
I had the pleasure to sit down and talk with ‘Bonzie’ – Nina Ferraro…who I found wise and insightful. She is inspired through music, and expresses her thoughts, and feelings through her music/songs. We jumped right in…

Hey! How’s it going…Hi!, how are you doingI’m doing great….

Please introduce yourself

Yes, so I’m Bonzie a 25 year old, and I am living in Chicago. I make music, I write it and produce it for fifteen years, soooo since I was 10 years old. It’s hard for me to say what type of genre it is but I guess I would say it’s Alternative music. Omg, I just realized I just assumed it was ok to call you by your stage name, Bonzie, and not your name Nina. I apologize is that okay? Oh gosh yes! ‘Bonzie’ is fine. Oh good, lol. I get that a lot, and it is all good…lol.

Your musical journey began at a young age. What gave you the courage to be different in your music/songs…you stated that your genre is Alternative. And that genre alone defines as not your conventional, like your bubble gum pop, and being so young…what made you just jump into that genre

Well, when I started making music and on my musical journey of writing songs…first, I didn’t come from a musical family. I really was doing it on my own,  for myself, and that fact alone made it where I wasn’t necessarily doing music for other people. Definitely I wanted to share it (my music), connect with people, but I really wrote songs for myself. And that’s where my style comes from, I am always listening to music. I am definitely a music fan, growing up playing video games, and listening to the soundtracks. I listened to music all the time. And that ended up with me making what I like, that’s what excited me, and just as a music fan.

Who was your favorite artist, and who inspired you the most when you were younger

Starting out a lot of the female songwriters. I really idolized when I was young like…Joni Mitchell, Katie Tunstall, was very popular…Omggg, yes Katie Tunstall…she is folklore, I know Katie Tunstall…Yes! She was the best, uumm yes unique and different. Also like Fiona Apple, and it was naturally in me since I was about 10 years old, I loved Bjork. Omg, yes Bjork!  Oh! yes you also like Bjork? Oh Swan fashion, episode…and I laugh but she’s so much more than that. I also like Yoko Ono, the way that she would do the Haiku’s over John Lennon’s songs. And I feel like Bjork somewhat took from that sort of vibe. Yes, no I love Yoko Ono too! I feel like she gets a lot of flack unfairly. Right!  I so totally agree with you. She still makes music, she’s great, she’s a cool artist…people like that really inspire me. 

You stated that you do not come from a musical family, so where did the intention, and determination to become an artist come from – typically our family’s have ideally what they would like for you to be, or to fall in their footstep

Yes, I would say that my family was specifically against it. I really was encouraged to get a proper job. My family was very education focused. So when I was 12 years old, I wanted to play my music at a coffee shop, play my songs, and I was teaching myself guitar. My family saw this, and they got completely scared. So they said…’Well, if you do this you will have to do this on your own’. That definitely made me realize, that if I really believed in this, then I have to really give it my all. Music is so important for me on a personal level, I think that is spiritually motivating for me.

What would you say is the biggest gift that comes out of being open to learn and grow

The biggest gift of that would be to have a full life. Nobody ever completely learns anything by staying in their own lane. Although that lane may, or may not have been carved by them. As a person by being curious, and open minded you will end up leaving a better impression on the world, I think. For me making music, I never really want to define myself. Who knows in five years from now who I will be also,  always adapting, just even on an animal level…Yes, growing evolving…lol. Yes, totally. Yes, art definitely follows the same thing.

Please tell us the underlying message of your new release ‘Reincarnation’

Yes, well obviously this whole year has been influential to everybody. Especially like if you are writing, and are creative - you just feel different things, and think different things.

‘Reincarnation’ for me is more than the traditional definition of that word. It represents a lot of things that I feel are happening even in my own self, so hopefully its also happening all over the world – that we can kind of be reborn. Turn over a new leaf with the result of everything that’s been happening. For me it is kind of in a way of forgetting everything that you know; and starting completely new and have  fresh eyes on everything that you encounter and come across. I feel that hopefully what is happening in the world, and it would be a beautiful thing. So hopefully its also happening all over the world – that we can kind of be reborn. Turn over a new leaf, with the result if everything that’s been happening. For me it is kind of in a way of forgetting everything that you know; and starting completely new and have fresh eyes on everything - on everything that you encounter and come across. I feel that hopefully happening in the world, and that would be a beautiful thing. 

Also, being at this age you are also being reborn. Your memories turn into different things, your childhood becomes something different.

Do you think there is any one thing, or catalyst that can spark a person to want to grow and/or change

Totally – it can be as simple as a relationship ending, or it can be as simple as waking up one day understanding something that you did not before. It comes down to love, if you love someone or something, that’s a real motivation for me. Also to try to really understand something, or empathize with something I never came across. It can be anything that really motivates you to grow.

With the lead single on Reincarnation, ‘Alone’, please take us through the message you wanted to invoke

That song is a really special song to me, I wrote it, like really indulging in kind of being alone. And not even in a bad way (being alone). I am learning Japanese too, in that language there are multiple words for the word – there is being alone physically, and then there is loneliness, and those are two different things. There are so many connotations with the word, alone. We hear it (alone), and automatically think ‘Oh that is not good’, and we have an aversion to it. You can also speak to being alone, for spiritual learning, and all kinds of things. It is not bad in and of itself though. And more people that are alone around the world because of quarantine it kind of goes away, because everyone is alone, so no one is alone. It is almost like theoretical now – before people called people introverts, or you are with your own thoughts. Like when you meditate, you are alone – to hear yourself, to hear your thoughts. And everyone is now their own mini island. Exactly! Exactly…it can be really a beautiful thing to be alone. I have tons of fun when I am alone.

The song is recounting of my experience during this time. So I had to put it out now. Well, it is perfect time, and it can be positive.

What do you feel is the most powerful way to inspire a young songwriter with the same aspirations that you had

I know what was important to me was to feel like you cannot do any wrong. As a writer, or anybody creative, there are a lot of ideas of what you should, and should not do. These are the right cords to play, these are the wrong cords to play. And I think knowing that you can do no wrong. If it’s what you really think and feel, you should say it, and you should make it – please do that. The works of creation that have changed society, and influenced art and culture so much are the ones that have been unapologetically honest. That is what I would really want  a young songwriter to know. Because kids are often so focused on not doing anything wrong, and good, or bad – that doesn’t exist.

Has the current social situation with BLM movement had an impact on you, and the songs that you write and sing

Yes, of course. I have been aware of the systematic oppression and corruption that our country, and really the whole world has in terms of black lives; as well as the treatment of black people in society. For me I have learned so much that I didn’t even know before George Floyd, and the whole movement. Just reading more, seeing more, hearing more stories. I am coming at it from a perspective of someone who has not experienced those issues. Literally, just driving and being pulled over just because of the color of my skin. It has 100% affected me, and the way that I view everything. And it has been an extremely important, and educational time for the whole world. I am really, really hopeful that we can see more people being forced to taking more responsibility, and being held to their actions; and more justice put forth. I really hope we see that moving forward.

Last question, and not such a heavy question – how do you pamper yourself, to take care of yourself

No, no that is okay. You have to always take care of yourself. It has been such a crazy time for so many people. The more self-care you can do the better. I honestly listen to music one-hundred percent, a song that feels like how I am feeling. I listen to different records – I love Marci Washington, Tyler the Creator, and Fiona Apple’s new record that is my solace, my safe haven.

Thank you so much…. Yes, thank you!


Eduardo Yañez- Actor
