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Hi Andrea!!!!!  So happy to be doing this live with you! Okayyyy … I want to chat today about all things SWIMINISTA, being a Glamorous Eco-Warrior, and kindness!

Before we jump into SWIMINISTA. I want to remind everyone that you are truly a badass and serial entrepreneur. You co-founded Rock and Republic jeans that was a global lifestyle brand. I myself had like fifteen pairs in high school. You have transitioned, I think naturally, into eco-conscious luxury swimwear. SWIMINISTA is truly a real woman’s answer to sexy and supportive swimwear that is flattering!!!


The most important thing for me is that SWIMINISTA has a sexy cut, but super supportive.

Tell me about your process… when did you decide to create SWIMINISTA… and where do you get the passion to constantly create and get better….


Well, after Rock and Republic I really thought that I was done manufacturing clothing. Well, me and my girlfriends were in Mexico together, and we were all complaining about how the bathing suits just didn’t fit right; and you kind of wish that this fit tighter. Then of course they all looked at me and said, ‘you know how to make clothes why don’t you make swimwear’. I kind of laughed It off. I grew up in California and spent so much time in Hawaii as well, I was always in a swimsuit. When thinking back… I was always having issues, and having to tie things a weird way, so that they were comfortable; or just being uncomfortable. Or not being able to participate in a sport because I was in the wrong bathing suit. Yes! Or having everything pop out, or almost pop out. Yes! Right. I then started tinkering with my own swimwear, cutting them up, stapling and gluing them. Then the entrepreneur in me started thinking, if I did it what would the name be?

Its swim, its fashion…FASHIONISTA, so SWIMINISTA ..there we have the name.

And we came out screaming. Our new collection is unbelievable. We have resort wear, we have these mesh hoodies, caftans…I saw the caftans, which I am going to get for my trip to Mexico next week. I am doing this Shaman Massage… Ohhh cool! …Yes, at the W Hotel.

I love your Mommy and Me collection it is the cutest. Yes, its really cute. Although, I don’t have a child yet, but I feel like it could fit my Shit-Zu. Ahahaha, oh my gosh my daughter she thinks that we should make clothes for dogs, I swear. She was like we should make bathing suits for dogs’ mom. I am telling you I would be right there with you on that. I think your daughter is onto something, and I would be that person. Ahahahaa…

Now when you said that you were done after Rock and Republic, where did the inspiration and fire come from? As you know it is a lot of hard work to start something back up from scratch. Did you just think it was such a need…


No, I think that I just forgot, ahahaha. It was just like a slow burn, that just turned into a big forest fire. That is really kind of how I can describe it. First, we were like we will do something and sell it online. Then it was oh we will do something and just focus on resort. Now it is brick-and-mortar stores, a collaboration, and more collaborations. It is like a rocket, and it is going, and exploding.


Its more work than I remember. Ahahaha, but it is great, the satisfaction that I get when women are satisfied with swimwear. Because it is like ‘hello I am going to walk around in my underwear’…  Yes, basically! When you stand around you don’t want to pop-out, you want to feel confident, and accentuate the good.


With your butt for example, the more fabric that you have covering your butt the larger it will actually look.  Okay, really?...  it is kind of retraining women in that sense. Although, I am offering wider bottoms in our next collection coming out.  Like more of a medium to full coverage, for those that still want that more coverage.


You have your try at home program. It is the most nerve-wracking thing to go swimwear shopping, and in public, nonetheless. Then the harsh lighting, and everything is accentuated. So how did the try at home program come about, I have yet to see that for a swimwear line….

Well, what I tried to do, and these elements were a result of COVID - how do you make this experience good. All our swimwear is made for a reason; each piece has adjustability, rouching, or something to help your body. The issue became how are we going to help your body, and how are we going to get it on your body.

So, I was like I always like to try on clothes in the privacy of my own home, and I thought other women do too. Then I also put together a very comprehensive fit guide. I cannot stand fit guides that say ‘okay measure your butt’…. oh my gosh, yes!  I am like I am lying in bed shopping; I am not going to get up and go get a tape measure.  Yes, I don’t even know how to read them properly… Yes, exactly!

I have that buried on the website for old school. But we all know our bra sizes, and the size jeans and dress that we wear. I put together a comprehensive fit guide that asked those same questions. Basically, your bra size you put that in and it calculates it, and that is the size that you would wear for SWIMINISTA. That alone gives you more confidence, because it is relatable, and you understand it.

Then I also have a new thing that we have implemented, that I just love, it is a Zoom appointment with our consultants, and sometimes with me.  You can go on Zoom, and say this is my body, my face, and what do you think will look good on me.

This is where I am secure, and this (area) is where I am insecure. Then we select the perfect bathing suit for you.

If you have already bought the suit, you can ask ‘is this how you adjust it, or can I fix this’. All these questions can be asked at the Zoom appointment with one of us from SWIMINISTA.

To me it is like a five-star service that I am offering online, I want to offer that to everyone. Now that is brilliant. 

I took what I love doing - trunk shows and doing meet and greets with women. Spending time with women and talking with women. I also love having them try on suits. Because a lot of times they will say, ‘oh it is too tight for me here’. Then I can let them know ‘yes, it adjusts for you right here’.  Then they are like ‘oh my gosh this is the best suit ever, I love it’.

As well I am super grateful that our return rate online is much lower than the average, and I am proud about that. 


It is so challenging to be kind to ourselves as women. With your patterns make people smile, and happy. So how have you managed to stay kind, and true to who you are through this whole process…    


Well, you obviously do not know me at all, ahahahaha… I am just kidding. No, I went through such an intense ten years or so with Rock and Republic. So much was happening … so when you can take a step back and look at how I could do things differently, how do I want to lead my life, and what do I want to teach my children. How do I want to be treated? These are all the things that I have implemented, and this is how I lead my life.

So, how I live my life is how I run my business. I want to be fair, but I am still tough. I still am true to what I want. If you don’t want to do products that are eco-friendly, or a kids collection, or this collaboration; then you are more that welcome to venture out somewhere else.

My team is honestly full of some pretty amazing people. As a result, when you put positivity and great energy into everything that you do – I want to make women feel great; I want to be eco-conscious; I want to grow this business and give people a great opportunity; and I want people to be proud of helping to grow the company. I think when you go in with great intentions, and everything is a real win - win, it breeds good things.

I named the suits even with all of these names – ‘The Cheerful’, ‘The Marvelous’. All these little subliminal things (messages) go into SWIMINISTA to make everyone feel a little better. I try to put out what I want.


Now, it is eco-conscious, and it is from recycled bottles. Was the process challenging to find people to understand that vision. Did you have a hard time when you started…

I still have a hard time, aahahaa. No, a lot of people still don’t understand our mission, and that is okay. It is like two camps, some they just like our suits. Then others are… you want to do something fabulous, and it does something good for the world, now that is a win-win.

Some look at it just for eco-friendly, and others just look at it for the fit. I do try to be as eco-friendly as possible. Sometimes you find some amazing fabrics, but it is not eco-friendly.

We do beach clean-ups, and that is who I am as a person, and it is going to come out in what I do.

I have taken the lessons that I have learned and implemented it into the present. I am grateful for what I have accomplished.

How do you start your day…

Okay, well this might sound corny. I am super into channeling positive energy. Breathing in the good and getting out the bad. Then grateful that I have all my body parts and that everything is good. Grateful for the positive things in the world, even when there is turmoil, and just everything, and I open to receiving positivity.


Thank you so much for doing this IG Live with me.

Yes, thank you…enjoy the light, shop SWIMINISTA.COM. We have an amazing sale right now, and as I say, ‘Meet your favorite swimsuit’.

Everyone grab your SWIMINISTA, I am going to grab mine for my trip next week.

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