Arie Rose. She’s a multi-hyphenated Latina phenom! I had the absolute pleasure to talk and connect with Arie about her success and career. Her naturally positive and uplifting energy was infectious and I ended our conversation invigorated, inspired, and just amazed that a cool chick like Arie is inspiring so many women. Enjoy our conversation! 

We started our conversation by me asking Arie to describe herself to someone who doesn’t know her.

The first word I would say that best describes me is perseverance.  I have come from many lows and trials – I am a person that turned my mess into a message.

At the end of Arie’s answer…there was a reflective silence from her.  And at that moment I knew that we were going to have a connected real conversation.

Arie has written two books, the first one “Fight the Funk” and it was #1 on Amazon in 2017.  She then released another successful book called “Rising From Within.”  I was intrigued by the titles of Arie’s books, so I asked Arie where did the inspiration come from.  Arie quickly reflected…”I completely reinvented myself.  I was a single mother – I have a daughter, she is now 17 years old.  I was simply trying to survive.  Initially, I owned two successful hair salons.  Then went into being a TV host, a producer.  Then one day I went into work, and I was told that my employer was filing bankruptcy.  At that moment I felt as though I was dropped down head first.  At this moment I asked ‘how do I pull myself out of this moment’ – I was in a funk.  At this time I felt alone during this funk.  I decided to write how I felt, I intended to write 8 pages PDF and that turned into 160 pages.  And this was the birth of ‘Fight the Funk’.  The words flowed, I allowed the Spirit within me to drop the words.  I was honest and real – I became raw and real.  Also, I felt if I was having these feelings others must be feeling this too.  So, if I can help one person through this I’ve done my job.”

We talked about how I thought her choice of word ‘funk’ was better than labeling that state as being depressed.  Arie explained, “yes, it’s just a moment… it’s about being intentional to change things.  We all have funks, and it will come again, life is about lessons.”

From the funk you found yourself in, in 2017 – What did it teach you about joy, dreams, and gratitude?

Joy is permanent within me.  Through that I realized I had temporary happiness.  My happiness depended on a circumstance, event, a fun time, etc.  So, being dropped head first shifted my existence.  I learned, joy is within you – you find inner joy… it’s a work in progress.  It’s constant growth.  A question – Are you in joy at home by yourself alone in bed?

Do you think that there’s power in paper and pen?  If so, why?

Absolutely – I’m the queen of journaling, and writing everything down.  Everything is with paper and pen, I have notebooks everywhere.  It’s a connection, you are connected to your senses.  For me 100%, a testimony; there is life in paper and pen.  Yes, I am the book girl not the Kindle girl.

How did you come up with ‘Sip and Slay’, as well ‘DestinationHER’? Do you believe having a strong like-minded female nucleus is crucial for success?

I had been laid off, down to dollars in my account, a single mom, and I was having a pity party.  I had written ‘Fight the Funk’, I was interviewed by NBC, and someone asked me about a book tour.  So, from there I financed my book tour; from the book sales I bought the plane ticket.  And places to connect with women who need it; sharing stories with women, their different stories.  The academy ‘DestinationHER’… we all have a Her we want to become, to get there is a journey, a destination which is Her.  And that’s how it came, Sip & Slay – we sold out in 10 cities.

How would you define “thinking outside the box?”

To me “thinking outside the box” means spending time with self, being quiet, connecting with Spirit in me.  Being comfortable with what’s in my Spirit, then go with that intuition.  Then when you go forward from there, folks think that you’re thinking outside the box – you are moving from your intuition.

In recognizing all of Arie’s accomplishments, I had to know what made her most proud.  

Arie’s response without pause, “My daughter.  She just got accepted to UC Irvine.  That’s the highlight of my life, we did this – my biggest accomplishment.  I led her by example.”

How do you define The Power of Conversation?

It’s very powerful.  I have an Instagram Live that’s called ‘The Power of Conversation’ with my dear friend @trellworld, the creator of Black Excellence Brunch.  This is another version of Sip and Slay.  Every time we have coffee together we have an ‘Aha Moment.’  Especially with folks that vibrate on your level.  It’s a conversation between a close spiritual friend of mine.

What would you say is the key component in empowering women?

Being humble, genuine – I guess the main thing is being humble and kind.  Just a normal human being.  Folks have made great accomplishments and we don’t know how to reach back and help.  We are all human, be kind to one another – and help each other.

How would you describe your podcast?

Well, it’s no interviews on the podcast.  It’s me talking, me on rants.  Saying things out loud that we need to hear.  It’s often 8-10 minutes of motivation.

The most fun question Arie – how do you pamper yourself?

I am the queen of self-care.  I wake-up early, get my coffee, burn my incense, light my candles, and sage my house.  I put my phone on do not disturb.  And I focus on my energy, I get myself right.  If not, I can’t be there for anyone, and no good for others.


