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I’m so happy to be doing this interview with Alejandra! I’ve been dying to interview Alejandra for almost 2 years but the timing was never right until now! So happy Alejandra was able to quickly answer our questions; enjoy this interview!


How would you introduce yourself to people who are unaware of you?

A very happy person. A person who loves music, dancing, singing out loud. A person who doesn’t judge other cuz is aware of her own mistakes.

Okay so you are in the new show ‘Corazón Guerrero’. Congratulations!! Please describe your favorite thing about your character and the show.

My favorite thing about MariLuz is the great love she has for her mom and grandmother and that even though she comes from very humble roots she what to do great things in life. Nothing can stop her. 

How do you balance your filming schedule with your family and taking care of yourself?

I’m very well organized person and I always try to prioritize whats most important for me.

My number one priority is my family and i try to adapt my work to them NOT the other way around.

List the things you can’t live without.

I have only 3:




What is your favorite way to stay healthy?

I love running and for me is more than just a way burn calories is a habit I got since I was little it keeps me healthy (body and mind) 

What are you most grateful for?

My husband for always supporting me in everything i want to conquer. He’s my number one fan.

Last & most fun question! What is your favorite way to unwind!

Going to my parents house that’s my favorite place in the whole wide world. I feel recharged every time I go there.