatment… Since, you and everyone at Catherine M Aesthetics are Registered Nurse’s… can and will you guys prescribe for the issue…

Yes, to practice in the state of Arizona you need to have a medical director. Noting every State is different. The medical director gives us prescriptions that we can use on an as needed basis. So, if we ever need to write a prescription, we call it in.

However, since we are Registered Nurse’s, we legally can assess the situation, and decide when someone needs the prescription. That is the power that nurses have in Arizona.

In California for example your medical director needs to see the patient and be in the building with you. If there are complications, we can prescribe what is needed. As well we can refer them to outpatient treatment facilities.


So, we have a lot of tools under our belts that we can and would use…  Many California dermatologists have moved away from skincare health and have now become Injectors. What do you think of this shift, and do you think that Injectors need to be in their own space…

I have mixed feelings about that. I support people entering this industry completely. Dermatologists are independent. They have a business to run. However, I do feel that you cannot be a jack of all trades.

I learned from a lot of great surgeons that know anatomy. If you want someone that specializes in Fillers and Tox you need to make sure they are not doing rhinoplasty and face lifts predominately. 

When nurses are doing this, we are specializing in injections. We cannot do facelifts and rhinoplasty.


What made you decide to specialize in Aesthetics? And how do separate your passions with your day job? …

I always wanted to be in the medical field since I was young. Initially I wanted to be a plastic surgeon when I was young. I changed when I later found out that I would be in school for approximately twenty years.

So, I went to nursing school mainly because my mom is a Registered Nurse. And I loved hearing her stories. I didn’t really have a plan then because we had not started our business.  

While I was in nursing school and doing clinicals, which is called transition to practice. I worked on a transplant unit, and it was hard for me. There I saw how nurses were over worked, and underpaid.  

As well some of the patients that I cared for were not getting proper care. And it was not that we didn’t want to give it to them, but because we could not give it to them.

Knowing that everyone that would see me for their care would leave me in a lot of debt. And not being cured, their illnesses were just managed. This was just hard for me to witness. I know that I am speaking to the political aspect to healthcare, which needs to be talked more about. Nurses’ fall victim to a lot of this.

I wanted to be a nurse to make people lives’ better, I wanted to be that bright light in people’s lives.  I felt like I could never be that.  

In my last semester of nursing school, I started apprenticing my mom; and then I got to see that I could be that bright light in someone’s life.

Health is spiritual, mental, and physical… it is everything. Although I could not help people on a physical level (when they could not move physically). I do know that I could help them on a mental and spiritual level.

Confidence supports all of that. Now I can truly be that bright light for people because I am able to help their spiritual and mental health.

Help them to see in the mirror what they feel inside. When we age, we still feel young, and don’t think that we look any different. So, helping my patients with that is everything to me.


I agree… because when you feel good about how you look, it can even be the outfit that you are wearing, it transcends into a mental thing. As well this will transfer to your body, and you will feel better. When someone loves how they look, ailments can subside.


You will start doing all the things that you know that you should be doing to support your health.


And the second part of my question addresses your passions. Because no one is one dimensional. So, how do you balance your intense profession and time for your passions…

My job is such a fun job, it is educational. I love what I do, it centers around anatomy and the human body, so it is also my passion.

My next goal is to do Facial Sculpting. When I master the ability to sculpt a face out of clay, then I have mastered anatomy.  That is passion for me. To know the layers and tissues of the face. That is my balance.


I know that another passion of yours is singing. Often you can work ten-hour days at Catherine M Aesthetics…so how do you balance that…

Singing is another big passion for me. I have been singing since I was a child. I just do it. I am always singing throughout my day.  She does … she really does a lot (in a day). She downplays all the things that she is so good at. Another thing comes to mind is how well she takes care of plants. She literally has at least one-hundred plants in the house [Tony22].


Yes, I am saying there are literally twenty-four hours in a day…how do you find the time. How do you schedule it all…

I have strong boundaries for work and personal time. However, there are days that I need a break from work, and non-work passions. Yeah, I have told her since I met her, she is that ray of sunshine…everything around her wants to stay alive [Tony22].


Okay, lets delve into making plans… in a perfect world what you would love to be doing – on tour, making your first album, and Injecting? Or, splitting your time and focusing on one thing…

In a perfect world I would be singing. I am not the best songwriter, so Tony would have to help me write. I would be singing in a choir, or performing in small venues. I would love to get back into horses.

Perfect day … Inject for a few hours, ride my horses, and making music or singing. I am going to get more into educating.

I love teaching, and I love teaching people about their faces. I am planning to take that roll on in the next five to ten years. My end goal is to be an Educator.


Do you want to educate more patients, Injectors, or both… I think both. I would love to educate patients through a social media platform. Our industry is so saturated, it is challenging to access real information for patients that is not sales driven.

My goal is for people to be fully informed, and to make their decisions based on that education. That education would not be to drive sales. And that can be considered bad business. No, with that intention it empowers people, and creates respect and trust. Yes, it is relationship building [Tony22].

People will learn the why to decisions that I suggested for them.  So, when I can educate my patients on the why…their reactions are priceless and makes sense.


I know first-hand (iykyk) your transparency in your process, and products are everything. What are your ideal clients? Do you like them WebMD informed, or people that are more realistic about their results…

I like people that have done research and come with a list of questions for me. They say, ‘I want this fixed’, yet have a list of questions for me. That shows me that they are just as involved in their care plan as I am.

I have seen when my patients have taken this approach and are prepared, it leads to less anxiety. When you are prepared with your questions, they are clarified; then people leave happier, and it is a better process.


You are a Bio-Stimulator and that leads into skincare … what is your favorite skincare regimen to enhance results…

I love Radio Frequency Micro-Needling. I see some incredible results for pore size, wrinkles, and tightening everything, it is amazing. This coupled the results are great.


What can we expect from you in 2024? what is to come…  

For 2024 a lot more education. We (at Catherine M Aesthetics) are going to an event in Las Vegas, NV for a week.  The biggest thing is that we are planning to expand to a larger space next door in a year.

We are partnered with Nakie Face (and Catherine M Aesthetics). But we are re-branding to Profile Aesthetics by Catherine.

I want to start building my online clientele through an education platform. Where people will know where to go if they have that question.

So, the new space will be our education center along with our injection rooms. We are doing education for injectors that want to learn, and we can teach our techniques. We are entering a cool era.


What is your favorite way to unwind…

Gosh probably like Tony’s (way to unwind) … I love to go home and shower it is my meditation. We play video games, I water my plants, and play and cuddle with our bunnies. And I also do wall Pilates!



