
Let me first just say before we start…from doing my research (for the interview) you are the coolest, and the most positive person ever – it is just so inspiring. Well, thank you.

David, please introduce yourself to our audience who do not know you

My name is David Fernandez Jr., I am an entrepreneur, actor, director, and producer. I have also just launched an App called ‘Earn Your Life’. Most importantly, I am in this human experience following my heart getting to know myself every day, and continuously challenging myself to step into the unknown. That is where I am at… kind of easier said than done. Challenging but always rewarding.

Would you say that you are naturally a  positive person, or that you have a positive outlook, or is it a daily reminder to stay in a positive zone

You know I believe it is all three of them - just understand for me to have that level of awareness of focusing on the positive, it is because I have been to the darkness. Does that make sense? Yes.  So when I do put out energy of positivity, love, empowerment its ultimately projection of what I am creating for myself. So in essence I am a student to life – I am continuously going inside my heart. And I am learning to go inside, because I am learning the answers are inside. So, especially right now with everything that is happening….I think I am at an impasse. It’s a lot of the anxiety, panic, confusion, sadness – all of the stuff that collectively happens to us; because of all of the fear being put out there right now. The best way to find that harmony between both is the positivity, because there is a lot of fear being put out. It’s a good thing though, because it is forcing us to look at ourselves and to question. I want to be a reminder of our greatness, the love that we possess, and the love that we are. That is how I am showing up right now, in the things that I am doing. 

Perfect. It is like you have a crystal ball and you know exactly what my next question is…hahaha It is All Good.

How do you motivate and encourage someone to be positive and give Love when faced with a negative situation

Yes, it is really heavy, absolutely. So, to feel everything that you are feeling, to drop down to your heart, to breathe, and continue to breathe. Breathing is so important. If we are able to focus on our breath, it is a huge step to experience whatever is coming up for us. The most important part of the puzzle is to focus on energy that is going to uplift you. To elevate you, to remind you of who you are – which is Love. That is what we are (Love). This is like a birth of a new awareness. 

The shift might not feel good inside. If we empower ourselves to realize that it is showing up for a reason; and to be gentle with ourselves and not judge it. To just feel it, express it and release it, and there are different ways to do that. 

We can write our feelings down, talk to somebody, we can cry, punch a pillow, yell into our pillow, sing, or dance. So many ways to express – paint, draw. Find your outlet, find something that you are able to release that energy. That is all that it is, energy. When you really break it down on a cellular level, all we are is energy. So if we go through trauma, or just focusing on the negative things in life, it can get trapped inside of us. It’s all just awareness. I can not take credit for this. Bob Proctor is one of the people that I listen to, and study. He says…that we are all trying to find that new level of awareness. We are not taught this in the beginning, not taught this in our schools, and for the most part not taught this as we grow up.

The time is now to focus on growth, focus on ourselves, and to learn about ourselves. And to connect to people. Most important thing that I have learned through years, where we create these spaces to open up with people – the most important medicine, and magic happens the minute someone is willing  and courageous to share their heart, and be vulnerable. It is the most beautiful thing in the world. Then another shares, then we realize that we are all in this together, that we are feeling the same emotions. Pain is pain, all of us have been exposed to it, especially now. So, people just need to reach out to people you can talk to, or maybe even a stranger.

Let me share this story with you….I was having a panic attack while driving to the golf course. I was legit having a panic attack, so I reached out to someone that could support me in what I was feeling. She gave me one message that was beautiful and divinely needed in that moment. Then I get to the golf course, I get outside and I am taking some deep breaths. I am walking to go pay, and there is this one brother who I have seen there before. He greets me and he is all happy, and bubbly, and he says – ‘how are you doing’. And I told him…’I am not feeling well, I’m freaking out, I’m having a panic attack – anxiety’. He said ‘ brother I feel the exact same way, I have felt that so many times I thought I was having a heart attack’. We just instantly connected, it was so beautiful. It was a complete stranger, but I chose to be honest and open. He did ask me how I was doing, so I was like okay I am going to give it to you. It was so beautiful, we instantly connected and we have a deeper understanding of who we are – just by that conversation.

After that we were both like ‘bro I thought I was alone, and the only one feeling it’.  It was almost like he was mirroring me, and he physically looks like me, it is so crazy. He is your doppelganger. Yes! It is so crazy. We just have to remember man, we are not alone, and it is temporary; emotions are temporary. Sorry to keep going on….No! this is who you are.

What does ‘Earn Your Life’ mean, and how are the concepts of Earn Your Life taught on your Podcast

Thank you for all of these questions, they are amazing by the way. Thank you, in doing my research you intrigued me – your bio, your App is so positive, and then the Netflix Show. I am like he is cool.  

Earn Your Life originated when I was 21 years old, and I lost a son. In the hospital, I literally held him dead in my hands. Oh, I am so sorry. Yes, it literally changed my life. It took me to about two to two and a half years of darkness. Because I was 21 years old, and I did not have a lot of tools under my belt – emotionally, mentally, or spiritually – I just didn’t. So, I did the very best that I could, but I was numbing myself. I did not know how to deal with the trauma. It was so deep, because….pause….I am getting so emotional. I am coming full circle right now. So when I held my son, my son that had already transitioned; I was talking to him in the room as I was holding him.  I was telling him all of the things I was going to teach him, the things not to do, the bad things – the things that I was doing. I was going to teach him to not do those things. When I said his name for the first time,  it was like he was trying to take a deep breath in that moment – this happened three times. It scared me so much it taught me to be appreciative for life, Grateful for life, because life is fragile. And I think in essence why I have been an overachiever, gone for my dreams, or been in search, is because of the message that I learned from him – my son. It was to Earn It. It is so deep for me right now, I feel it, I am about to level up now. I am about to go to the next level right now. But it’s all been scaring the shit out of me. 

Earn Your Life, that is what Earn Your Life means to go inside yourself – to learn and discover more about yourself, to continue to learn and evolve. To go for your dreams, your purpose. You do get challenged on so many different levels, because for you to be open to receive that next level you have to do that internal work, to be open to receive it. That is what Earn Your Life is, but to simplify it, to ask yourself the question – Why am I here on earth. What is my Purpose, What is my Joy, What is my Happiness.

Those questions will lead you on the path to your Heart, and when you go to your Heart – it is a beautiful thing. Because the world needs your Heart, but you have to discover your Heart first, to be able to share your Heart with the world. And that is what Earn Your Life means…so, it is an extension of my Heart. It is an extension of who I am. To be able to accomplish what I have accomplished so far, and to accomplish what I will accomplish in the near future, I had to do that (work), I Earned My Life. So does that make sense? Oh totally, that is amazing…phew…Yes, in this journey to overcome whatever trauma, I mean I do not want to label anyone’s trauma, but whatever that challenge is for people it is hard, it’s debilitating. I think it is cool to have this outlet and you show – take a minute, it is almost like grieving. You take a minute to process whatever pain. Yes!  But then you cannot die in time, you have to keep moving, the world is moving, and you have to keep moving as well. I think it is really awesome. Thank you, thank you so much. 

Some days are more challenging than others. Yeah, but it’s ok, because it is all a part of the journey. You are not alone. I have your App. What!!!, oh thank you, we are going to be expanding the App. We are going to have a yoga, and  meditation section. I am about to do something big. I am merging with my mentor in ‘Be the Change Movement’. We are going to have a Disneyland of Light Workers. There will be a production studio and healing center. We need this. Congrats.

You have been acting for approximately ten years, your new Netflix show is Selena. She is probably one of the highest selling Latina artist of the 20th century. Please tell us about your character in Selena, and what it means to bring her back to a larger audience in the Netflix show.

Yes, well I feel like the most blessed person in the world to be a part of her legacy. It is an epic series so it is going to dive deeper into her life. There are six episodes and one hour long per episode. Her brother and sisters are the executive producers, to make sure we tell the story correctly. I play the role of David Kramer, he was her personal bodyguard. The beautiful thing about it is that through my process as an actor, I looked for the real David Kramer. I was able to find him – through the power of social media. I reached out to him, and the first time we talked on the phone it was over four hours. We cried together, he shared intimate stories about Selena that only he , and those close to her would know about. Some of the stories he shared were funny, and some were intimate. 

He is a gentle and giving soul, he took her like she was his daughter. That is how much he loved and protected her, he was loyal to the family, and respectful. So, I feel so blessed because I got such an insight into my character, and I took it very serious. Because I am portraying a real human being. As an actor you don’t get those opportunities often, especially in a story of such a legendary person as Selena. I want to honor him in the show.

What would you say is the best gift that you can give to someone

Your Heart, Kindness, Love , and your Authenticity. I think that does so much on a deeper level, a true connection is made. You can also provide hope for showing up in that way. This world needs connectors more now than ever. We need one another more than ever in life, that’s the biggest gift you can give someone – your Time, Love, and your Heart. Imagine we are in this human experience, and to experience this Love – to be seen and celebrated by someone is the most beautiful thing in the world. That is freedom. 

To be yourself one hundred percent, cry and feel when you want, and not be judged, or rejected.  That is being who you are, you are saying I am enough, take me for who I am. Yes!, hahaha. 

My mentor, who is the founder of ‘Be The Change Movement’, they have done work for 33 years all over the world. He told me….’ When it is hard it is ego, when it flows and it is easy it is God – the Universe’. Just think about this for one minute. All that I have been going through, and experiencing lately (the panic attacks), it is death of the ego. When I tried to control it, it was worse. When I just surrendered, and let it go down to my Heart – it just goes away. With anything, if it keeps coming up, it’s hard, and we are struggling, it is the ego in place. If we would surrender our mind, because our mind is wired to keep us safe; so it makes up stories of fear, or possibilities , outcomes that are not going to serve us well.

In reality these things will not happen, unless you focus on it, and then it will manifest. The minute we surrender, which is going to our essence our higher selves, that is when things start shifting. The more we continue to connect with Mother Earth and be in the flow state, the easier everything manifests, and comes my way. Then every  time I try and control, or force and manipulate, it never happens. How crazy is that.

That is The Magic , The Journey, The Beauty. That ego is in the subconscious mind, it is the trickster. The key is to surrender, to go down to our Heart space of Love, and remember it is always happening for Us.

What do you do for fun, what brings you Joy

Right now it is golfing. Actually it is the small things – being by the ocean, seeing a sunset, going to my park in San Diego, and hearing the laughter of little kids. Gratitude is the biggest thing for me, because what we focus on grows. We have to be vigilant at the gate of our minds to stay in Gratitude. So it is playing and getting to the little kid in me.


