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Chiè Dambara - Yoko Matcha

credit: Chie Dambara

I had the pleasure to Interview Chie Dambara- Founder of Yoko Matcha. With her entreprenurial spirit, winner menatality, and overall cool girl. Plus Chie creates amazing pastries that are actually good for you! The ultimate dream.

Thank you so much for taking the time, please introduce yourself.

My name is Chié Dambara, I am 28 years old and I am the founder of Yōko Matcha. I am from both Spain and Japan. I graduated from Boston University in 2013.

How did you create Yoko Matcha?

In 2016, I moved to Miami and realized matcha was missing in this market and decided to create Yōko Matcha. I’ve always loved matcha and my grandmother who raised me was a tea ceremony master so it felt right to name the company after my grandmother. Since I am both Spanish and Japanese, I wanted to create a brand that represents both cultures. That’s why our menu is in Spanish and we have incorporated latin flavors. 

Did you always have an entrepreneurial spirit or was it acquired?

I’ve always had an entrepreneurial spirit, I made my first corporate bank account with my neighbor in the 4th grade! We would come up with plays and charge our parents to watch our play. Haha 

What does a typical day look like?

There is no typical day when you are an entrepreneur! Everyday is exciting with new experiences and learnings. 

What is one thing you’ve had to overcome and how did you do it?

I had to overcome a medical condition. I was diagnosed with BRCA 1 positive when I was 24 years old and had to get a prophylactic double mastectomy followed by 7 more surgeries. I was able to overcome this hardship by channeling all of my energy to create Yōko Matcha. Developing my brand gave me the motivation to keep going on in strength and bravery. No matter how much pain or fear I had, matcha always had my back!  

We’ve known each other professionally for years and you’re just kind. How have you managed to find success and still stay true to yourself?

This sounds cliche but I was raised to treat others the way I want to be treated so I just try to be as kind as I can possibly be! 

How would you describe your style?

I would say, that I don’t follow any particular style, I just do everything with how I feel is right.

What has the current Black Lives Matter meant to you?

As an asian/white person, I understand that I will never be able to relate to what it’s like to be an African American in the US but I am saddened to see so many close friends struggle and I really do hope that change will come. I am ready to contribute to this change in any way that I can. 

Why did you start Yoko Matcha?

I started Yōko Matcha because I wanted the people of Miami to taste and learn about this magical green powder. I am proud to say that we have successfully achieved in educating this community and converting them into matcha drinkers!

Customers can now order matcha online at yokomatcha.com, for people who have never tried matcha or unsure of how to incorporate matcha into their routine what would be your recommendation?

I recommend to try it as a latte with a non dairy milk. My favorite is with oat milk! You can blend a tea spoon of matcha with 8 oz of milk in a blender and have it iced or heat it up in the microwave. You can also add some agave to sweeten it a little bit :)