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Convo with Barbara J. Darnell - Immigration Attorney

It seems that everyday the world gets heavier and heavier; with the principals of inclusivity and the dream of a better life for anyone willing to come to America dwindling with each tweet.  This lead me to sit down and converse with family friend and premier immigration attorney Barbara J. Darnell.

Barbara is formidable not because she treats every client like family regardless if you’re royalty, or a sports star client.  She allows her intellect and gusto to speak for her. Which is the reason why I couldn’t beg her to show her pretty face…ahaha but enjoy our conversation.

Our conversation immediately started with the latest tweets from the US President and the effects that they have on the citizens of the US and her practice as an immigration attorney. Barbara said that part of her immigration services are taken away as a result of the ever changing immigration laws. 

When talking with someone that you feel comfortable and safe with there is no way that the conversation doesn’t shift to the current state of America – the ever shifting immigration laws, as well the Black Lives Matter movement.

Barbara - “it is so sad that after all this time we are still having race issues as a discussion.”  As well her belief is that when you have a platform you should use it, for the better of us all.  Which led Barbara to reflect on her childhood in England, and the racism she experienced.  Barbara stated that racism in England is quiet and dignified in public, but done behind closed doors.  However, its still racism and the effects are prevalent.

Our conversation then shifted to a positive in the current situation – when Barbara shared how her close friend of over 20 years, who happens to be White, called her to make sure that she was okay during the current time.

When asked if she knew what she knows today, 28 years ago would she have chosen the path that she did.

BJD: Yes, I think so.  When I went to school I knew I wanted to help people.  I wanted to be a lawyer that made a difference.  Not one that your client is afraid to ask you a question.

I then wanted to know if there was one thing about the law that still intrigued her to this day.  Barbara took a moment – “what intrigues me the most is that I can still challenge the Government and win.  I pay attention…I have a lot of experience, and a lot of wisdom.”

One of the many things that intrigues me the most about Barbara, is that she defies what most think of attorneys and the legal profession.  She does not advertise her firm, nor does she self-promote.  I had to ask her why…”because I have been so blessed.  All of my clients come back for me to represent them.  They refer me to their friends and family members.  I have grown and flourished by good word of mouth.  Most know me by my work.”

From Barbara’s first profession as an Educator, I asked how was she led to the specialty of Immigration Law.  After a pause that was filled with her signature laughter she said “it’s not something I planned in 1996.  I was fresh out of law school and saw an advertisement for the sale of an Immigration Law practice for $200,000.  Well in my signature, young, gutsy, and fearless self I had worked out a structured way to buy his practice.  The retiring attorney was so impressed with me, he offered me one of the best advice of my legal career.  He counseled me how to begin my own immigration practice without purchasing his practice for $200,000.  I took his advice and never looked back.  Next, on my agenda, I noticed that there were no independent lawyers on the Board of Immigration Appeals.  So in 1998 I  petitioned the Board to be on the list of Free Legal Providers for California, and they approved.”

As our conversation was winding to a close we came back to discussing whether she could have envisioned the present day culmination of BLM.  With a slight mood shift; Barbara felt it should have happened sooner.  America ignored essential issues, the Rights of Blacks have been ignored.  The US has not been honest with themselves, there is discrimination in every aspect – Education, Family Life, and Jobs.

With that, Barbara shared more Pearls of Wisdom from her father that have helped to shape her – “Nobody is better, or smarter than you.  Always be honest.  Always stand for something.  What is in your head is what will make a difference in your life.”  

So I had to ask Barbara what has been the proudest moment in her legal career – she recalled with a sense of joy…”the first was a family of eleven immigrants, and I got nine members of the family green cards over a period of fifteen years.  This was over four generations.  Another case, I recently obtained citizenship for a client from an application dated in 1964.”

As we were ending our conversation – I remembered that I did not have my picture of Barbara, something that I request from everyone we talk with.  Well, that reminder to Barbara was met with a lot of laughter, then there was a silence – and she said:

“Anonymity is so important to me and it is who I am.  No one needs to recognize me.”

In parting, Barbara shared more wisdom for her father –

“When you do your life, you run like it’s a race.  When you look to the left or right you emulate that person.”

What a pleasure it was to spend a couple of hours talking with Barbara – it was refreshing, informative, uplifting, and positive.

Barbara J. Darnell, Esq

Los Angeles, Ca