Hi Carson!!...Thank you so much for taking the time to answer our questions ...How are you Carson...Hi, I am doing great thank you...I am going to jump right in!

How would you introduce yourself to people who are unaware of you...

Yeah, I am an actor born in Toronto who has been cursed with the incurable disease that wants to make a living in the arts. When I am not in my room with a script for an audition, or watching the Raftors, I am an avid reader of any and all books. too, who is your favorite author...  Oh man that is a tough one, but right now my favorite author is Brandon Sanderson because ‘Rhythm of War’ just came out and I love that whole series. Patrick Rothbus is another one, Mark Lawrence is another one of my favorites. I am a huge history buff so I love anything Philippa McGregory, or Sarah MacLean they are both amazing... Oh! Nice.


So you're a basketball fan as well... Uh huh,yes, a huge Raftors fan. Congratulations on your new movie, ‘East of Middle West’... Thank you! ...what are you most proud of with this new movie, and how did you prepare...

Oh man, the thing that I am most proud about is that it was able to get completed in the way and fashion that it did, because this project was running on fumes of pure love on 90% of filming. It was such a crazy schedule, we filmed the entire movie over about 22 days. So we were going non-stop the whole time. So the crew and cast I would say I am the most proud of, the way that we all worked together, we were all just thrown into the trenches together - and it was fantastic.

Did you find with this type of movie that you had to stretch yourself as an actor, is it harder to get into a character when it is more a love based film. Obviously if it is a bigger production it... Totally, I know what you mean. Yes, it was kind of a blessing in disguise and going back to your earlier question, of how did I prep for the character. I was totally excited when I saw the script, and I wanted to do my character, Chris, justice. So I spent so much time researching into how I wanted the physicality of the character to work, a lot of the questions that the film poses, I wanted to do my due diligence to obtain all sides of the moral debate that go on. So when we got on set we really didn't have any time to overthink anything. The actors were going to each scene with - I have no idea what is suppose to happen today, but I am going to be present and see what happens. 

You know I asked if you were like 12 years old, because you have so much energy, and doing so many amazing projects. Ahahaha...Nooo, I found out that you are 21 years old. So, congratulations to you!... Well, thank you. So you also have a recurring role on ‘Locke and Key’, which is on Netflix. As we all know Netflix is the biggest streaming giant ever. So how does it feel to work with Netflix and that whole team. Knowing that your work is seen by so many people across the globe...

I am thrilled to be a part of it, its always odd when you come into an already established show. Because I was only coming in for Season 2. Oh man, Neflix and the whole ‘Locke and Key’ team were so welcoming right out of the gate. It was so easy to just integrate myself into what they were doing, and to do my part. They were so friendly, I have so many friends from that show, and it was a blast. It felt like going to summer camp. That is the best way to describe it. That is so nice...

In 2022 you will be in the ‘Luckiest Girl Alive’ which is a thriller! It is a new movie which is a Lionsgate and Netflix partnered. Now, I don't know if I will watch that because I am deathly afraid of anything remotely scary, but it seems really cool... ahahahahahah... but what was it like working with Mila Kunis and Connie Britton...

Well I am such a huge fan of both of them. Friday Night Lights was one of my favorite shows. Me too!!!! Did you binge watch on Netflix? I love it!...Well I wasn't too familiar with it, and it is on Netflix now. I was like what is this, from the first episode I was hooked. Ohhh!, it is too good and she is fantastic in it. I also watched it on Netflix. And once I saw it there I too was like well lets check this out. I already loved the movie so much, but the tv show is just as good. Ohhh I didn't know there was a movie. Oh yes, and the movie is just as incredible. So the movie was based on a book that was a true story. About this small town with all of these kids and the football team that they had. The movie is so fantastic and highly recommend you watching it. Oh well I will definitely watch it this weekend. Did you enjoy making the thriller, and was it a little bit different for you...

Oh for sure it was! I had a great time doing it. We really lucked out with the cast we all immediately clicked, and we’re all friends right out of the gate. On the first couple of days of filming the project starting us off with such heavy material. So we really got a sense of being thrown in the frying pan together, and you just figure it out. I think that it was really good for all of us to find out who we were as actors and how we were going to work together. Because being thrown into the very intense material that we had immediately made us click and immediately made us closer for the rest of the shoot as well.

Okay, well list five things that you cannot live without... 

Five things that I cannot live without... number one is coffee definitely, that is where the 12 year old energy comes from. Aaahhhahah, yes... I can't live without books as well, basketball as well, movies, popcorn are the best thing ever. And a deck of cards as well, I love to play with my friends. 

What is your favorite quote and why...

My favorite quote... oh that's so interesting. I love compiling quotes from movies, tv shows, and books that I like, it is like reminders of things. The one that has stuck with me for awhile, it is a quote from the movie, ‘One Night in Miami’, it is - One can never be too busy for some added perspective. I think that is such a great message for today. 

That is very cool, okay...How do you define success...

Definition of success, that is so interesting I thought about this before...and I love the question. For me the definition of success is in the pursuit of things we love. I think it has to be tied to the pursuit of something, as opposed to the end goal. Just because I want to make sure that I don't want to define success as reaching some sort of goal. I rather say I want to be successful for going after the things that I love. Yes, so it is almost like its not reaching the peak of a mountain it is the climbing to it. Yes! For sure.

What has been your inspiration for achieving all of your goals, so in essence what drives you...

I think it started out for me and specifically with acting, it was the self growth that I loved. Playing all of these different characters helped me to figure out who I wanted to be, and who I already was. From there it turned into a love of storytelling in general, it is such a pure form of enjoyment for me. So to be able to loose myself in a great story as an actor, or as a viewer is the best thing in the world for me. And I want to be able to live out that fantasy for the rest of my life.

The last and most fun question! What is your favorite way to unwind!... 

My favorite way to unwind... I have a few. One of my more weird ones, well its not weird it was recommended to me from one of my old acting coaches years ago. I love going to the movie theater on my own to watch a film, I do not know what it is but being able to sit in a theatre by yourself, with that movie popcorn that I am so obsessed with and watch a film is such great escapism. So that, or I message my friends and tell them that we have to go play basketball or something, just physical activity is always for me a great way to unwind. 

Well, thank you, I hope it was pretty painless, but thank you for taking the time sit down and doing the interview with us... Yes, totally and thank you for chatting with me...this was really awesome. So, thank you.


