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I was the given the immense honor and opportunity to interview Alejandra Rodriguez de Palomera! When I initally got the confirmation I initially jumped up to do my little happy dance and then sheer “pinch-me” moment that People En Español’s Most Powerful Women was doing this interview!! Hope this interview makes you as inspired as I was to learn about this Titan of Industry but one who is making such an amazing difference, Thank you!

How would you introduce yourself to people who are unaware of you?

I would describe myself as a woman that loves what she does personally and professionally and gives the best of herself day in and out. I am demanding, disciplined, a woman of faith and very happy with the life I have made for myself. I am a woman with a family who is the center of everything I do. I am respectful of others and especially of myself.

Alejandra, you are the co-founder and CEO of a highly successful talent agency, Palomera Group. How did you transition to starting The Healing Steps Foundation?

I don’t think a transition is needed. Healing Steps was created from the conscious awareness of the need that exists to heal the minds and hearts of those who will be in charge of our future.

What is the Mission Statement of The Healing Steps Foundation?

Healing Steps is dedicated to the emotional rehabilitation of children that have suffered any type of abuse. We are committed to supporting victims despite socioeconomic or migratory status, race, sex, religion or disabilities enabling them to integrate into their familial and societal lives with a boosted self esteem and confidence.

When can you trace that seed/desire to work on building a new organization The Healing Steps Foundation?

I have worked with many different organizations, like the Global Gift Foundation, and for many years now, I have contemplated the idea of creating Healing Steps Foundation. Now more than ever, there is a greater need for action, as the global pandemic has entrapped children, who used school and extra curricular activities to escape abusive household, in those environments. The pandemic has given me free time, that I rarely have, to focus on making this vision a reality.

Where does the name Healing Steps come from, and what age are the children?

My sons Julio Cesar and Juan Pablo, who are part of this dream and initiative, came up with the name. In fact, my oldest son Julio Cesar, is the President of the foundation. We envision a world where all children who are victims of abuse have access to mental health resources that enable them to live full and enriched lives by providing psychological treatment to equip them with the necessary tools to overcome the difficulties they have endured. We aim to empower victims to take control of their lives by improving their mental health and expanding their capacity to cope with past and future trauma. It is our hope the psychological tools they gain will have a lasting impact on their ability to thrive as members of their communities.

How can they get in contact with The Healing Steps, and where is the organization located?

Through our social media @healingstepsfoundation or via email. It is Located at 1460 NW 107Ave. Suite Q, Miami FL. 33172

You have accomplished so much in your career, where does the drive to create a better world come from?

I don’t like to measure goals in many or few, because every day there are small goals to achieve and hopefully to always have them. It is the world that measures what we have done, and I don’t focus on that. What truly drives me to create a better world is the gratitude I have for all my blessings in health, love, and challenges that have helped me to grow. These blessings have led me to understand that the origins of our childhood significantly impact our future and our view of the world.

Many of the children who grow up without the ability to rid themselves of pent-up anger and pain, fall into addiction, criminal behavior or in the worst of cases take their own lives. That’s why I want to help those who experience violence, avoid aggressions in the future, not only in their lives, but also when facing tragedies they will inevitably experience as consequences of life.

What drives you?

Being alive drives me. Today more than ever it drives me to be alive, healthy and knowing that I can do more for others.

You have launched the career of over 100 talents! What do you think separates you and Palomera Group from the competition? How do you select the talent you work with?

There is no need to separate Palomera Group from competition because our competition is internal. I always have said that the competition is in executing better tomorrow than the previous day.

What would you say are the top 3 characteristics that have made you successful and why?

I’m very disciplined and discipline must exist in any task or project you choose to take on to effectively create goals and reach them.

I’m optimistic and I believe that’s the best medicine for anything.

I’m also a woman of faith which gives me an extraordinary power to concretize my visions.

Alejandra, you are the epitome of feminism and leader. Did you find it hard balancing your femininity in a male-dominated profession at the beginning of your career?

I love being a woman, I love my essence, and I have never viewed this world as being for one sex or another. I simply do the things I know how to do and motivate my team, so we can focus on giving our best to improve ourselves every day. We must be aware of who we represent, so that together with them, we can achieve their goals, which ultimately are our goals.

Do you select your talent that aligns with the ethos of Palomera Group?

Nowadays the talent that reaches out to Palomera Group knows exactly who we are, how we work and what we stand for, so they don’t need to align with anything. Rather, they come to us because an empathy already exists between their way of being and our way or working. It’s like meeting someone and having an instant chemistry that lets you know that you are going to mesh well together

The last and most fun question! what is your favorite way to pamper yourself and get a boost?

Travel. I love traveling with my family, enjoying a nice wine, a good cheese and the sea.