I’m so happy to be doing this interview with Dr. Patrick Porter! I met him at a dinner and he was so kind to me, I was over 30 minutes late, he offered me a seat at his table. Dr. Patrick Porter was so humble I had know idea he was the creator of BrainTap and helping people optimize their brain potential. I had the best time interviewing him. Enjoy!


How are you… very well. And how have you been since Biohacking?  Good… I have been busy. Just a little background, I met Dr. Porter at an event about a month ago. I was late to the event, which is a fate worth than death. And Dr. Porter was so kind and gracious and extended a seat next to him. Now here we are.


We will be talking about brain technology…so how did you get started with the concept of Brain Tap?

Well, my dad was a Silva instructor, The Silva Method. When I got out of school, and I went to school for electronics. I was always thinking how we could work together, and blend both.

I worked with a group of six people that put together the first portable tap machine. This (Brain Tap) is an evolution of that. I sold my business in 2006. After I was doing different workshops; and I thought that I wanted to recreate this technology. So, I brought it up to date, using the latest technology.

We used the earth’s frequency and the lights in the eyes to train the brain. And all the sound therapies, that most people are aware of, like Isochronic tones etc. To get the brain to go into an emergence state to get the maximum benefits from brain fitness.


With the technologies, and for someone that is not very techy…you did make it very user friendly. So, for someone like me when you get the package is it self-explanatory…

Yes, and you could use the App alone. We are in over 120 countries where people have downloaded the App. The lights upgrade the experience. In our research we have seen about thirty percent faster improvement when you use the lights.

If you have something going on like dementia, where you want to lower the stress during that time. Then we recommend the full headset for sure.


Now with manifestation, meditation, and visualization… that you mentioned before. If people are just beginning and they do not really know what they want to visualize (and it is for brain fitness). How do you advise people to start, what do you recommend…

We will talk about three different time that are best to use Brain Tap, for brain fitness. The first time is in the morning, and it takes about ten minutes. When we wake up, it is best to stimulate our brain waves and it is called SMR’s, Sensory Motor Rhythm. It is the brain area that can atrophy first, and often we refer to it as a ‘senior moment’. So we call it ‘digital coffee’ (doing Brain Tap).

Second – at 2:00 p.m. no matter where you are in the world the temperature drops two degrees. The reason is that our genetic information, who we are is in tuned with the light from the sun. So, this is a time when our body resets. Between 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m., when you get home from work you can reclaim the energy that you had in the morning.

Now if you are doing Brain Tap you can do some breathing exercises and do things to get your body moving. It has shown that by doing this you get another morning.     

Third – ninety percent of our users use it right before bed. At nighttime most people do not get the deep sleep that they need. And when you do not get that deep sleep, you are not going to clean your brain. The brain detoxifies during level four sleep.

You really cannot go wrong whenever you use it, we have over 3,000 clinics across America.


Now when you have your morning coffee, and then some have that second cup around 2:00 p.m. – which I am guilty of that. So, would Brain Tap be a nice trade off that 2:00 p.m. coffee, to feel refreshed and not sluggish…

Oh yes! When you think about the nervous system., where we commonly refer to the state(s) as the fight or flight response. Well, there is another one called the Neuro-hormonal System, and that is what coffee is doing. That system should only be used in an emergency situation.

The body goes through cycles. So, we should replace it with more healthy alternatives, through nutrition. And there are a lot of healthy nutritional ways of doing that.

In the afternoon our bodies do not need as much sugar as people think. People do not know that stress is more fattening than chocolate. We need to regulate down the stress response.

Our best energy comes from our electrical system. Think in these terms that we are electrical beings, or light beings. So, if we are so busy digesting food, we do not have enough energy. The best thing that you can do for your health is really to under eat. Our bodies need more hydration than solid foods.


For people that do have a desk job, and they do not have the luxury to move around like we know is optimum. You mentioned the App… are people able to do that let’s say during their 15-minute breaks…

Sure, if you can do it at your office that is great.  We have 10-minute and 15-minute sessions, as well as 20-minutes. It is going to essentially give you a reboot.

Essentially, we need to disengage the nervous system. Then you can reboot your nervous system. We have to remember that stress builds up in the body, over time and that is normal.

If you have that desk job, you can do a breathing exercise anytime they feel that stress. Like the 4-8 breath, 4 (count) inhale, 4 9count) hold breath, and 8 (count) breathe out. It is something to shift their mind, and to get energy into their system. There is energy in the air that we breathe, called Prana. And we want to get that energy in to activate our cells.


Some people might think that this sounds awesome, but they have not jumped into the wellness space…what would you say to them…

I always tell people that you do not have to have a breakdown to have a breakthrough. Everybody sooner or later will come to this conclusion. I do not know anyone that is aging backwards.

I also tell people that it is al lot easier to keep a plane in flight than to let it crash then try to rebuild it.  And that is what most people do with their health – they let their plane crash, and their bodies crash. Then they try to rebuild it.

One of the main things that they can do right now is to give up sugar. As much sugar as they can eliminate – do it now. Okay can I ask about dark chocolate, isn’t the higher cacao the better?... Yes, that is good. A little bit of dark chocolate is good for the brain, but not eating a whole bar.

The average American eats over one-hundred pounds of sugar a year. We cannot eliminate sugar completely. So, we always recommend that you have a little of fat, fiber, and protein in your diet with your sugars.

If nothing else…go back and look at old shows like ‘I Love Lucy’ and see the portions of food that they eat. Also, it is best to have cane sugar, there are no artificial sugars that are good for you, they are toxins.


To address those that like or are addicted to the carbonated drinks. Do you find the at home soda maker is a good way to control, or substitutes like that helpful to the overall brain function, and health…

Yes, then they can do healthier drinks. I do liquid Stevia. A couple of waters that I drink, I add a couple of drops of the liquid Stevia to my water. Now it is flavored water, and if you wanted to do the carbonation with those then you would have a healthier soda without all the negatives.

What is the best way to get started with Brain Tap, should someone just download the App, and then grow to the headset…

You are going to get the best results with the headset and the App. For those listening they can go right to Brain Tap information if they want, download my book, and get 15 days with the App and try it out. 

It has tips on how to navigate our overloaded lifestyle. I am now co-writing a book called, ‘The Third Wave of Wellness’. It talks about Nutrition number one, you have to have a good foundation – like yoga and meditation. And thirdly, you need to have brain fitness.

Now if you have a lot of stress the first two do not matter. So, we must get the stress levels down, and it is all lifestyles. When you become a priority in your life, health become easy. Things like this and sharing online help so much.


I feel when people are in survival mode, they may think that this is out of their price point. No there are easy solutions that you have outlined throughout our talk.


My last question… how you unwind, and your favorite way…

I have every gadget that you can think of at my house. My favorite is doing the PEMF Mat, and Brain Tap headset at the same time. I do that every day. I just did it about an hour ago, before getting on here with you. 

Also, I start every morning at 5:00 a.m. doing my meditations, and getting ready. Then my afternoon break with the Brain Tap.


Thank you, Dr. Porter, for taking the time to sit down and talk with me, it has been a blast. Well, thank you for having me and helping us build better brains.


