I had the immense pleasure to interview Award-winning director- Gabriela TagliavIni. She was so gracious to allow me to pick her brain, enjoy!

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Hi!....I am so excited to be able to sit down and talk with you. I am so excited to be here as well.

Okay, how would you introduce yourself to people that are unaware of you...

I am Gabriela TagliavIni, a writer and director.

How does your writing-storytelling begin...When the movie ‘Despite Everything’ came out I really enjoyed it. Then when I was doing my research  I found out that you were the director, and I was even more excited. It is such a serious subject matter, yet you did it in a comical way. Some parts were dark and sad, but for the most part it was a comical movie. What was it like working with Blanca Suarez, Maxie Iglesias, and Amaia Salamanca. And what did you enjoy most about this project...

Oh, the actors in Spain all have a high level of talent. They grow up watching really good television series, and a lot of theatre in Spain. They are very natural and their humor is grounded in reality. So, it was a honor...I knew Maxie’s and Blanca’s work from before, as well as Belen Cuesta’s work. It was truly an honor to direct all of the actors.

What was your process for directing ‘Casa Grande’...

Yes, ‘Casa Grande’ I directed. I have mainly worked in film all my life. So in the last couple of years I have been branching out into television. I had the opportunity, and they sent me this wonderful script, ‘Casa Grande’. The project had scenes with Immigration, and Racism, this was very important for me to do, and I directed five episodes.


What do you find more have been a film director predominately, did you approach directing television series in the same way; or did you change your technique for a television show...

The work of a director is the same for both, television and film; but in television you have more pages a day. So there is a faster pace, that is mainly the difference.

When you start a new project that you write and direct, what comes first for you. Is it creating the story, or creating the direction that you want the audience to view, and the emotions you want to evoke. And then building the story from there...

The honest truth is that every project is different. Some ideas you get in the shower, some ideas come to you already a completed script. Then I have to see if I relate to the script, but to answer your question I always have to feel emotionally invested. Always for me the message is very important, having a positive message is important. Because I feel like we always have a responsibility, or at least I have a responsibility. What is my purpose in life, my purpose is to send a positive message, to elevate the world. It might be too ambitious but...No, you do a great job.

Do you prefer to direct movies, or a series that the subject matter resonates with you. ‘Casa Grande’ is such a politically motivated series.

Yes! It has to resonate with me, otherwise I will not do it. Not even if they pay me a lot. A producer sent me a project, it was from a big studio (not mentioning any names). It was a womanizing man as the lead character. I said I am not going to do that. I was then offered more money, and my answer was still no. I told him do not even tell me, there is no amount. Wow, and that takes guts.Yes, I am very proud of that. This just happened last month.

Do you think that you are able to walk away from projects now, because you have such a track record with producing such emotional, and audience captivating movies - that you can say...’No I am not doing this’. Have you always been like this since you started in your career, or more so now because you have proven yourself in the industry...

Honestly, when I said no, I did not know if I was going to have a job afterwards. It is still very scary, it is always going to be a scary business - because it is unstable. For the first person who starts, a young person; or an accomplished person. You never know, you have to trust it. When I said no I was in the process of finishing ‘Casa Grande’, and I didn't know what other job would come. Then I was offered other projects, so I think that you have to trust the process. You stick to your guns (values, morals), and the right projects will come to you. That is what I believe. 

So, to answer the say no, and you never know if you are going to get another project or not. If you say no, at least you know, and then it opens the possibility for something wonderful. Yes, and on top of that you are a lot happier.


What motivates and drives you to continue directing, whether it is in film or television; and what do you enjoy most about it...

Well, so many things. Yes, I love working with actors. I love to be surprised when they bring something to the table, they improvise and just surprise me. I love that part. I am an artist. I study painting, cinematography, and photography. So I enjoy the colors. If you see my movies you will see colors. 

I enjoy also working with the music. I have worked with the same composer in the last five projects. He is an Argentinian, an amazing composer, and I enjoy our process together. I love collaborating with other artists. That is the wonderful thing about being a film director, you coordinate with one vision; and the different artists that bring amazing different ideas to the table.  

Is there another signature stamp in your directing, when someone is watching your films they automatically know it’s yours. I would say colors, but is there something else...

Yes, I have done seven films and I would say the consistency is colors in the production design. Another signature in my films is that I like to put in a lot of music. If you see any of my movies you will see every other scene has music in it. If there is something underneath it, it is very subtle. I believe in the marriage of visual and music, and I use a lot of camera movement. I try to keep the camera moving.

I use a Pelican as a second camera, and I use it a lot. Those things are pushing the envelope a little with the story, and with the positive messages.

The last and most fun question...what do you do to relax and unwind....

Oh, I love it! I have had so many interviews and no one has asked me that - I love it! We keep you on your toes...hahaha...

It is a super fun question. Okay, what I try to do...I like to go to the beach for lunch every two weeks. The ocean has a wonderful energy, it makes me calm and happy right away. Also, I really enjoy my time off with my friends, family; and now talking on the phone with them (due to COVID). Or seeing one friend at a time for a glass of wine, I enjoy the conversation.

I also meditate every morning, and of course I love watching movies, and television to unwind. I love watching them as much as making them. Beautiful.

Yes! go watch the movie(s)...’How to Break Up with Your Douchebag’ from Netflix, also my movie with Sharon Stone, ‘Border Run, on Amazon. Oh!, and also ‘Without Men’, with Eva Longoria and Kate del Castillo. Then see what I have said about my signatures in my movies. Thank you! Thank you!


