I had the immense pleasure to interview Hilary Roberts! Her new LP is available NOW! Not only does her new music make you feel happy but Hilary’s amazing activisim and heart is inspiring. Enjoy this interview!

Before we start, I wanted to say that I love the sampling of your single, ‘Back to Life’. It is my favorite on your new album.  Ohhh, well thank you.

Introduce yourself to our readers that are not familiar with you

My name is Hilary Roberts, with one ‘L’, I am a recording artist, a speaker, and a philanthropist…and I love to dance, just so that everyone knows that. Well, your music definitely conveys that. Thank you, thank you.

Where does your real and genuine intention to give back to this world come from

Well, I experienced a lot of trauma, and hardships growing up, and I think through great suffering people go either of two ways –  better or bitter. And fortunately after a lot of very painful times I was able to get with a group of people, and I was able to get better. As I began to heal , and the gifts of release, getting peace from the horrible things that had happened; I knew I wanted others to feel that release, that joy. The joy that came (to me), and I just wanted others to have it. I think you are so right, it is almost like a  crossroads in people’s lives, that is really cool. Yes, yes.

Something very special and exciting happened in your music career on September 4th ….can you share what it is

My LP came out on September 4th, and I am so excited. For those who do not know what an LP is, it is an album…ahaha. It has to be twelve or more songs, I am so excited and fired up about it.

Ok, what is your favorite song, I have already said my favorite

Oh my W-0-R-D… Oh, they all have a different meaning for me . Gosh, it is like trying to pick your favorite child. They all have special meaning for me, so gosh …no I can’t choose.  But let me say this…I leave it to my fans, and my amazing audience to choose theirs. And I want to hear from them what that it is.

Is there an underlying message behind this album

You know it is interesting, because its about elevating love, compassion, and kindness in the world. And also about having a body of work that people can relate to. So on that note, one of the songs is about suffering from someone who  is a narcissist. In dealing with a narcissist you can have love and compassion towards yourself for suffering through that; but those people (narcissists) do not have a conscience. It is best to get as far away from them as possible, because they will continue to harm you, harm you.  We are not saying there doesn’t need to be justice in things, what we are saying is that you have to love and forgive yourself in the midst of being taken advantage of.

So, it is about elevating ourselves in so many ways. Loving others, and dealing with people that have no conscience the best thing is to forgive ourselves for being taken advantage of for so long, and then stand up for ourselves. But for the majority of the planet we ask – ‘ how can we help them, and how can we lift them up, how can we make a difference, stop someone for taking their own lives. Or doing something that is harmful to them, acting out, or allowing  the abuse to continue. It is about that. It is about healing the twisted relations that we have with one another, so that we can love each other better.

Can you please explain the Jaana Woodbury Scholarship, how are you involved, and what does this Scholarship mean to you

Oh my word…Jaana Woodbury…pause…They gave me this scholarship, and the treatment center, Safe Harbor in Costa Mesa, CA. This scholarship was presented by Jaana Woodbury, and the treatment facility is $30,000.00 per month.  It is a 90 day scholarship for a woman to get help – from alcoholism, drug addiction, trauma, eating disorders, and co-dependency. So they will be able to get immersed in so many areas of healing for 90 days for free. It is a woman gifting a woman, so we can give it to another woman. So, it is lifting women up.

When it was presented to me, I cried my eyes out, I had no idea it was happening – it was amazing. That is very amazing, and just cool.  Yes, it just means so much. I am 23 years sober now, and when I was 6 years sober I had to go to treatment for trauma, sexual trauma.  This happened at a very young age by different – perpetrators. So, when I was in treatment, the scholarship paid for half of the treatment; and I borrowed from two people for the other half (of the cost of the treatment facility). 

That changed my life, I swore that one day if I had the means, the platform, or both, that I would give back. So other women, like Jaana Woodbury are jumping on board, and I can not thank her enough. The treatment center, Safe Harbor, is just everything. Before we continue let me just say this – you are genuinely a happy, and bubbly person, that is amazing. You are a poster child for being reflective, and that you can overcome anything. Because you would think that someone that has had your experiences would have a  chip on their shoulder, and rightfully so. But you are kind, bubbly, and just so positive.  Thank you so much, it’s been a gift, and it takes a village. Oh, I have not been an easy case...ahahaha.

There is another event that is close to your heart – The Jason Davis Scholarship/ Race to Erase MS Event – please tell us what this scholarship does, your involvement, and how can others get involved and support

This Foundation, that Nancy Davis who started ‘Race to Erase MS’ years ago, who is loved by so many people. Her father was the head of 20th Century Fox. Nancy knows a lot of people, and she has made it  her life’s mission to make a difference with MS. She and her sister, both, have MS. Nancy has worked with doctors to have medicine to get passed , and to people to help them with their MS. Then her son who I met, and Jason Wahler who has known the family for many years, he is like family to the Davis family, and to Nancy.

Jason Davis passed away in February, he had so much love to give; and he gave, and gave, and gave. He had a wonderful heart, and was an amazing talent – he left us way too young, just too young. My heart was broken for Nancy, as was for Jason. So, we were talking to her, Nancy, and she was saying what people who have MS suffer from is suicide and depression. We talked to her, and mentioned to her that we should establish a scholarship in his honor, to help for someone that has MS – to help them.

The way that people can get involved and help (if you would like to donate); you can donate to Red Songbird Foundation in Jason Davis’ name. When you donate to Red Songbird Foundation (you can message us through the website ) you can put notes to the Executive Director, Alex; and say that you want to donate to that specifically.

Every year we will be donating to the Jason Davis Scholarship for Race to Erase MS. I use to fence, and Jason came to our fencing center to watch us fence. He was there to watch us for a film project he was doing. I remember how he was like a quiet gentle giant, such a kind person. This was years ago in L.A., it is simply tragic.

This year 2020 , has been a challenging year for many. What is some advice that you could give to someone challenged with the events in the world, and trying to make sense of it all.

I am a woman who has Faith, and I am a woman who struggled during the pandemic, quite frankly it is important that I do the mundane things magnificently. Meaning, what am I doing to help my body, mind and spirit. So, I get up in the morning and I pray, meditate, and make my Gratitude list. I think about what am I going to bring into this day. Then all the big things that I cannot control, I just turn it over to God. Because I cannot control it – I cannot.  Then I list the things that I can do today, for self-care – I can exercise; get out of myself, and think about helping someone else. Like does someone need groceries ( who cannot get out of their homes), call them (because they feel isolated). Then the other thing – I have been writing songs. I have committed to working on my voice, and vocal technique. Also, good for people to do things like painting. Think of what kids do for fun, take it down to simplicity – paint, coloring books. We have had challenges in the past, and we are going to get through this. It is like music with message, what can I do to make a difference. So I take care of me, I can be loving, and take care of others. So, I focus on that, and cherish the small things.

How do you take care of you, what does your ‘me time’ look like, to unwind and recharge

Since COVID and there are no massages, I have a massage chair, and I sit in that. I do stretching, I take hot baths with Lavender and Ylang-Ylang – I just love that. 

I also get into my bed after my bath and I love to read uplifting things, very light reading. Oh! And I get into bed with my two puppies, one is a Bichon Poo, fifteen pounds, and a girl Poodle that is also fifteen pounds.  I play with my dogs it makes me so happy.

Another secret that I do is put on this machine that has ocean waves sound, I just love that sound. No matter where I am I bring the ocean with me.

Please go and support Hilary’s album and Foundation, and give the love that Hilary gives to the world daily!


